Avatar of Lord Wraith


Recent Statuses

6 days ago
Current When you manage to snag post 69 in the IC. Nice.
24 days ago
When a group of players click and the posts keep roling in, that's what GM dreams are made of.
2 mos ago
We're roleplayers, of course we're going to make a third option the GM didn't present.
2 mos ago
I aim to misbehave.
1 like
2 mos ago
The GM should know exactly why each character was or wasn't accepted and be willing to state such. But the reality is that sometimes other characters/players just synergize better



Lord Wraith
February 21st | 31 | Caucasian
Married | | Heterosexual
Ontario | Canada

All systems go. Back to writing.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at mi mi. In imperdiet porta dolor, at fermentum nulla commodo eu. Suspendisse volutpat et ex tempor suscipit. Nullam tincidunt at nunc vel auctor. Donec venenatis, nisl nec fringilla varius, massa quam porttitor turpis, sed bibendum purus sem id risus. Nullam scelerisque lectus eget diam gravida malesuada. Maecenas consectetur est ac sollicitudin congue. Maecenas interdum erat dignissim lectus sodales, nec ultrices neque egestas. Integer convallis lacus at consequat volutpat.

Most Recent Posts

Seems like most people are just going to be passing through the area and stumbling on the action by chance. Kinda wondering if there'd be any reason for so many supers to be in town at the same time.. 🤔

I'll see about getting a post up soon™

Raven's not a super, she's a body snatcher.
If we end up needing a co-opt timeline, we'll probably go from there.

How does each player want to approach the current scene? Do you want Kaldur and Robin meeting up, for example, when the starting scene happens, or something else?

I was going to rely on Raven's precognition to get her into position.

Because I'm lazy.

Character Name

Rachel Roth



Attributes & Abilities

Raven is a Cambion. That is to say; she is the child of the demon Trigon and the human, Angela Roth. Due to the unholy union which brought about her birth, Raven is capable of feats which many consider unnatural. She is firstly an empath. Raven can sense, influence and manipulate the emotions in others. This ability manifests in different variations, from causing supremely destructive pain, inducing tension, and fear-based illusions. It can extend to stealing emotions from others and even feeding off of negative emotions to increase her powers. However, feeding on negative emotions comes at the risk of her demonic side taking hold. While the demon is in control, Raven's powers are fully unleashed but any trace of humanity, including sympathy and empathy, are gone.

Additionally, Raven can also heal others by absorbing the pain of the wounded into herself. Mortal injuries present a threat to Raven herself though, as the sheer pain can cause the girl to pass out, falling into a near-comatose state until her body has sufficient time to recover. For wounds, she has sustained herself; however, she must invoke the opposite and transfer her pain and subsequently, the wound onto someone else. An act not easily done while keeping one's own conscience clean.

Raven's primary method of defence is through the means of astral projection. She can project her soul-self astrally, manifesting it as a solid black energy form that takes the shape of her namesake. Raven has displayed the ability to control her soul-self in several ways. She can manipulate and generate both shadows and darkness. Manifesting these voids of light into a physical form, Raven can use them in various ways, including the emulation of telekinesis. Through her soul-self, Raven can travel long distances, become intangible, or communicate telepathically. Her soul-self can also act as a shield, capable of absorbing attacks to protect its host. Lastly, Raven can convert her physical body into her soul-self, being able to teleport herself and others.

As a student to the monks of Azarath, Raven is an adept in the mystics. Granted a particular affinity for the arcane due to her demon blood, Raven has learned reasonable control over various incantations and rituals at an accelerated rate. However, as Raven is not a member of the Homo-Magi, she can not merely cast magic. Instead, any spells performed must be carried out ritualistically. Magic requires time and preparation meaning its by no means a first resort for the teenager.

Raven's connection to her father and his realm has also allowed her limited precognition. When in physical contact with a person or object, Raven is sometimes able to see briefly into a possible future. This ability primarily manifests if the person is near death or in immediate danger. Alternatively, Raven is also able to scry events utilizing past evocation. This method of postcognition allows her to events which have previously unfolded around a person or object. Neither of these abilities is particularly reliable, other occurring involuntarily and infrequently. When they do manifest, Raven if often left weakened and fatigued.

Character Synopsis

When the Daughter of Madness weds the Brother of Blood
Trigon shall reign on Earth

This doomsday prophecy has loomed over Raven her entire life. Fears of the events foretold driving her every action. But to fully understand Raven's plight, one must first understand where she came from. Raven was born to a human mother and bred of a demon father. She has lived her life straddling the line between worlds. Her mother grew up in a repressed conservative household. Dominated by a restrictive father, Angela Roth was more often than not on the receiving end of her father's abuse.

Fleeing that life at the age of seventeen, she was left to fend for herself and quickly became destitute. Floating from shelter to shelter, Angela eventually found her way to the Church of Blood. Despite the ominous name, those inside welcomed her with warmth like Angela had never experienced in her own home. It was here, in the Church of Blood that Angela finally believed she had found that which she longed for.


How wrong she would be though. Inducted into the church, Angela was groomed to be part of their small community. Their leader, Brother Blood, took an interest in Angela and soon she found herself receiving special treatment. It wasn't long after this she found herself marked as a sacrifice for the demon known as the Lord of Madness. The Church of Blood was not born on the blood of Christ. Instead, it was born of servitude, and that service was to the demon Trigon. Summoning the demon, he appeared before them in the guise of a man. Bringing Angela into his realm, the young woman became infatuated with his appearance and was soon seduced. It wasn't until she had laid with the Lord of Madness and been implanted with his seed that Angela saw Trigon for what he truly was.

Expelled from Trigon's realm, Angela found herself transferred from a cage to a prison. She was returned to the Church of Blood so that they may keep a watchful eye while she bore the demon's child. The child within her was prophesized to be the bridge for Trigon's domination of Earth. The Church, for its part, was intent on ensuring no harm came to neither the child or its mother. Angela, however, managed to flee the Church. Pursued and desperate, she attempted to take her own life only to be stopped.

Angela's saviour turned out to be a messenger from a realm known as Azarath. A dimension built on peace and spirituality, Azarath was a chance for Angela to have a fresh start. Hidden from the prying eyes of Trigon, Angela was made anew in the eyes of the monks who dwelled among Azarath's temples. In the spirit of her rebirth, Angela was given the name Arella.

Azarath would also go on to be the place where Raven was born. Raised among the temples and its monks, Raven was trained to control her emotions from a young age least she unleashed the demon within. The Azarathian leader, the Azar, took a particular interest in the young girl. Taking Raven as his personal pupil, he taught her to control her dark side. Once he felt she had control over that, the Azar expanded the girl's studies. She was informed about her father, his realm and those that dwelt within it. She was taught the arcane and the mysterious between worlds.

And then came her sixteenth birthday.

Azarath was invaded. On the day that Raven had turned sixteen, something within her had called out to her father finally alerting his blinded eyes to her location. Sending an army to reclaim his daughter, Raven was forced to watch as the pacifist monks were slaughtered defending her. Cornered and with nowhere to run, Raven was nearly captured if it wasn't for the actions of the Azar. Driving a knife through Raven's heart, he killed the girl, sparing her of eternity in servitude to her father.

But Raven didn't die.

As a Cambion, neither hell nor heaven was open to her soul. Instead, Raven woke up gasping for breath in a body that was not her own. Possessing the body of a recently deceased teenage girl, Raven found herself back on Earth. In New York City no less. Forced to be resourceful, Raven reinvented her identity, adopting the name Rachel and her mother's former surname of Roth. It has now been nearly one year since Raven has been on Earth and she knows with each passing day, her father is getting closer to finding her.
W E E K L Y A N N O U N C E M E N T S:


Good morning everyone,

We've got a lot of people on the weekly check-in this week, myself included. For some of you, I realize it's a busy time of year and I won't punish you for that. If you need an extension due to starting back at school or some late family vacation, just let me know. For anyone else, just a reminder that a post is only required once every fourteen days, I do however ping anyone at the day marker just to give them a bit of a reminder. If you do, however, go twenty-one days without posting, your character will be moved to inactive and you'll be required to reapply before resuming posting. When reaccepted, you are expected to post once every week for three weeks to ensure you're committed to the RP and aren't just squatting on a character. With all that said, here are the current list of people who have gone a minimum of seven days without posting:

@webboysurf with ARSENAL - Last Posted 13 Days Ago, 1 Day Remaining

@Stein with BAAL - Overdue, 7 Days Until Moved to Inactive

@Lord Wraith with BATMAN - Last Posted 9 Days Ago, 5 Days Remaining

@Lord Wraith with CITIZEN STEEL - Overdue, 7 Days Until Moved to Inactive

@Roman with CONSTANTINE - Overdue, 7 Days Until Moved to Inactive

@Roman with DAREDEVIL - Overdue, 7 Days Until Moved to Inactive

@Hillan with FLASH, THE - Overdue, 7 Days Until Moved to Inactive

@Star Lord with PUNISHER, THE - Last Posted 8 Days Ago, 6 Days Remaining

@Simple Unicycle with QUESTION, THE - Last Posted 13 Days Ago, 1 Day Remaining

@DocTachyon with SOLDIERS OF VICTORY - Overdue, 7 Days Until Moved to Inactive

@Master Bruce with STEVE ROGERS - Accepted 8 Days Ago, 6 Days Remaining

@DocTachyon with SPIDER-MAN - Overdue, 7 Days Until Moved to Inactive

@Moskau Spieluhr with VIXEN - Overdue, 7 Days Until Moved to Inactive

@Star Lord with WONDER WOMAN - Last Posted 10 Days Ago, 4 Days Remaining
<Snipped quote by Lord Wraith>
True enough. @Natty would also have a stake in that conceptualization that we wouldn't.

Oh yes, completely spaced on Wonder Girl.
I'd be curious what @Hillan and @HenryJonesJr prefer in regarding to a previous Titans team as that would most heavily affect their characters.
Don't drink, kids. It rots your brain.

Now you tell me.
@Byrd Man - The conclusion to the Snapshot Killer arc was everything I've come to expect from you. Tight, punchy action interlaced with snappy dialogue and quick descriptions that manage to vividly paint the scene with minimal adjectives. Rereading it knowing you're continuing Gotham Noir now changes thing a bit since I can now say I'm excited to see where the characters go, but in particular, I'm interested in the journey of 'Shotgun Max'.

@Star Lord - Reading this post since I haven't read it since the sheet was originally submitted, I have to say I already find James more sympathetic than Wonder Woman. Maybe it's because he's human, maybe it's because his situation is more relatable, but I find the emotions driving this post more authentic and real. While the post itself isn't long, it does set up the classic Punisher story although through a fairly fresh perspective. I'm not familiar with either James or Cole so I expect there won't be too many retreads of Frank's story. Knowing some of what you're planning, I'm interested to see how it gets tied together and why exactly Cole was murdered.

@The Bork Lazer - An interesting tease of Black Lightning starts off this wrap-up. I'd previously been under the impression that Virgil didn't know who his real father was or what he had done. Evidently, this had been a wrong assumption on my part. Reading this post, I'm reminded that Virgil had his arm broken in the previous arc and I'm starting to believe that of all our characters, he has probably taken some of the worst beatings and injuries. More so because as far as I can infer, his abilities neither protect him from electricity nor help heal. Will be interested to see just how Black Lightning figures into Season Two and what it was that drove him from home. I imagine Virgil will find himself paying for the sins of his father.

@webboysurf - Short and sweet but full of content. First off, we're re-introduced to Tony Stark. Here, Tony is still full of arrogance and whiskey. He's been developing suits, however, having reached the Mark 7 since Season One. The big surprise of this post comes in the form of Count Vertigo. Never let anyone tell you that having your hand in two properties can be optimized because you've done so here by making a traditional Green Arrow foe serve Tony a slice of humble pie. The post naturally ends on a cliffhanger, after all, you wanted us enticed to look forward to the next one. Which I, of course, am.

@IceHeart - And Supergirl has entered Season Two. I always love posts that connect to the greater world and here we're not only reminded of what's going on with Wonder Woman but that Supergirl has grown up idolizing the legendary hero. Kara's life seems to be ever moving forward, as unstoppable as a locomotive. Now a university student, she seems to be keeping busy and hey, look at that! She has a new friend in the form of Lucy Lane. Will be interesting to see what role Lucy ultimately plays here. A tease of a villain rounds out the post, and I can't help but be a tad suspicious of the description of the Lostboys. Could there be foul play involved with this concert? Guess we'll find out next post!

@HenryJonesJr - I've always loved a good ensemble and what you've got crafted here is among the best of them. Rocket and Groot are a perfect emulation of their MCU counterparts and I honestly wouldn't have them any other way. Thor too seems to be a bit more of his MCU self although he feels balanced with the comic book iterations. Hawk is more cynical and pragmatic than any version I've seen or read but it works to have her be the only sane man above the Hasselhoff. Which leaves Quill as the reluctant heart of the team. Quill in this post gave me some real Malcolm Reynolds vibes and well, you simply can't go wrong making me think of Firefly. In fact a lot of the set up felt like I was watching an episode of Firefly. Definitely invested in the next post.

@Byrd Man - I don't know how you do it. You use so few words but there's so much to digest between them. The flashback vividly paints the type of neighbourhood that the Maddox Family lives in. We see into their world, we see the type of people they are and we see how this case is starting to unfold. A jump back into the present treats us to more of John's personality and most importantly, his love of Oreos. Much like John's slice of Oreo Pie, this post left me satisfied but hungering for more.

@Inkarnate - Mareena presents a very different change of pace from your previous character. Where Kara was taken away from her world, Mareena is fully immersed in Atlantis. Here we get a taste of Atlantian society that is decidedly Greek. Mentions of Olympians and gladiators help paint the picture. Young and headstrong, Mareena definitely is an interesting character and will be curious to see how much of her rather limited canon you lean on and how much you need to create to ensure she has a solid story to tell.

@Retired - The Titans can't seem to stay out of trouble long enough to enjoy a simple cookie. Not that Eli partakes, guess he doesn't have a Super Soldier's metabolism to keep the calories at bay. Of the four, I really find that Starfire shines in this post and Gar's comedic bit at the end was a nice touch. Can't say I'm fond of Kitty and Eli sort of just seems to be there at the moment. Either way, interested to find out exactly what's going on in the secret labs.

@Byrd Man - Lots to digest in this post. The introduction of Vicki Vale is a rather large part of this post but equally so is the expansion of Max's background. We see quite a bit of him here and now the pressure of command is sitting squarely on his shoulders. I'm thinking he's going to break, especially since it seems as though he's suffering from PTSD. Either way, another post well done.

@HenryJonesJr - More hints towards who Booster might be. They have memories of both Tony and Steve, not that either of those help eliminate too many possibilities but the mystery of her identity is definitely a driving force behind my interest. Interesting to see that Booster is clearly being manipulated. Should note here though that the use of Patrick Dugan might be problematic as he's part of @DocTachyon's supporting cast for Seven Soldiers. So the two of you might want to reach out to one another.

@Pacifista - Poor Bruce. Guy never seems to get a break and the big guy never seems to help when it would be convenient. This post is a wonderful example of the consequences that befall Bruce when the Hulk takes over. Bruce finds himself in the middle of nowhere and is forced to navigate the harsh conditions himself when Hulk could have returned him to civilization in a couple of bounds. Either way, the characterization is tight in this post. Definitely enjoying your work.

@Inkarnate - And so Atlantis has been tied into the larger plots at work. It would seem the ever-watchful Vulko realized that a certain alien had been removed from its cryogenic oceanic slumber and placed on the surface world. So did ARGUS kill Orin? I guess we'll find out soon enough. We get some more Mareena in this post but the former was definitely the meat of the post in my opinion. That said the latter half helps to solidify Mareena as a character and emphasize her characterizations. Will be interested to see what Vulko tells her and what he chooses to withhold.

Oracle is accepted!
Leave it to Wraith to include a sex scene in a character sheet.

Talia and Bruce got steamy.
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