Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Gren finished his long winded speech by putting away the snacks he had brought. It was getting late, and no doubt Kuhaku and Sapphire needed to recover still. Sapphire seems to be in a slightly better temperament, but more improvement could always be done. But not today. As he was going to help up he saw Kuhaku drop his cake, his napkin dramatically shattering on the floor somehow. "Shiro?" Gren walked towards his partner who was cowering on the floor. This was obviously not good, less so when Shiro started to arm himself. He was in no condition to leave seeing that he was still mentally disturbed. "Shiro, please hold on...." And that's when Kuhaku flung himself out of the window that Gren had used to enter. Sapphire tried to give chase but her injuries prevented her from doing so. She handed Gren a syringe full of sedative, which Gren was hesitant to accept. He had no idea what sort of dosage was needed for it to work on Kuhaku, and he knew if he used too much... Kuhaku may never wake up. But he did take it as a last resort. "I'll keep in touch." And than Gren threw himself out of the window as well, with much less grace than Kuhaku did. He simply landed on his feet, burying himself knee deep into the ground. But he didn't let that stop him as he pulled his feet out and hunted down Kuhaku. Luckily for Gren all he needed to do was follow Kuhaku's path of destruction. He must have gotten tunnel vision from how narrow his path was. Gren activated his Semblance to reduce the friction underneath his feet once he got his momentum and more-or-less slide after Kuhaku. Crushed grass and the sound of snoring was all Gren needed to find his partner asleep in the grass. His face was concerned, but also serious. He dared not wake Kuhaku up. Who knows what sort of thing he might do. Seeing that his partner was armed where Gren wasn't however, all he could do was put his helmet on in the even Kuhaku tries to hit him in the face or something. Than gently, Gren tried to pick up Kuhaku and bring him back to their dormitories. He'll need Abel to watch over him while Gren gets the medical equipment to ensure Kuhaku makes a full recover. Whatever was in those IV's must have been keeping him sane, and if he needed that oxygen mask he just have lost control of his lungs at some point too. Gren sighed as he tried to think what other measures he'd have to take to ensure that Kuhaku doesn't inadvertently endanger himself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by harinezumikouken
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harinezumikouken Bloodstarved Beast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kuhaku felt himself be lifted off of the ground, being carried away. Opening his eyes slightly he tried to see who it was, too exhausted and drained of strength to be able to struggle and fight. In an odd state between wakefulness and slumber, he was able to open his eyes enough to see Gren's face. His face coming through clearly against the still-blurred background of his partially-impaired vision. A slight smile tugging at the corners of his lips, he reached a paw out and placed it right on Gren's face. In his sleep-drunken stupor, his glazed eyes seemed to recognize him. "Gren.." his smile grew wider. He seemed to recall something funny and laughed weakly. "Dat figh...in da tun...nel...'swas fun, innit?" He sighed and closed his eyes, words slurring slightly. "We ok...dun fel ba..d..." He laughed musically and patted the front of Gren's face, his paw still on it. "Saphy...she..." His words trailed off, unfinished. With the flip of a coin, his mood changed. His face twisted in agony as he clutched at his chest with his other paw, tears streaming from the corners of his eyes. "I'm sorry..." he sniffled, choking out the words. "I forgot you all." Sniffling, he removed his paw from Gren's face. Just as quickly as his mood changed, it changed once more. Ears flattening, tail curling around his own leg, he balled himself up and pressed himself closely against Gren for warmth. Making a grumpy sound and frowning, he muttered "You're cold. Not very..warm" He then yawned, quickly falling back into a deep sleep. Snoring lightly, his body eventually relaxed. A playful smile on his face he uttered one last comment, "'Swas fun..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious The player on the other side

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

As soon as Shiro began to move, Abel stood up, and not just to avoid the shards of cheap china and splatter of cake. Of course, he wanted to help, but he had never experienced anyone with this problem before. Back at the edge of Vale, on the walls near the town of Palisade, people with mental problems were few and far between. Abel had always avoided them; it was easier to simply ignore those unfortunate souls and let the more qualified attend to them, rather than try to get involved and expose himself to helpless worry. A couple courses of action flitted through his mind: he could shout really loudly, or strike Shiro, to jar him to his senses., or he could restrain him or try to talk him down. When the faunus grabbed his weapons, Abel wisely decided that taking physical action probably wasn't a good idea. Looking all the world like a terrified animal, Shiro jumped straight out the window. Abel took an instinctive step to stop him, but the faunus was already through the aperture before the guardian could lay a hand on him. His frown deepened, and he allowed Sapphire to push past him to get at the window. She's not seriously thinking about jumping...? he wondered, incredulous. Forgetting his unhappiness with the girl, he reached forward to grab her if she attempted it, but she quickly turned away. Sapphire was the last person that Abel expected to start taking charge of the situation, but for the first time since they met, she did her job. Relieved that the girl might not be a lost cause after all, Abel crossed his arms and listened to her with his signature serious expression. As she outlined her plan, Abel considered Shiro a little more. Was he losing his mind, or was this simply an unavoidable side effect of his semblance? If the latter was the case, Abel was truly sorry. Such a power was more a curse than a blessing. The obvious conclusion, however, was that Shiro used his semblance knowing what it would do to him, because he cared about his teammates. That was something Abel would have to work hard to repay. When Sapphire was done, and Gren had defenestrated himself, Abel nodded to her and dived out the window headfirst. While plummeting, he swung his mass around in a crude somersault. The landing strategy was simply, but for almost anyone else, it would have been very painful. Abel hit the ground with his upper shoulders force, turning the impact into a roll that put most of the force on his broad back. There was a popping sound, but it was nothing more than that, a pop. Anything truly threatening was shielded by his aura, and as he brought himself to his feet, Abel could feel the electric tingling moving through him. He paused momentarily to get his bearings, during which he noticed the holes in the ground where Gren had partially embedded himself. Heavy man, even without armor. Then, he took off, moving with strides large enough to keep pace with smaller, technically faster hunters. Without a friction-controlling semblance, he had a harder time navigating the area. By the time he spotted his target, Shiro was already held over the shoulder of Gren. Relieved to have found him so quickly, Abel pulled out his scroll and dialed Sapphire. “Gren found him. We're coming back now to put him to bed.” He paused. It didn't seem like he was doing enough to help. Then he remembered. "Rather, we're taking him back to the room. Forgot about the whole phobia thing you mentioned. See you tomorrow, I guess.” With Gren by his side, he reentered the main building, holding the door open. As Gren passed, Abel got a close-up look at Shiro's face. There was a strangely peaceful smile there. Though it didn't make the guardian smile in return, it gratified him to finally know for sure that everything was going to be okay. “Poor fellow,” he remarked, and the small group trekked to the official Team Swansong dorm.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Priscilla looked at Robert as she smiled at him when he gave her the piece of cookie. She gladly grabbed the other half of the cookie and dipped it slowly into the milk, ofcourse because she was gentle. The milk didn't spurt out like he did earlier on. As they continued to eat their food, she saw that Robert actually wanted to leave. It made her a bit sad because she wanted to spend time with him, but they did need to go back to the dorms to see what was up for tomorrow. As they finished eating, Priscilla nodded at Robert. "Sure. Let's bring them some hamburgers with fries, since that's what boys usually like right? I mean, I'm just saying. Or Pizza. There's pizza there. I should bring an apple for myself." she said standing up and throwing away her food on the garbage and walking back towards Robert, smiling at him. "Off we go, Leader." giggle.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 16 days ago

"Oooh, s'up with her? Maybe she preferred just one Moku? Oh well. I'm gonna go to that pancake place I saw on the way to this place. See ya guys tomorrow", and with that, Jack was also off for the day. He didn't really 'walk' away, it was more like he disappeared. In any case, pretty soon he was out on the streets of the city, beautiful pavement and ornate lamps and signs, occasional greenery, and far less people than he's used to. Jack was a city boy see, a bit of a thief maybe, in any case he found this spacious new town quite refreshing, and liberating. The battle back in the forest was kind of easy. He was the sole reason they managed to take the card unscathed, because all he needed was a small window of opportunity to steal it from the podium in the far back. Killing off the Grimm was a special bonus, the fox girl brought a lot of power certainly, and was able to duel in a direct confrontation... It looked like she was able to reflect attacks or something. The other two were more direct in what their abilities did, so it wasn't worth noting too much... "Hmmm... So this is what Beacon is like... It's kind of nice", he said to himself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
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NarcissisticPotato Dirty on the Outside, Fluffy on the Inside

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Rayna watched with sheer interest as her team suddenly woke from their deep slumber. Frowning softly, she felt an abrupt change in the weight on her shoulders; for a moment, her movements weren't completely restricted by gravity and she felt like she could just float away. Of course, it didn't take long for normal gravity to return which was an unnatural experience because she actually became conscious of the weight pressing down on her, pushing her towards the core of the planet. Curious. Very curious indeed. As a small blush painted her cheeks, she watched Victor wake up to discover a lack of his arm. Clearing her throat a little, she looked away and gave thanks that no one turned to see the guilt etched upon her face. She didn't mean to do it, it just kinda happened! Once she had regained her composure, she turned to watch Jayden pull his shirt off, revealing a wide bandage wrapped around his chest. Frowning, she suddenly realised that maybe he had sustained some injuries in the fight and that they didn't all emerge as lucky as she did. Taking a mental note of that, she inspected the others to make sure they were holding up alright. Rakim looked kind of bad but there wasn't anything she hadn't spotted before. Victor seemed to be in a good state as well. With a hushed sigh, she realised that maybe her team had got lucky when they were facing Catapult - whole teams had been hospitalised after facing Grimm so that informed her that either her team was amazing or Catapult weren't so harsh. Her teeth delicately punched down into the soft skin of her bottom lip as she brooded. She felt like she had a little angel and devil on her shoulders in the form of her teammates - you can guess which one was which. Tapping her foot impatiently, she finally arranged an answer that would satisfy both parties. "Ok, first of all, blowing up half of a dorm building is the worst idea in a long history of bad ideas. Secondly, my art skills are satisfactory and thirdly, I suppose I can just go and have a chat with them at breakfast. They should be understanding... hopefully." Once Jayden was off, Rayna had no choice but to trail after him. Of course, a morning run had been her ritual for years so she easily caught the striding bunny-man. When Rakim proposed to train together, Rayna was actually quite approving - of all of them, Rakim appeared to be the worst in terms of personality. "Yeah, that's a pretty good plan! I don't think I've seen all of your semblances though. We do have combat class today though, so I'll make sure to take some notes and try develop some strategies." She seemed chirpy - overall, things were going good for Jormungandr. Silently, she fell back until she was running at Victor's pace. "Hey, Victor buddy, good ol' Vic, Vic my old pal..." She was struggling to say what she had been planning to say so she decided that blurting it out was the best course of action. "I was trying to wake you up and I shook your arm and it fell off and I didn't know what to do and I was a little freaked that I pulled your arm off and I might have lost it... maybe?" She grinned hopefully but it was easy to tell that she expected an outburst from him. Thankfully, the two other guys had already entered the canteen while her and Victor were catching up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Agent B52
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Agent B52

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Dibs on the shower. Enter at your own peril." Diamond challenged them in a tone completely lost on Marcus. “Noted.” the young officer replied, busy with his luggage. Outside of the bare essentials he also brought a collection of books that covered subjects from data on Grimm to engineering to a few pulpy science fiction novels. Next he pulled out a large map of Vale and the surrounding lands. "Well, boss, I'm an easy enough guy to deal with, I think. A roof over my head is just about enough to keep me happy. Stay outta my bags, don't get us killed and treat people like people, and we'll get along famously." Oswald told him from where the warrior lay on a bed. “Very well, I shall try to meet your standards.” Marcus said sincerely. He very intentionally made no promises. His people skills were poor and he knew it. "Damned wrist. I'm lucky I'm right-handed. At least I can get along with that much." Marcus grunted in agreement as he eyeballed the map and the wall next to the door, unsure if it would fit. Looking over to the bathroom door, Oswald screwed up his face. "Not sure I like the look that girl gave us when she went in. Almost like she half expected us to do it. Maybe even wanted it, a little, just so she could have an excuse to make trouble. Whatever, let her have her shower. I'll go last." he continued. "You know, I could always take one for the team and take up her offer. Gods know that you prudes wouldn't. For the Glory of Team Moderation, of course." Aurellius spoke up. He had been silent all the way up to the room outside of a few heavy breaths or sighs, Marcus could not tell which. Marcus made a note to check if a Datura released some form of aerosolized poison, he had no intention of coming down with ‘bronchitis the dark evil on steroids version’. “Be patient and you can get all the looks you want. Grimm don’t wait for people to get dressed, so any showers out in the field will have to have a sentry.” Marcus said flatly. A simple fact of life drilled into him at an early age was that survival trumped the standard ‘city slicker’ social mores. Gender never factored into things like the aforementioned sentry duty, you kept each other alive first and foremost. He had started to fiddle with some pins to get the map up, however the little brass tacks barely found purchase in the hard wall. Behind him Diamond entered the room again. “Hey boss, when's the wake up call?" Diamond called out. “Breakfast opens at seven hundred, first lessons at eight oh clock sharp. Oh, and they apparently have a limited amount of ‘good stuff’ for breakfast so arriving early was advised.” Marcus replied while he pulled out a nailgun from his belt. Some high impact engineering later, the map was firmly in place. There, fixed. He grimaced a bit as he saw that his last few bags should have been sent to the garage instead of the team’s room. Logistical screw ups, the eternal nemesis of those who used a lot of spare parts. “Right then, I have to get this stuff to the garage and I want to get some maintenance done before sleep. Goodnight, incase you are already asleep by the time I get back.” he said as he lifted the bags over his shoulder.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tearstone
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Tearstone Electrum-plated

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Seilber stood on the stage under the lights, jittering. This wasn't right. Damnit! The last thing she needed was the spotlight on her! So much for keeping a low profile... She sighed inwardly. I'll just have to turn this to my advantage, she decided silently. At the same time, she could understand why. Indigo was good especially in a fight. There was a competitive edge to him, and something else more... And he was something of a hothead, a berserker. It made him strong, powerful in battle. She caught the whiff of anger off of Indigo, a mixture of sweat, pheromones, and blood. Moving quickly she followed him, gesturing for the rest of them to come with, slithering through the crowd. Seilber chewed her lower lip in apprehension. In the field out there, she'd just been trying to keep herself and those around her alive while they worked through the Exam. Indigo had wanted to charge in, guns blazing. And while that might have worked with simpler prey, the Ariadne they'd been up against were not so easily dealt with. They turned the very ground and area where they were into deadly traps, making it virtually impossible to get around without moving carefully. Working with Viviane, both of them using their bow weaponry, they had rained down hell and problems upon their foes. Using the special bolts in the crossbow they had erected barriers, and turned the spider's own sticky situations back on them. They had used warp gates to evade or maneuver when needed. Seilber's Dust based attacks had spewed fire, burning webs and spiders like nothing, while explosive forces ripped spiderlings apart. Viv's lifesight had told them where attacks were going to come from, kept them out of ambushes, and shown them where to shoot before they could even see the targets directly. Ineko's suit had given them the strength and speed to tear through some webs with little issue, and had allowed him to go toe to toe with the massive spiders. Lightning had been his ally as he had become something of an overgrown bug zapper when they were there. Indigo had the short to midrange firepower, and the ability to spread his damage out or focus it. His 'hatchets' of a sort had hacked off more than a few spider legs, and he'd been able to use that barrier power of his to his advantage. Until Seilber had started directing her partner, he'd been focused mostly on his own things. As she re-analyzed what happened while following Indie, it dawned on her more why she had been chosen. Sure he was a great fighter, but for now he was in it for himself. His ego, his pride. He was trying hard to be the best, instead of being the best he could be. There was little care for anybody he worked with. She had an optimist, and a naive girl to look after, as well. “Indigo,” she said quietly as they had drawn away from the crowd, looking up at him. Her honey colored eyes seemed to glitter just a bit in the dim interior. “I would, but I’ve got to get my stuff moved. Class tomorrow too.” Seeing Indi storm off from the stage had been a little upsetting. It seemed that the decision by the staff would likely be final. “I… I’m ..” She sputtered a little. She wanted to apologize, that was clear, but at the same time, she wasn’t sure she should. Things were kind of off to a bumpy start there. Really it wasn’t even her fault. It wasn’t like she’d shot for taking that slot. “All I can do right now is get a move on.” Glancing at the rest of the team nearby, she tilted her head a little. “We’ll figure it out together. I’ll be at our assigned dorm room, if you wanna talk.” With that, she turned to slowly head toward the dorms. Thankfully most of her stuff was still in her rocket locker.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Greyson sighed loudly as he relaxed in the tub letting all his aching muscles relax in the hot water. After a few good minutes of soaking Greyson grabbed a towel and dried himself off before changing into some pajama pants and a shirt so he could get some sleep soon. Greyson left the bathroom and went over to his space and started to decorate it. Mainly by painting the walls around his bed with washable spray paint, He used his time to draw a heart with wings one side devil and the other angel but both bleeding from barbed wire around it. Greyson would happily draw anything the others wanted in their spaces if asked since painting was one of the things Greyson was good at even before he couldn't walk. Although right now Greyson was feeling a bit peekish for some burgers or something to get in his stomach so he could finish drawing...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by McFazzer
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Victor was managing a good pace, he'd adjusted for his missing arm and his stride had lost it's stagger, he was catching up and feeling rather good about it. When Rayna started dropping back Victor was slightly offended thinking Why is she dropping back? There is no need to check on me! I'm missing an arm not a leg, I can do this! "Hey, Victor buddy, good ol' Vic, Vic my old pal..." This is weird, is she that concerned about my lack of an arm? Do I seriously look that incompetent? "I was trying to wake you up and I shook your arm and it fell off and I didn't know what to do and I was a little freaked that I pulled your arm off and I might have lost it... maybe?" Victor continued jogging for a few seconds, smiling and waiting for the punchline. As he realised none was coming the smile slowly became less cheery. Victor Wanted to scream at Rayna, yell at the top of his lungs and kick up a fuss, but realising nothing good would come of it he bottled it up, buried it deep, and continued to smile, slightly slowing his jog. "Rayna... you are telling me that you removed my arm, by accident of course, and managed to lose it? A prosthetic arm that is... well the size of an arm and is a bit heavier than one..." Victor had to pause, he felt his temper rising and had to take a deep breath before continuing on. "How, Rayna? How did you lose it? Please explain this to me like I am seven. My arm falls off, you are naturally shocked and didn't know what to do. I understand that part, but this next bit is where I get confused. The part where my ARM goes missing. You see it fall off and what? How does it go from being on the floor, or in your hand or whatever to being lost? Are you so shocked that you throw it out the window?..." Finally stopping altogether Victor couldn't stop himself from asking "You didn't throw it out the window... right?" sounding more like a plea than an actual question.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MULTI_MEDIA_MAN


Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Marcus's comment about sentry duty and showers made Oswald chuckle a bit. "You got that right, boss. Can't tell you how many guys got a shiner for peeping back at home." He wondered how often they'd actually be outside of the school grounds: he couldn't imagine the Academy letting first-year students with little to no actual combat experience out very often. Yes, there had been the test, but considering the number of injuries the students had suffered against their enemies, he doubted there would be frequent excursions any time soon. It seemed they were being advised to wake up early for breakfast. Oswald figured about six in the morning would be good. Once their other teammate was showered, he'd follow and then go to sleep. Not much left to do this day, after all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sapphire Rode - Infirmary ==> Dorm

Gren took the sedative from Sapphire tentatively. Sapphire had measure the dose accurately as far as she could tell so it should have no adverse effects on Shiro. Sapphire watched both of the boys jump from the window chasing after Shiro, a job she should be doing. It was not so much that the job was getting done without her, that didn't bother her as much as the fact that she was incapable of performing the job in her current condition. She needed to be fast, her current condition did not allow that for that in the slightest.

Sapphire began to pace, or more accurately limp up and down the infirmary wing. Her ankle was slightly swollen but there appeared to be no extreme damage, Sapphire guessed it would be gone in two maybe three days but for her that wasn't soon enough. She felt like a bird whose wings had been clipped. She was stranded unable to do anything. After what felt like hours though in reality was likely only about five minutes Sapphire had had enough. As long as she didn't perform any extreme tasks she would be back in fighting form in about two weeks. While that wasn't soon enough for Sapphire it still meant that she didn't need to be in the infirmary anymore.

Sapphire walked back to the supply cupboard at the far end of the room and after liberating ample supplies she used them to bandage up her arm. She had accidentally torn a significant hole in her arm when she'd pulled out her IV tube. It too would heal in two or three days but it led directly to a vein and if left unattended could cause her to bleed out over a number of hours. Sapphire bandaged it and placed the remaining supplies back in the cupboard. She was just about to leave when on a whim she returned taking three doses of the same sedative she'd given to Gren with her. If Shiro had another episode it would be best to have some on hand.

Sapphire returned to her hospital bed and set about dressing herself in her combat clothing. She disrobed from the horrible hospital gear, making sure her semblance was active first that way no one would be able to walk in on her. Then she pulled on a pair of black leggings and a pleated black skirt over top that fell to just before her knees. She donned a dark blue tank top and draped a knee length black trench coat over her arm. On a night like this it didn't seem the time for it. Sapphire considered putting on her combat boots before deciding that her ankle wouldn't be able to take that kind of strain. For the moment she would continue to wear the hospital slippers. Unfortunately her gloves appeared to have been damaged beyond repair in the tunnels or else they would be here. Lastly Sapphire tied a green banana with white embroidery around her neck. It didn't quite fit with the rest of her color scheme but even so Sapphire almost never took it off. She tied the laces of her combat boots together and tossed them over her arm along with her coat. She was good to go.

Lastly she took her main weapons, a little something special her father had had made personally for her with a setting for every occasion and she placed them in holsters on her back. Moving slower than was strictly comfortable for her so as not to aggravate her ankle Sapphire walked out of the infirmary. When she got out of the building she took in a long draft of fresh air. For some reason air in hospitals always smelled stale. Sapphire assumed it has something to do with the disinfectants.

There was a map of Beacon pre-downloaded onto her scroll and Sapphire was glad to see that someone had been kind enough to have the dormitories for team Swansong marked on it. Sapphire liked there team name. It might sound delicate but it reminded Sapphire of a song her mother used to sing and every warrior knew the things that looked the most harmless were often the most deadly.

Just after Sapphire had entered the building were the dorms were located she got a call on her scroll. It was Abel reporting that Shiro had been found and they were going to bring him to the dorms. He said he'd see her tomorrow. Sapphire almost laughed at that but instead gave a sort of non committal response to let him know the message had been heard. If he was under the impression that she was going to spend another night in the infirmary he was in for a big surprise.

Sapphire made it to the dorms and pushed the door open to there's. It was a fairly spacious room with two bunk beds, and a large window. The room was not nearly as nice as the one she'd slept in back home but then again her father wasn't at Beacon so Sapphire decided this was preferable. Sapphire chose the bottom bunk next to the window and across from the door. This way she had the best access to both exits. If she had been in better health she might have rearranged some of the furniture to make the exits more accessible to her current location but that would have to wait for a time when she could put all of her body weight on both feet.

All there bags had been delivered too the room. Sapphire contented herself with unpacking. She dragged her single suitcase over to her bed and opened it. First she dug through it until she found a small empty duffle bag. The duffle bag she packed with one spare set of clothing, an emergency medical kit, some cash, and a fake ID she'd procured with her father's connections. The last item she slid into the lining of the bag so that if anyone went through her stuff they wouldn't find it easily. This was what she called an emergency bag, in essence any time she needed to she could take this one bag and leave, leave everything behind. Run as far as she needed to. Sapphire did not expect to have to use it at Beacon Academy but it was comforting knowing that it was an option available to her. She placed the bag at the foot of her bed and pushed it just slightly under. Then she set her suitcase at the foot of bed in front of it and before returning to her bed took a battered violin case from her suit case as well as a book. The book she set on her bed and the violin case she opened. The instrument inside was beautiful. Made of high grade oaken wood and polished to a shine Sapphire had never seen a prettier instrument. Of course her opinion could have something to do with that fact that it was her instrument but it didn't matter one way or another.

Sapphire took the violin out of its case, set it against her chin and took up the bow. She used it to draw one long wailing note from the strings just to make sure it was still working after its trip and it was in tune. Satisfied Sapphire replaced it in its case and slid the case under her bed, no need for her teammates to see it. She then took up the book she'd retrieved from her suitcase and lay down slowly on her bed. Any minute her teammates would be here.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Robert quickly went back to the lunch line and grabbed a few different types of food, hoping that a variety to choose from would satisfy Greyson and Daniel. Then, while still balancing both lunch trays, he gestured to Priscilla towards the exit and said, "Let's go get this to the guys." While walking back to their team's room, Robert began to think on the day's events. He had joined a great team, met the pretty Priscilla, fought a horrible Grimm, and then became leader of that aforementioned team. All in all a good day. Then again, it wasn't that easy. There were the Rapier Wasps, the minor sunburn, and the several injuries sustained from fighting the Sitting Bulls and... what did Ozpin call it? A Minos Bull? Nah, Edgar was much easier to remember, and more fun to say. "Edgar. Ha!" Robert actually blurted out without noticing. "What a funny name for a Grimm."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 15 days ago

Geni entered Team Gilgamesh's dorm room and closed the door behind him. He felt kind of sad for some reason. He had came to this school to help people, the people that he had once terrorized. But would those people accept him, he knew that the faunas was not exactly the most trustworthy band of people, but the humans could at least try. Geni shook his head and walked into the bathroom, thoughts like that could lead him back to a place he never wanted to back to. As he changed out of his normal clothes and into his white T-shirt and black boxers, anger started to bubble up inside him. He could not ignore those thoughts that he had before, they kept coming back, humans, faunas, the White Fang. Why couldn't he stop thinking about them? They did things that did not preach peace, but war, and he was a part off that. Geni clenched his hand into a fist and smashed it into the bathroom mirror. "OW!" He yelled as the his fist bled. He had cracked the mirror, some pieces were even falling off. He would have to explain to his teammates what had happened. "If this is what is happening on the first day of me being leader, then what will I be in the days to come?" He mumbled to himself as he walked out of the bathroom with his discarded clothes. His dorm room was empty, his teammates were out and about, when most team leaders had probably gotten his teams into bed. " Some team leader I am." He said to himself solemnly as he threw his clothes on the bead closest the the bath room and got under the covers. After a few minutes, he finally fell asleep.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious The player on the other side

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

When the last pair of eyelids closed, the night drifted by. Some students, weary from the day's activities, slept happily in the comfort of a job well done and new comrades. A few tossed and turned in their sleep, though gently so as to avoid stressing their injuries, and dreamed fitfully. For some, no dreams came—just a quiet, serene emptiness, void of even memory. Outside their windows, the wind picked up before a brief nighttime shower, leveling a steady series of taps against the panes. Some slumbered the better for the peaceful, natural noise; some, kept restless by their troubles, despised it for its incessant beat. Only the beacon, shining grand and green at the zenith of the academy, remained constant. The first rays of sunlight smiled over moist soil and dewy grass, nosily peering into windows whose owners had neglected to raise the blinds. At precisely 7 o' clock, the room alarms rang. For now, they were all simply buzzes that increased in volume the longer they were ignored, but they could be personalized later. A message flashed across the desk clock: everyone had one hour to eat breakfast, warm up a little, shower, and otherwise prepare themselves. Out of all of these team JRVR was by far the most active, jogging through the halls while most of the other new students roused themselves from sleep. In their hunt for Victor's missing prosthetic arm they came across a teacher taking an early morning walk as well: Solomon Agensander, who managed to be good-natured enough to help them locate the lost limb among the spare-parts collection of Marcus Goldstein. At the exact second that 7:59 became 8:00, each and every scroll was simultaneously messaged, and the peal of a bell resounded through the campus. The first official day of school had begun, and the first class on the list of teams SIVI, RPGD, SASG, MODA, JRVR, and GJGM was combat. -=-=- As the students filed into her class in small groups, the teacher stood stock-still, her arms crossed. Her poise was, naturally, perfect, and while only her eyes moved around to observe each face as it arrived, she gave off a vibe of propriety and discipline almost militaristic in feel. Her riding crop completed the picture, making Glynda Goodwitch look every inch a drill sergeant -albeit an oddly-clothed one- as much as a teacher. Each student, for lack of their school uniform, was garbed in their standard gear, which suited Goodwitch just fine. As she stood, awaiting the last few arrivals, a young woman entered from a sidedoor to stand by her side. Though garbed in bright colors, she managed a passably imposing look thanks to the scabbard hefted over her shoulder. Despite her best efforts, she couldn't make herself appear as severe as the austere Mrs. Goodwitch, though it was obvious given her position and age that there was something special about her. Finally, the instructor raised her void, cutting off any chatter. “Good morning! My name is Mrs. Goodwitch, but you all may refer to me as 'Ma'am'. My assistant here is miss Sarina Tala Dei.” She began to pace, holding the riding crop tucked under her arm. “Yesterday you became students. Today, I start you on the path to becoming a hunter. Over the course of this semester you will all learn to battle like real hunters and huntresses, but before we can begin fine-tuning your training, we must first conduct a little test.” Behind her, the lecture room wall parted ways with a metallic heave, revealing a huge orange-tinted room greatly resembling an arena. Good witch took several steps before jumping down into it, whereupon she turned and addressed the students in a raised voice. “I can't very well tell you what you're doing wrong until I see you doing it. That is why we are going to hold twelve sparring matches within the next hour, each no more than five minutes in length. Miss Dei and I will be monitoring your aura level as you fight to ensure nobody is hurt. If your aura is reduced to red, you lose, but as long as it's evident that you seriously tried you'll receive a full participation grade. Now, Sarina, please read off the randomized pairings from your scroll.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

After dropping Kuhaku off at the dorms Gren returned to the infirmary to take back some of the equipment Kuhaku was attached to prior before he fled. Gren noticed Sapphire suspiciously absent from the infirmary and suspects that she decided to take care of herself. "That idiot..." He whispered to himself as he left the infirmary. Why does she think that she could heal herself better than the doctors who's job was to make sure she made a full recovery? To ensure that she didn't end up dead the next morning he brought her medical equipment back to the dorms as well. Gren hoped to find Sapphire before he's too late and put her back onto her medical equipment so she doesn't suffer any unintended injuries or illnesses. He had to wait until Abel and Kuhaku went to sleep before he left their dorms to look for her. He spent the entire night looking for Sapphire hoping that she didn't collapse in the middle of Beacon. He called her many times through the scrolls asking her where she was at. "Sapphire where did you go? We found Kuhaku but now you're gone." and variations of "I'm looking around Beacon for you Sapphire, please answer." He didn't stop his search until about six in the morning. The sun's rays were peeking over the horizon and he has had no responds from Sapphire yet. He didn't want to worry his teammate that their own leader decided to skip out on them, more so since she's hardly in any state to be on her feet. Soon his teammates would wake up and he needed to distract them. Get their minds off Sapphire. And to that end Gren went to make breakfast. His supplies were limited due to the kitchen staff not being open yet. He had access only to what was in the pantry, with everything in the freezer locked. There was some things in the refrigerator, mostly fruit and juice. Looking at his limited materials Gren had to settle for something simple. So he made pancakes. It was the simplest thing he could make with what was given, though he did have to scour the entire dorm kitchen for maple syrup. Once he had three plates of pancakes done he headed upstairs. And once he entered his room he wasn't a moment too late; the wake up bell rang, with Gren standing in the room with trays full of pancakes. He would have stayed to eat, but noticed that his feet where tracking dirt. He had forgotten to wash himself. As much as he'd like to eat right now, it would be improper for him to be such a mess while eating. So he left the tray of food on a table and wrote a note for the others.
Made pancakes eat them while they're hot. I'm getting the bath ready right now.
From Gren
At the baths Gren did not remove his armor. He didn't want to, partly because he was insecure about his body, but also because he needed to wash his armor anyways. He found himself a tub big enough for him to be submerged in and started to draw water. He was fine with cold water, took out the oil better that way. Once there was enough water that he could submerge his body he stepped inside and sat down. With a sponge he started to scrub his armor and body, removing parts one by one as he thoroughly washed himself. While he was taking a bath he also meditated. "Today is a big day... Must... Focus..." Gren closed his eyes and focused on his semblance. Friction; the ability to control the amount of force exerted onto an object. To put immense pressure on something... Or none at all. In practice it was a control of vectors; movement. The water became still. His sponge slipped through the water. Using his semblance he had caused the water to no longer have friction with everything it touched Even with himself. The water simply stopped touching him, unable to create friction against his body. It couldn't even touch the sponge that was floating on it, causing it to drop through the water as though it wasn't there. Gren got out of the bath completely dry, cutting off his semblance once he had donned his equipment. The water returned to normal as it was drained. And Gren went back to the dorms. --- Upon 8 AM Gren headed to class. He has yet to obtain his uniform and so he came fully armed and armored. The God Eater was strapped onto his back, making his considerable bulk even bigger. He had loaded a full box of "Double Edge" bullets for his Rain technique. Expensive, but he would accept nothing but the best for his first day. He also loaded a few Proximity Rockets and a fresh can of Incendiary dust. Lastly, he refueled The God Eater for it's Terror form. It wouldn't do him any good if he can't make his weapon roar. The chrome finish made the sun reflect off his weapon like a shining beacon, appropriate given their location. As Gren entered Glynda Goodwitch's class he observed the other students. Like him, they also lacked their school uniform and came in their combat attire. Most if not everyone brought their weapons with them. "I wonder if I need to be fitted for my uniform..." Gren mused to himself. At the mention of sparing Gren swallowed hard. "Oh my... PvP so soon... I wonder if I have some time to get flowers..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
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NarcissisticPotato Dirty on the Outside, Fluffy on the Inside

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

For some reason, she mirrored his smile hopefully, possibly wishing that Victor would be cool with all of it. Sure Rayna, you just lost a guy's limb and his main weapon; he's not going to be angry at all! Her mind pessimistically allowed for the rest of her senses to catch up when she began to see his smile falter a little. This is not going to be good. In fact, this was horrible - she was meant to lead Jormungandr and once they discovered how incompetent she was, they would exile her and would make Rakim their leader. The horror! Jormungandr would truly be hopeless then. She allowed him to be angry at her - it was only fair after her failure. "Please Victor, before you choose to punish me for my heinous crimes, do allow me to explain!" She begged weakly, her hands clasped together to almost plead to Victor - she had only temporarily lost his arm but to her, it was a dark crime. There was nothing worse than kicking a guy when he was down. "I accidentally pulled your arm off and I know you probably won't believe this but when I stepped back in shock, I lost my footing and fell back. You guys should seriously find a better place for your clothes but that's not the point. The arm flew back and out the window and I was left with a pretty nasty bump." She murmured, scratching the back of her neck a little before her hand trailed up to the wound in question. "Speaking of which, I should probably go get that checked out..." Just for emphasis, she turned to show him the bump which did look pretty nasty. "I didn't mean to do it but as soon as I came to my senses, I went outside to try and look for it. You know the regulations on curfew though, so I couldn't get too far but I swore I saw some guy in a uniform of some type, lifting it. I'm not trying to shift the blame or anything but I would have swore it was the Moderation team leader." She babbled on as they slowly but surely entered the cafeteria. "I'm not exactly the brightest tool in the toolkit but I do remember faces and I'm sure it was him. I'll go pay him a visit if you want me to but my negotiation tactics aren't always the most preferable!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 15 days ago

Geni jumped out of bed the second the room alarms rang. "Since when did we have room alarms?" He said lazily as he dragged his tired body out off bed. He did not bothered to check the time at all, he knew it was about 7 o'clock. He stumbled into the bathroom and shivered as he felt the cold tile floor on his bare feet. He stripped and jumped into the shower, turning on the water and setting it to hot. He liked the feeling of the burning hot water on his skin, it woke him up quicker. Geni had not heard anything from the room, he assumed his teammates had either not awoken, or we're not in the room. Geni really was not concerned, he would not bother to wake them up, no matter how tempting it really was. He shut off the water and walked out of the shower, he dried himself off and put on his clothes. He chose to don his combat clothes instead of his uniform, he knew that he had combat class first, so it would only be appropriate to prepare himself for a fight. Geni walked out of the bathroom fully dressed and feeling good, he grabbed his scroll and walked out of the room. As he walked into the hall he saw many students running up and down the hallway. He had not idea what they were in such a hurry, they had an hour to get dressed and eat breakfast. He walked into the cafeteria and picked up his breakfast, it was a small meal, two pancakes with eggs and bacon. He took a seat alone and wolfed down his meal. For some reason Geni felt less social this morning, maybe it was because of last nights incident. Geni finished his food and left the table, he walked towards the locker room, he would need his weapon to fight. ----- As soon as the bell rang, Geni entered Goodwitch's class. He had grabbed Ragnorok and had it strapped onto his back. He had loaded it and cleaned it so it would shine for the fights. Geni was unusually quiet all morning, maybe his teammates would not notice. He found a seat and relaxed, unfortunately, combat class was not his favorite class. He found some of the other student particularly scary, some had unusually large weapons, some small but scary looking. He really did not want to fight any of them, but he knew that he did not have a choice in the matter. Geni waited for his name to be called out as the woman read of the names of the pairings from her Scroll. "Please spare me." He mumbled to himself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shadowkiller912


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Sarina Tala Dei “Yes Mrs. Goodwitch.” Sarina cleared her voice as she scanned the room looking at the students. She observed the room looking at each student to remember their faces. Their weapons were very interesting to Sarina. “Oswald Connolly vs. Sapphire Rode!” “Marcus Goldstein vs. Geni Hung!” “Rakim Ali vs. Seliber Vulpez!” “Abel Fulgurate vs. Robert Fallson!” “Rayna Bryson vs. Priscilla Montgomery!” “Jayden Xiang-Delacroix vs. Ineko Irandi!” “Mokuren Sabella vs. Diamond Frost!” “Aurellius Bellum vs. Jack Orpheus!” “Victor Glade vs. Greyson Ortega!” “Daniel Day Dalton vs. Kuhaku Shiro!” “Vivienne Evangeline vs. Gray Lalunebleu!” “Gren Orchid vs. Indigo Kafka!” Sarina finished and nodded at Glynda. “I look forward to watching your sparring matches.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by harinezumikouken
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harinezumikouken Bloodstarved Beast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Beep... Shiro cracked a heavy eyelid, peering from underneath his eyelashes sleepily. Beep... He recognized that annoying noise. Beep... It was the sound of that infernal EKG machine, the heart rate/pulse monitor. Beep... Wait, where exactly was he? Sniff-sniff His nose sniffed at the air. The scent of something delicious wafted into his nostrils, rousing him from his slumber. Slowly sitting up, rustling the bedsheets as he moved, he rubbed at his eyes and yawned. Blinking away the sleepies, he scanned the room he was in. It was most certainly not an infirmary or hospital of any sort. His ears twitched. He was in what looked to be a dormitory. He found that he sat in the top bunk of one of the two bunk beds in the room. Looking at the EKG machine and tracing its connections, he saw that he was still connected to various medical equipment. Grunting in annoyance, he removed them and hopped out of his bed to switch the machines off. Scratching himself, he continued to inspect and examine the room curiously. When did he end up in this room? Attempting to recall his memories, all he could vaguely remember was floating in his sleep. Did he float here somehow? Preposterous. As his head and eyes circled around the room, he found that his belongings had been brought in. His bags set off to the side together. Ears perking, he quietly padded over to his things and rummaged through them. Everything was there. While he was at it, he searched for his bag of toiletries. While he squatted near his bags, he realized he felt rather cold and exposed. Looking down at himself, he saw that he was half-naked save for his boxers. He had a bad habit of stripping articles of clothing off of himself in his sleep. Frowning, he quickly located his clothing on the ground near his bunk. As he moved to go grab them, he noticed that he wasn't alone. There was at least other one person still asleep in the room, some large young man. "...Abel Fulgurate..." a voice echoed in his memory. He smiled at his sleeping teammate. Glancing at the other beds, he wasn't able to locate the other two occupants. They were probably already awake and going on with their days. Though, something made him a little uneasy. His nose sniffed at the air and something told him that another person's scent was still strong and present in the room, but it wasn't Abel's or his. He quickly glanced over the other beds one last time, his eyes telling him that other than Abel, the two were alone in the room together. Sniffing at the air again, he remembered that a yummy scent had woken him. Looking over at a table, he found the source of the scent. Trays stacked high with separate plates of pancakes. Eyes practically sparkling, he walked over and saw that someone had written a note and left it. He picked it up to read it.
"Made pancakes eat them while they're hot. I'm getting the bath ready right now." --From Gren
He brought the note closer to his eyes and squinted at it, tail sweeping at the floor behind him. "Gren...Gren Orchid?" He recalled the large armored fellow and smiled. Eying the pancakes, he set the note down and looked at Abel who was still sound asleep. It looked like no one else would be joining him for breakfast, sadly. Turning back to the tray of pancakes, he noticed something peculiar. There were only three plates on the tray with two plates still having pancakes on them. The third, someone had already eaten. "Hmm..." Shiro scratched at his head, his fur a silly mess. He got bedhead like nobody's business. He contemplated waking Abel to join him, but he decided against it. Shrugging, he pulled up a nearby chair and quickly ate his fill. Silently, he thanked Gren for having made breakfast for them all. What a pal. Finishing his meal, he grabbed his clothes from off of the ground, slung his weapons on his back, and grabbed his hygiene bag filled with his toiletries. He padded out of the room after grabbing his things. As he avoided stepping on some odd dirt tracks, he made a quick note of the time from the clock that was in the room. It was just a little before 7 AM. Softly shutting the door behind him, he made his way to the baths. Whistling a bright little tune as he started his day, in nothing but his boxers. --- Humming as he walked, he wandered around the school halls. Fur freshly brushed and tamed, fangs brushed, body showered and clothed, stomach fed, and weapons ready to go on his back, he wondered how exactly their schedule would go. As if to answer his questions, the school bell blared and screamed at him. Startling him profusely, his instincts told him to run and run he did, straight into the nearest wall. Falling on his ass, he painfully clutched at his nose as his ears flattened on his head to protect against the harsh sound of the morning school bell. He damn near had a heart attack. At that moment the Scroll in his pocket vibrated and he pulled it out, looking at the screen with a watery eye. It was a mass message. Their first class would be with Ms. Glynda Goodwitch, attendance was mandatory for all students. Pocketing the Scroll, he stood up still holding his nose and shamefully made his way to class. Hoping that no one saw his embarrassing display. --- Standing amongst the crowd in his usual attire (he always hated wearing school uniforms), he found himself amongst strangers. Most of the other students around him were from the other teams, and he was unable to locate his friends as large as they were. At that moment, Ms. Goodwitch spoke up, causing the room to fall silent. “Good morning! My name is Ms. Goodwitch, but you all may refer to me as 'Ma'am'. My assistant here is Ms. Sarina Tala Dei. Yesterday you became students. Today, I start you on the path to becoming a Hunter. Over the course of this semester you will all learn to battle like real Hunters and Huntresses, but before we can begin fine-tuning your training, we must first conduct a little test.” Behind her, the lecture room wall parted ways with a metallic heave, revealing a huge orange-tinted room greatly resembling an arena. Ms. Goodwitch took several steps before jumping down into it, whereupon she turned and addressed the students in a raised voice. “I can't very well tell you what you're doing wrong until I see you doing it. That is why we are going to hold twelve sparring matches within the next hour, each no more than five minutes in length. Miss Dei and I will be monitoring your aura level as you fight to ensure nobody is hurt. If your aura is reduced to red, you lose, but as long as it's evident that you seriously tried you'll receive a full participation grade. Now, Sarina, please read off the randomized pairings from your scroll.” As Ms. Goodwitch's assistant read off names, Shiro's thoughts began to tune her out. So, they would be fighting each other to demonstrate their individual combat skills. Thinking back to the initiation test, all he remembered was that he and his team had passed. He had somehow ended up in the infirmary after, but they passed and were christened Team Swansong. He was unable to recall how they all performed in the test's battles. Was that monitored at all? Did that count towards their grade any? In his current physical state, he was unsure if he was up to the task of a short 5-minute fight with another student. Frowning, he tried to recall who was the fourth member of their team. Who was the leader again?.. “Daniel Day Dalton vs. Kuhaku Shiro!” He blinked, returning to reality, and tilted his head. He scanned the room as he tried to search who he would be going up against. He didn't know the name or had a face to attach to it. He wondered what kind of person they would be.
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