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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by shadowkiller912


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Vega Venetia – Team VGNB – Outskirts of the City

After Beryl scoped out the building, Vega thought about a way to approach the building. Going through the lobby would attract attention though perhaps they could be a diversion if Napoli and Beryl get discovered? Yes, Napoli and Beryl through the Warehouse while Vega and Gratia can go through the bank as prospective customers. It is a good way for her and Gratia to get more info on the building.

“Alright, Beryl, you accompany Napoli through the warehouse on a stealth mission to locate Bianca. While that me and Gratia will enter through the lobby as prospective customers who want to open up a checking account,” pausing, “if it is still open. It is evening already.”

Though the thought of a night infiltration was a better plan in her mind, though god knows what is happening to Bianca. Perhaps patience for the night was better when they would be less security personnel to deal with.

“Or we can wait until night falls and infiltrate the headquarters together.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
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Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Shuai Taidan - Team KNVS (Sticky Situation)

The aircraft rocked violently against the storm of feathers, the shuddering of the metal vibrating into his body. To be attacked by a Nevermore so soon into their mission ... it was exciting to know that they were getting such a grand welcome from the hordes of Grimm they'd been sent to exterminate. Fighting that foul excuse for a bird however, seemed to be quite difficult when a team of hunters was trapped within a weaponless transport, as if condemned to a flying steel coffin. What could they possibly do? What actions could the senior team of KNVS perform in order to escape such a dangerous and deadly situation?

Shuai Taidan, pretty-boy extraordinaire, master of disguise and pyromaniac, fastened his gas mask, snapping it tightly shut over his face.

He rose from his seat, shifting his long polearm into a standing position and placing it down onto the cold floor of the transport with a quiet thud to keep himself balanced.

"You guys go ahead," he said cheerfully as he turned around to face his team, voice distorted by his mask. "I'll handle our feathery little friend, kay~?"

The door behind him opened. The wind blew through, ruffling his hair and spreading throughout the entire aircraft.

And then.




Taidan exited the aircraft, dropping to a rapid vertical descent towards the earth like a bullet. Then his boots flared up, the wind-and-fire wheels igniting with power, forcing him to a screaming halt. He hung like that for a second, held immobile within the blue sky, and his body suddenly shifted around.

A Nevermore would have been a problem for any other hunter.

However ...

The skies were Taidan's domain.

"I wonder if you taste like duck?" he murmured, looking up at the flying Grimm above him.

Six ethereal arms unfurled from his back, as if Vishnu reborn.

"Guess I gotta try!"

Spear in hand, he blitzed towards his enemy at high speeds.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Awesomoman64
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Awesomoman64 I should go

Member Seen 8 days ago

Trad Oak – Capture The Fort

Although Robert didn’t finish his attack command, Trad was ready the second he heard their leader speak. With a loud Thunk Trad’s shield popped out into a kite as he spun out from behind his tree. Charging the nearest Beowulf he bashed its face with the center of his shield stunning the Grimm long enough for him to bring his sword down into its head. As it vanished he heard another one charging right at him. Bracing himself he pulled his shield up and held his ground as the beast slammed against it. It’s head peaked over the top and tried to bite off any chucks of the hunter it could. He kept his arm out just enough though that the gnashing teeth couldn’t touch him. Aiming his blade he thrust it down the Beowulf's throat and in an instant the Grimm went limp and slummed to the ground where it immediately vanished into smoke.

It was at that time Trad noticed the lack of attacker his way and quickly looked around, only to see Robert surround by the rest of the pack. “HOLD ON, ROB!” Charging full speed and using his shield as a plow he broke through the line of Beowulves. Grabbing Robert by the hood he pulled Robert in front of him and behind his shield. Then when he completely surrounded their leader, he froze. A small glow surrounded Trad who remained motionless as the beasts once more began violently attacking their prey, only this time they did no damage. Their claws and teeth simply bounced off as if his skin were now made of steel. For the time being he and Robert were now safe, but until there was an opening or their team finished the Beowulves off, they were stuck there.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Defend a Caravan

The Taijitu stamped into the ground by Lilac, though stunned for a second, now seemed far more angry than hurt. It hissed and lashed out at her back as she faltered, ready to sink its swordlike fangs into her aura while she wasted time talking. Fortunately for her, a lightning blast from Estelle's blade swindled its progress, thundering through its skull. The enormous snake slumped down, but its black scales gave no indication of dissolving.

Where the first foe fell, its fellows swiftly arose to take its place. Taijitu heads, both black and white, loomed upward over the edges of the vehicle's roof from every angle, like a many-tentacled leviathan surrounding a helpless ship. Below, the caravan driver began to panic, and yelled through his intercom. “For God's sake, don't waste time fighting them! This is some kind of colony; we'll run out of ammo before it runs out of Grimm. Kill the ones in my way so I can get us out of here!” To punctuate his words, the five Taijitus bent on ripping apart Beacon's finest lunged as one.

Brewing Storm

The seven hunters-in-training each proved themselves credits to the team as they mustered their intelligence and deadliness together to fend off the unknown assault. Though the room was filled with wasted rounds and empty swings, a fair few of the students' attacks hit home, seldom targeted enough to instantly incapacitate an enemy but more than painful enough to convince those hit to retreat. With Cian's firm grasp on the group's rear, Jack watching its collective back, a former stripper managing the front, Lauren overseeing tenderness, Ben expertly handling the flank, and Sangue ready to give him a hand, the squad made its way down the tight hall toward the light at the end of the tunnel. The diminutive but numerous enemy, seemingly sensing the disadvantage of a choke point, did not follow the teenagers toward the light. Instead, they remained in the dark, the poor light barely illuminating their subtle red eyes. Upon reaching the door, everyone broke formation and entered the Traffic Center.

Within, the source of light proved to be a portable lantern, still tirelessly radiating a formidable yellow glow after however long it had been sitting, alone. No Grimm appeared to be making this room their home, but neither did there appear to be any sort of alternative exit. Instead, the Traffic Center, sported a veritable plague of charts, lists, forms, maps, and powered-off computer hubs. On one wall lay a facility map marked with safety directions should a fire break out. Most notable of these rooms was the Control Center, where Priscilla and other survivors currently resided, which lay past the Storage, Processing, Generator, and Supply rooms in the Distillery's bottom floor. Though it would be harder to make out, that path featured also two separate decontamination rooms. The upper floor held the living and dining quarters for the staff, where it could be assumed at least some survivors holed themselves up.

Before the group lay a choice. The darkness no longer presented a problem to them, but instead, the question of where to go lay ahead. Two distinct directions, up and down, awaited them; the team could split up and search both, or stay together and risk greater Grimm activity in response to their arrival.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Princeofhearts
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago


"Damn it. Damn it Damn it. You guys should stay here. I'm going to go down there and try to help the others. she'd nod before walking away but one of the survivors stopped her. They knew that she might get hurt or maybe worse... death. Priscilla didn't care honestly, all she wanted to do was help her friends. They have been there for her ever since the academy, and perhaps they came back here to take her back to the academy? It had to be that reason why they were here. Priscilla turned around, as she walked away from the survivors.. closing the door behind them. She'd walk downstairs, to the battle field.

"I'm coming guys!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Lilac Drakon

"Woah," Lilac said as a bolt of lightning slid past her, just missing her as she jumped to the side. "I like it."

She turned around again, facing the wall of Grimm as they lunged. There wasn't time for anyone to shout out a plan before the battle started, and that didn't bother her much. What did bother her was that her opponents were King Taiju, which were likely the worst match up for her. She would be spending more time dodging the second head than actually hitting anything.

"Time to get serious I suppose." She sighed. She could feel her semblance at work, but knew she had to get back into the battle soon or her heart rate would drop again. With that in mind, she charged forward, shouting a battle cry more to pump herself up than intimidate anybody, and launched herself at the nearest snake head. Right before she collided with it's fangs, her left hand shot down and forward, suddenly filling it's mouth with fire and altering her trajectory so she flew over it's head, bringing it down on the middle of it's body. She sliced downward with her right hand, a blade of ice forming with the motion, and cut as deeply as she could into the snake's flesh. She didn't stop to see if she had killed it, figuring that at least she had wounded it for the others to finish it off easily, and turned to the next enemy. She knew it was usually a bad idea to allow yourself to be surrounded by enemies, but with her weapons, she didn't have much choice in the matter, and defending innocents was more important than defending her own life.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Krysthane - Patrol Mission

Krysthane called out indignantly, "I would not drive us up a tree! I've done this once or twice before you know." She thought about Skyra's complaint. "Well I suppose if you really want you can walk. I'm taking the car though, you can be like the scout person!" Krysthane said cheerily and thrummed the engine now that Ebon and Sepia were in without giving them a chance to get out and made her way into the road with perhaps a little more speed than was safe and made her way to the mechanic in much the same way, finishing the ride with some beautiful parallel parking.

"See? Told ya it would be fine." She said confidently as she removed the newspaper on the windshield off. She'd hadn't come that close to hitting him so he hadn't needed to throw his newspaper in the air like that, it'd made it even harder to drive. Krsythane lead the way into the autoshop with a surprisingly degree of authority since she had no idea who they were looking for. "Yo, robot mechanic!" Krysthane yelled, hoping that would draw the attention of whoever they were looking for. She mentally reviewed what to ask. The mousers and whatever W.A.R was. Eyz pzy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Plank Sinatra
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Plank Sinatra the reaper won't come when you're ready for him

Member Seen 4 days ago

Lauren Negasi

"Kayyy, so..."
Lauren trailed off softly as they all took turns reading different maps of the site. The boxer put her hands in her pockets and laced her thumbs through her closest two belt loops. "Anyone got Priscilla on their Scroll? We could always give her a ring and ask how it looks on her end."

Not that she expected Grimm to be slamming on the door to the Control Center or making funny faces at the surveillance feeds, but some intelligence on whether one way was clear would be pretty crucial to deciding whether it was time to split up the band. Who would they be splitting up with, anyway? By team? That would be kinda dumb. She hadn't seen much of Cian, but from what she could tell JCL didn't have any real heavy hitters right now, and depending on how you mixed and matched their Semblances Bastille had up to three.

Then again, they also had more experience as a team together than Bastille did. Maybe they'd be getting in the way of some super secret group dynamic. She couldn't imagine Jack doing anything but driving a wedge between Sangue and Ben. Would shoving her into JCL momentarily achieve the same effect?

"Captain's orders, Captain."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Patrol Mission

Once Team Kiss arrived to the mechanic's workshop, one thing they may have noticed as they entered was the quiet. It was fairly early in the morning, so a lull in business wasn't too strange. But for those with sharp eyes, they may have noticed that the sign said "Closed", yet the doors were open. There wasn't a responds from anyone towards Team Kiss. Not an immediate one anyways.

Before they could investigate much further, someone did step out one of the halls. A thuggish looking figure with an automatic rifle, who fired a hail of bullets towards Team Kiss, hoping to have caught them off guard. Shortly after three more showed up, similarly armed, and it looked like the band of hunters had a fight on their hands.


Capture the Fort

The beowolves were in the process of tearing Robert apart to feast on his innards, but fortunately Trad came to his rescue before he was torn limb from limb. And while the beowolves were slowly losing their numbers, they continued their furious onslaught, some even intelligent enough to call for backup. A distinctive howl pierced the night, and in the distance it was responded by more howls. The remaining beowolves, seven currently, proceeded to attack Trad and Roberts, though Trad's power prevented them from doing much harm. For the first few minutes the monsters did nothing but claw and bite, but as they noticed their attacks failing to do any notable harm, they tried to see if they could push Trad out of the way, or dig into the dirt and reach Robert from below. And for those who weren't deafen by the snarls and growling of the beast near them, there was a thundering herd of footsteps in the distance.

@Guess Who@Jedly@Nytem4re@Awesomoman64

Sticky Situation

The Nevermore was old, but still as deadly as any youngsters, if not more so. It has fought and came out on top against many hunters in the past, to the point that it has a decent awareness of how they use their weapons and abilities. It also knew that it's current opponent, a flying metal machine, had no means to harm the nevermore. If the metal box could be grabbed, then it can be slammed into the ground. If that did not destroy the box, it will at least kill the hunters inside. At least that's how it usually goes.

Someone fell from the aircraft. The nevermore knew it was a hunter, and they usually fall out in order to save themselves. In the thick forest the Nevermore couldn't hunt them down, but it didn't particularly care. At least, it didn't until it saw something glowing flying towards it. With a great flap of it's wings the nevermore nearly avoided getting it's head impaled on Shuai's spear, and it was mildly surprised that he was able to fly in the skies. Never has the nevermore fought a hunter who could fly. But it was hardly bothered with this. The Nevermore began to fly high, high enough that to the pilot of the aircraft the massive grimm monster was naught but a spec in the sky. Won't be long before the nevermore would bring it's full weight down on the aircraft, and anything else in it's way.

This was the pilot's signal to get the ship down. At the risk of running into other hostiles, it was testing his luck or his skill against the nevermore's dive bombing. And despite it's size, they dropped fast. "We'll be making an emergency landing here folks, I see a clearing up ahead that I'll be able to move into. With any luck your friend in the skies will keep big bird off my tail, and give you all some time to get accustomed to the forest. Thank you for taking Air Beacon, and happy hunting." The pilot spoke with a cool voice as he hovered twenty feet above the ground, opening the bay doors for the rest of Team Canvas to make a landing.

@Onarax@Savato@Sho Minazuki@Crimmy
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SevenStormStyle
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SevenStormStyle Not an Authority Figure

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sepia Russet - Mechanic's

Sepia turned just as the man with the gun stepped into view. Her eyes widened and she whipped around to face her team leader.


She was cut off by the storm of bullets. One of them found its mark in the edge of her waist and a few others whizzed dangerously close. She flinched. Swinging Orthus off of her back, she spun and pointed one end at the gunman, firing its hook out with enough force to send her skidding on her feet backwards a yard. With any luck, it would take out at least that particular individual and clear a path for her teammates to escape being surrounded. She knew for a fact that Orthus's mechanism was strong enough to break a few ribs.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ebon didn't think much about the mechanic's shop aside that it was small and cramped. Which was a bad thing when someone came out and started shooting them. The first thing Ebon did was rush in front of Krysthane, who was standing closest to the gunner, and use his massive shield to protect her from the hail of bullets. He saw Sepia take a shot, but from his spot behind The Kingdom Ebon didn't know what was going on. He had two R-Types pop out from the shield and returned fire at the gunner and his allies. Ebon wasn't really trying to hit them, but he was supressing the area by having his R-Types shoot everything in the general direction. He shot up tools, boxes, papers, containers, and anything else near the gunner. Ebon might have even actually hit someone.

As his R-Types were suppressing fire he used another Claw Type to close the distance and give Ebon some intel on what they're up against. He had the Claw Type charge at one of the gunners that Sepia wasn't fighting with, aiming for his shooting hand so that he couldn't get a clear shot at the R-type or the others. "I got a feeling they aren't here for a repair job."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by HereComesTheSnow
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HereComesTheSnow dehydration expert

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Luke Schwarz -- Deliberations

"Not here." he replied to Lauren's first query from within the inner portion of their group, having been quickly decided a liability on the outside given his lack of defensive capabilities or enhanced senses.

Not that I disagree with it.
I should have at least used the flashlight function of the scroll from in there, though...
Hindsight's 20/20.

Folding his arms across his chest and staring deeply into the split of the path, Luke began to do what Luke did best, what Luke always did, and what Luke had become somewhat infamous for doing too much:

Weighing options.

"Well, if we end up splitting..." he began, gaze sweeping round to take in the group at large for a moment. "It'd make the most sense to have the leaders each go down a path, to start with."

Simple sense, stuff that even April would be able to come up with. By having each team's leader on the two paths, they could keep in constant contact and report their findings to one-another in real time. To not do so would result in them being cut off, unable to call for help.

In other words, a death sentence in this scenario.

"From there, though..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
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Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Shuai Taidan - Team KNVS (Sticky Situation)

"Ooh, you're a fast little birdy."

Taidan righted himself in the air, eyes lazily following the ascent of the Nevermore further into the blue sky from behind his gas mask. It was going for the divebomb, if the rapid shifting of the body into a more aerodynamic form was any indication. A tricky thing to deal with, especially if there was stuff in the way. The bird Grimm were unnaturally heavy compared to their mortal counterparts, and he didn't want to be the guy being targeted by a falling one. Fighting off magpies was totally enough to deal with already. Still, everybody was counting on him, so the birdy had to suffer a gruesome death. Ah, the life of being an awesome hunter.

He floated below the flying Grimm, moving his body to face the path of its readied descent. The ethereal, ghostly arms, six in number, unfurled from behind his back, much like a great god readying his judgement upon the guilty. Taidan wasn't a god, by any means, but the Nevermore was definitely guilty of conspiring to exterminate every single human on the planet. And that was totally something deserving of punishment.

The arms solidified for a second, before becoming ethereal once more.

They were ready.

Taidan gripped onto his long spear, extending it forth at the bird in challenge. The tip opened, radiating heat and power.

"Come at me, then!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 1 day ago

Jack Orpheus | Brewing Storm

"From there... We should meet up with Priscilla first, an extra hand is always welcome, plus she is currently with confirmed survivors, so we should prioritize what we know", he proposed. It was a sound plan, they should try and rescue the guaranteed survivors first, before looking to see if there are more.

"We'll start with just that though, we'll question the survivors for information and decide what to do once we have that information. There's still a lot we don't know here", the idea to ask the survivors on details was thought of when he asked himself, who would know the most about what they were going to deal with? The survivors of course. It may be a simple rescue mission, but any information they can get about the Grimm they were fighting, or how this all started, would increase their chances of success by a fair margin, not to mention they could prepare counter-measures or be more prepared in general. He looked to the others to see what they thought.

Varius Gilver | Sticky Situation

"Hmph", with a short grunt he jumped the aircraft, and just in case, had begun concentrating his aura through his body. If he kept his aura accumulation maintained, he could enter battle more swiftly. Otherwise he was relegated to cleaning up or precision striking, he had the lowest participation rate in their battles, but that was only as far as time spent in combat was concerned. His contributions rate was pretty high. He wasn't the team's precision fighter for nothing after all.

After landing into the thickets of the forest, he turned to see how his team fared in the landing. The Nevermore was to be sure an annoyance this mission, but he doubted very much that it was going to be the last they saw of it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Noëlle Chrysos

Team KNVS - Sticky Situations

@Sho Minazuki@Crimmy@Lucius Cypher@Onarax

Tensions seemed barely existant at this point, for even with silly antics she'd initiate, no one seemed to really bite her in the ass for it. Varius was as expected, unappealing but at least somewhat charming when laying off the seriousness. Noëlle was unsure as to what he had to prove herself in other than maybe getting along with the team and learning a few combinations. She was a Senior like them after all. Then Shuai came to take his righteous treat in the most unconventional of ways. As creeped out as she was, the blonde quickly realized it was some kind of weird Semblance he had. Of course she expected something a little more chaotic than a bunch of hands from what she could see from the kid, but at least it didn't kill her on the spot.

Then some pretty looking rabbit faunus emerged to brief them on the mission. Nothing exceptional, a bunch of spiders surrounding mama spider. Seemed like a piece of cake, in fact why didn't they just bomb the nest from the airship? Would cost a whole lot less effort for the sloth of the group. The typical shortcut through the mission was likely not an option in this case for various reasons she wouldn't bother to even ask, partially because Noëlle still had to 'prove' herself.

"Sounds easy en- Ayyeyyyyee! My day's just getting better and better ..."

The ship was assaulted by some giant crow Grimm, an Evermore, and it seemed to be quite feisty too. It wasn't often that an airship was engaged by a Grimm so quickly, which made the experience a whole lot more ... Palpitating. Not that it was a good thing for our lazy friend. The still groggy and unmotivated female had trouble balancing herself, prompting little to no reaction from her when Shuai took the initiative and jumped out to take on the bird. No time to comment on that, this ship was no longer worth it. She hopped out alongside everyone's favorite Varius and landed with enough grace to produce minimal sound.

Her already messy hair got a new style going for her, Varius could see a hippy-like crown of leafs on her head as she desperately tried to balance herself after attempting to keep an elegant pose upon landing. Somewhat embarrassed, she laughed it off whilst scratching the back of her head before turning her head to face the sky. Banches were getting in the way, but multiple angles allowed for a clear view of the fight occurring in the heavens.

"Well damn, I thought only teachers and students were tryhards in Bacon. Never seen an Evermore this pissed off before. So ..."

Upon closer inspection, and her rather enhanced observation capabilities, Noëlle could easily notice what Shuai was using in terms of weaponry in capabilities. She counted six different magic arms, some form of ability to fly though she didn't capture a god glimpse of the rings and a morphing, giant polearm. That's a lot of stuff under his belt, and it made the blonde all the more curious.

"Varius, right? I don't know how you guys operate so, do we just go on and kill the big, ugly spider? At least get closer to say nasty critter? Or do we wait for bossman Khan while watching Terminator here make use a great Thanksgiving feast?"

She joked, brushing her surroundings with her eyes and capturing a good glimpse of the area. Apparently there wouldn't be many hostiles in this area, and they'd be pretty close to the exposed entrance Velvet informed them about briefly. But with all the noise going on, there was bound to be some activity around. More and more, it'd be noticeable that, even in deadly grounds, she had no weapons on her and never bothered to reveal one from her luggage. In a sense, she felt a bit naked next to most of her teammates with visible and somewhat flashy looking tools at their disposal.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nytem4re
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Grane Blauer - Capture the Fort

And there went Robert. Grane let out a sigh as the boy went into a frenzy. Who let this guy be leader again? For a moment, Robert was about to be killed by his own foolhardiness. Natural Selection in Grane's opinion, but luckily Trad saved their leader from becoming dog food. A pity. Grane decided to take this diversion created by Trad and Robert to get a few free kills, as it seemed the beowolves had forgotten about him. Grane pounced upon a passing beowolf, and it attempted to claw or bite him off. However, Grane plunged a glaive into the back of the beowolf's neck, killing it instantly. It seemed however, the rest of the wolves were focused on Trad and his barrier, leaving Grane relatively unchallenged.

Grane broke into a dead sprint towards Trad and Robert's position, throwing his glaives at two of the beowolves clawing at trad's semblance, each splitting the skull of both wolves. At this point, the beowolves turned their attention towards Grane, a few charging at him. Without his glaives, Grane merely dodged all of their attacks, putting his own semblance into practice. He finally reached his glaives and started to hack away at the beowolves.

"We better get to the fort now. More of these things are coming, and we've got wounded." Grane glanced at Robert, who didn't seem to be in a condition to lead. "Trad. You think you can carry Robert all the way to the fort? I'll hang back and delay these Grimm." Hopefully they could reach the fort and hopefully barricade themselves inside. With all the noise they were making outside, Grane hoped the grimm inside the fort rushed outside too.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Robert Fallson - Capture the Fort

As the surrounding Beowolves began to quickly be disposed of by his teammates, Robert waited until Trad deactivated his semblance so he could stand up. He was grasping at his injured side and was using Trad's shoulder to support him at first, but soon he was on his feet and ready to move. "I agree that we should start making our way to the outpost..." Robert winced from the pain before continuing his sentence, "But I can run on my own. Besides, Trad needs to carry that battery." Transforming his bracers to their ballistic mode, the red haired teen fired a couple shots at a charging Beowolf before rolling his shoulders and getting a few pops out. "Alright, let's get out of here team!"

The team leader sprinted for the first opening he saw among the Grimm's circling formation, just narrowly avoiding a beowolf's hungry maw. As he looked back though, he noticed in the corner of his eye a few black silhouettes encroaching on Delta's position from one his blind spots. "Delta! Eve! Behind you!" he called out to the pair.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Write
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Write Currently Writing

Member Seen 9 days ago

Estelle Sidos Heurassein - Defending a Caravan

Estelle grinded her teeth in dissatisfaction, having wasted one of her precious thunderbolts on a quickly replaced Taijjitu. She took off sprinting in front of the caravan once she reached Lilac’s and the Taijitu’s positions she took a powerful stance and prepared to hold her ground, increasing the weight in her legs and bracing herself for impact. She would wait patiently for one to approach her, as soon as it did she would release all the weight in her legs and spin laterally in order to slash upwards along its eye. When it was blinded Estelle would attempt to deliver a killing blow by vertically slashing the upper portion of its body.

Estelle took point afterwards beside Lilac, motioning for Sterling to join them. She prepared to defend herself and ultimately push back her opponents as the caravan was coming forward ever faster. She formulated a plan when noticing Lilac launching herself over the snake, and immediately ran back to the caravan. She placed both of her hands on the truck and focused her aura around the vehicle, which was increasingly difficult to do as it was moving at a relatively quick speed. She attempted to make it heavy enough to move directly through the road block of Taijitus and pick up Lilac on the way out of this god forsaken canyon. Should she succeed or fail however, she would be out for the next couple hours, if not unconscious then completely exhausted.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Benjamin Lloyd: Brewing Storm

"If we're going to split up, we should break off by team. JCL is more mobile than we are, and they're the one down a member. You guys could maneuver around anything you hit on the way to the Control Center, and once you pick up Priscilla, you're back to full capacity." Benjamin was looking over the map thoroughly, committing as much of it as possible to memory. He casually directed Lauren towards it, miming the use of her BaSTEEL's camera while he kept talking. "Bastille's better at taking hits. And giving them. If there are any survivors in the residential sector, the Grimm'll be drawn to them like my bestie is to burger chains. We'll need endurance and firepower to clear that out."

"Jack and I can keep in contact, and both of us with Goodwitch and the seniors. We get any survivors out, some product if we can, and then we worry about clearing out the Grimm. Once there are no more survivors in the facility, we can change tactics for smoking out Grimm."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
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Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Gratia Mindaro - Zephyr City

"You failed your knowledge check, Venetia."

It was already evening, yet there was still a teller visible behind the large glass doors, manning the counter as if the bank was still open for business. That was irregular, highly irregular. Gratia's onyx eyes, full of cold, icy anger, narrowed at the sight. Why were the filth behind this acting in such a manner? It was suspicious ... incredibly so. For what possible reason would a bank stay open several hours after the usual closing time? What the fuck were they up to?

"They should not be open," she thought to herself, her mind working through the haze of anger and bloodlust to think of a plan.

This could be a clue.

It could be.

"One of us should enter."
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