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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silvan Haven
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Silvan Haven Interstellar Paladin

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Lmpkio @HereComesTheSnow @t2wave @hatakekuro

Lux Harken

Well this country sure is going downhill fast. We just got a new Council and one of it's members is already engaging in shady affairs. That kid was stunned, no question about it.

Not that he actually said any of that, no. Aside from his sharp gaze Lux only showed a pleasant smile as he replied.

"Ah, the guildless thing is a matter of choice. Jason and I both enjoy the freedom that traveling on our own allows us. We may join one in the future but for now we are both quite content. Thank you for the recomendation though."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 8 days ago

Angela Arthur James Jessica
"Did you see that fight! It was awesome!" Angela exclaimed happily as she continued to tug on Janna's arm while pointing excitedly towards the stadium.
She honestly hadn't noticed Nero approach, nor him begin to talk with Anya. Meanwhile James and Jessica simply ignored him while Arthur stood up from his seat and dusted himself off.
"We're not interested thank you." Arthur replied politely while narrowing his eyes. A genie huh? He didn't trust what this man had to say, he had met a few non-humans before with his time at the guild and he had learned that a lot of them weren't to be trusted. He raised an eyebrow as the entire stadium now changed colour completely to a pinkish colour.
"As I said, we're not interested." Arthur repeated with a sigh. As long as Angela was focused on the arena they would be right. Last thing they needed was for her to get a wish granted...

Cody turned around sharply when he heard Mayt's voice.
"Ah...Mayt. This is Jayce. Fellow member of Phoenix Wing." Cody said as he looked from Mayt to Jayce back to Mayt. Cody now looked around before sighing in disappointment. He couldn't see James anywhere, as he realised while Mayt stated that.
"No....he isn't." Cody shrugged before slowly going to sit on the ground.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by HereComesTheSnow
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HereComesTheSnow dehydration expert

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

@Lmpkio@Silvan Haven@t2wave@hatakekuro

Jason Alexander

At that alibi, I couldn't help but smirk disdainfully, even with my eyes focused upon the pair evacuating themselves from the general area. She must have thought we were stupid.

"Oooooh, man." I said in my typical dark voice that people often wrote off as simply mumbling. Not that they would know, this is just how I speak. Low-energy, low-noise, and low-bullshit. "It must look like our first rodeo."

Really, she thought we would be so easily misled?

Come on. We may be young, but neither of us were born yesterday. And as much as I find fault with Harken's way of thinking, I can't honestly say he's stupid. He knows as well as I do when he's being lied to.

I rose, and casually ambled forward, with my usual low profile (Editor's Note: Slouch), blank expression, and hands planted in my pockets, until I had drawn up beside the Paladin Wannabe as he just finished explaining how we weren't in a guild because we didn't want to be in a guild, rather than being incapable of finding one or getting in one.

"And for the record, since I couldn't help but overhear," I said, looking the woman straight in the eye. "Everyone knows it doesn't take Light Magic to break out of simple syncope. Nor do they last longer than a few seconds without the person waking on their own."

My implications, I'm sure, were pretty clear.

"So, what really happened? Why not tell us that?"

A question halfway for show, halfway for Harken. I knew this Sayatachi wasn't gonna be likely to play along.

Her being on the Magic Council made things very interesting. It certainly made me expect her to confront my repeated questioning with what amounted to "pulling rank". Even so, I will always confront problems my own way.

Directly, maliciously, and unabashedly. Go after the facts, and go after them with fervor.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by YamiNoNeko2341
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YamiNoNeko2341 Ace Trainer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jayce pulled another cigarette from the pack and placed it between his lips, he snapped his fingers to summon a small flame with which he lit the smoke. He took a long draw and released it before acknowledging the others.

"Hey nice to meet ya" He waved to them "Hope to work alongside you in the future"

He watched the wisps of smoke drift up towards the roof.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago


Alone again, Gabriel sat there for some time, before rising, not really into the festivity of the games anymore. Despite the fact his guild was fighting, right then he was unsure if he was even still welcome. While he wished Demitri best, he didn't want to sit and watch the fight.

His head hurting, Gabriel wondered the streets of Crocus, fully expecting to get lost, and not particularly caring. He thought about going to a bar, but in his present state of mind he would probably get drunk, and make a full of himself. Which would just further embarrass the guild.

So he continued to walk, until he reached a park. Sitting down, he took out te key to his dragon spirit, before summoning it. "Why did you come to me?" The dragon merely twisted in the air, and Gabriel decided it wasn't so bad to merely sit there, with his spirit.


Penny gave a sigh to herself, and wondered what she could do right then. It seemed no point in going to the Arena when the battles were almost over. And she wanted to have fun, push everything out of her mind for a few hours. So she started back to the hotel for now, but still troubled, she ended back in her hotel room.

Everything seemed to indicted for Karn that Soul magic had been used, perhaps even before this incident. And that made her feel sick to her stomach. There was a reason Soul Magic had been banned so long ago, one of the nastier aspects of forbidden magic. And yet, it was the only way a Phoenix managed to survive their constant rebirths, until that final one. It wasn't something she liked to think on, and she supposed it was a reason why Solias didn't want her using her Phoenix Slayer magic.

Pressing her fingers to her eyes as she sat at the desk in the room, she let out a slow breath. And then she rose, wanting information. And the Crocus Library was rumored to have not only books on magic but books that focused on forbidden magics. She expected some trouble at the library, but if she had to, she'd bully her way through. Then she cursed, went back to her room, and left a note on the door saying she was at the library, in case anyone was searching for her, before continuing.

Demitri vs Laynette part two

When Demitri began talking, Deyja had managed to force himself back to looking at his opponent, instead of the crowd. This guy was talking a lot too, and it seemed his guild had decided on people for the games differently then Iron Enigma had. That was no matter, what mattered was all the people watching him, and how if he beat this guy they'd all stop staring at him. Suddenly someone shouted from the stands, one of his guild members, after seeing what he was doing, had run down to remind him that he wasn't allowed to kill. The dark-mage sighed, looking back at his opponent. Figures there's some catch that makes this harder than it aught to be. He thought, before feeling himself suddenly being launched into the air for the second time.

This time however, Deyja managed to keep his wits about him while he was in the air, and he watched his opponent. As Demitri reached where he meant to do what clearly was a final attack, Deyja's shadow orb launched itself at high speed towards him. It would pass through Deyja harmlessly, heading right for Demitri's stomach, trying to knock him up into the air. It was his hope that this would at least distract his opponent long enough for him to make a landing and regain his footing for another attack from solid ground. You have to focus on this fight Deyja, if you don't, you'll be letting your guild down. He admonished himself.

An instant before his fists connected, Demitri was stifled by a shadow ball to the gut. It did not cause him great injury, but it did knock him back more than far enough for all of his arms to miss. The brawler grinned. "You finally heating up? Good! For a minute there I thought you were just going to hand it to me." With both competitors still aloft, Demetri punched downward, emitting a flurry of firebolts to keep himself in the air for another attack.

This time, five magic circles appeared in the air around him, and from each another hand emerged, these with palms extended. Dancing flames fused into burning, red-hot orbs between their fingers, as well as those of the brawler's six arms, and as Demetri prepared to unleash his Helios Arc, he called. "But I'm not letting my friends down either! Haaaaah!" From each of his hands, a series of concussive fireballs issued forth, raining down on Deyja like hail from a variety of angles.

Deyja reached the ground as Demitri was just starting raining fireballs down on the shadow mage. Looking up, he watched, seemingly idly, as they came ever closer. His normal reaction would be to attempt to impale his oppnent with his shadow, but since that was a no-no, he decided on playing defensively. He began launching his shadow, as an orb, into each fireball, detonating them harmlessly. Each time that one managed to dispel his orb, his shadow would simply reappear below him and he'd reform the orb. He was doing well enough to keep them at bay, espescially whenever they drew close, but he had no intention of doing it forever.

The mage sent his ball of shadow into the hail of fire, before expanding it to a much larger size. This would set off a number of them simultaniously, creating a sort of smoke screen that Deyja used to be able to move backwards out of direct fire without being seen. Once not every single fireball was heading for where he was standing, the fist-sized orb of shadow would zip through the smoke and fire directly towards Demitri's nose, aiming to slam into it repeatedly. It wasn't a very elegant strategy, but Deyja wasn't used to employing non-lethal attacks. "I-I have no plans to l-let down my companions e-either." He'd murmur under his breath as he split his attention between controlling the orb and avoiding any fireballs that found him.

Foresight, Demetri thought as he fell to earth, Must not be this guy's strong suit. Making a smokescreen to block vision was a smart move, but putting it up in the air, where the fireballs had originated, and where Demetri wouldn't be in less than a few seconds, was not as much. It's time this scarecrow knew what he's dealing with. With a clear vision of Deyja across the sandy arena floor, he had plenty of time to spot and defend against the incoming orb.

He did not.

Demetri crossed his four lower arms, put the other two behind his head in a position of relaxtion, and stood there. The orb of shadow collided with his nose, knocking his head back, but he made no move except to lean it forward again. Several times the orb struck him, and still he made no attempt to defend himself. He grunted when one particularly hard hit caused a cracking noise to issue forth, and a few drops of blood fell from his nostrils to trickle down his chest. Then Demetri bared his teeth. "You, sir, are no warrior. Helping people, tackling challenges, and being a man take more than power alone: they take a good attitude. Yours is pathetic. I mean, you're a dark mage, aren't you? Thief, murderer, and all that. Doesn't that life take steel? If you're so scared of people, why have you convinced yourself that you're fighting for them? You should be more worried about therapy than victory." Demetri roared, and the brimstone in his arms -the forearms of his real ones and the whole of the Asura ones- began to overflow. In seconds, they had become a substance akin to lava, and the ambient temperature in the arena began to rise.

"I know it sounds mean, but I'm trying to help you. If you won't listen to reason, like most criminals, then I hope you'll listen to my fists."

Demetri clapped all six of his hands, and from the magic circles around Deyja's feet burst a great many burning arms that grabbed at his ankles, legs, and arms, attempting to grapple him and hold him tight. The brawler took off sprinting, closing the distance fast.

Deyja gave his opponent an odd look as his opponent seemed to have started lecturing him. It seemed he was trying to make some point, but it was lost on the dark Mage. "I-I don't understand what y-you're saying. I th-think you're assuming things th-that aren't right." He shook his head a bit. The man must've just been trying to distract him, he decided, but he couldn't get his mind off the crowd. They were still watching him, so was his guild. He was supposed to look strong for them, so he decided that he wouldn't lose to this guy, but the no-killing rule was one the Dark Mage wasn't used to. Normally the rule was 'don't be seen doing it'. He continued to think, ignoring the hands grabbing him. He was allowed to maim, right? That Phoenix Wing wizard certainly hurt his opponent pretty badly, and Jacob and Merlina fought pretty hard too. That gave him an idea, though he had to act fast, as Demitri was almost on top of him.

Taking a breath, Deyja activated his magic again. "Shadow Control." His shadow, having reformed where it should be after Deyja had given up on the nose attack, lurched into action. It moved in front of Deyja quickly, going for Demitri's stomach again, but instead of as a sphere, it formed a sharp lance. Angled in such a way so that it would miss his spine and other major organs, but on course to shish-ka-bab Demitri regardless. Assuming he didn't move out of the way or something else.

Demetri didn't.

He ran straight into the lance, blindly focused on his target. He bellowed in pain as the point pierced his guts. The knowledge that his guild had some of the best healers in the business didn't assuage that terrible sensation. "Augh!" He glared at Deyja, teeth gritted as he bled inside. There wasn't much time. He reached down with one hand and grabbed the shadow lance, holding it in place. "You'll pay for that!" In a few strides, he closed the remaining distance, relying on his adrenaline to last him even as his wound drained his strength. The arms around Deyja clamped down, their grip secure. Demetri appeared, standing above the grappled man. Without skipping a beat, the brawler grabbed Deyja's lower leg, burning through the cloth and frying the skin. I'll be out of the competition for days! He thought wrathfully as he pulled, beginning to spin. The least I can do is return the favor! The Iron Enigma wizard was whirled around, held aloft by centripetal force, and finally thrown in an overhead slam to the ground. Immediately, the magic circles beneath him threw punches upward, tossing him into the air, and straight into the path of Demetri's Asura Triple Haymaker.

There was a meaty thwack before Deyja sailed through the air to land on the sand a couple dozen feet away. The red magic circles carpeting the arena vanished as cheers went up. Demetri spared his foe one last look, half anger and half pity; while an experienced fighter such as he knew how to apply pain without causing permanent damage, Deyja would feel those impacts for days. Then Demetri sagged to his knees, blood running down his belly, and gasped at the fresh wave of pain surging in now that the adrenaline had gone.

After Demitri's hit, Deyja would've landed face up, staring up at the sky, coughing. Everything looked funny after that last hit. He couldn't feel his body properly, but he focused on what was above him. The sky is so beautiful this time of year. Maybe I should take Luna out to watch the sky some time. Was one of the last thoughts before he blacked out, closing his eyes. His breath would become slow and gentle, and he'd look almost serene, lying there. As if he was just taking a nap in the middle of a summer field, save the bit of blood on his clothing, and the occational cough of his otherwise limp body.

"Looks like Demetri from Frenzy Plant is the winner! Sheldon sang. "A fast and furious fight! Both could deal incredible blows, but only one could take them. Congratulations, fighters! Don't be afraid to spend time in the infirmary! Now, on to the next battle!"

A few Iron Enigma members would come down, grabbing their fallen comrade and carrying him back to the infirmary. Luna Cathris would be there, but her face would be covered as she walked with the people carrying him off to the infirmary. None of the other major members would be there however.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 8 days ago

Jasmine grew restless. She knows that Cody had told her to stay put, but still she had only just met him so she couldn't exactly trust everything he said. Despite how much she wanted to.
She slowly closed the door behind her as she looked from side to side. Now where to? All she saw was empty corridor.
She decided to take a right turn and as she approached the corner she bumped into something solid and feel flat on her butt.
"Ow...." Jasmine muttered painfully as she looked up to see she had bumped straight into a woman who seemed to be a few years older than herself, probably in her early twenties, with bright red hair.
Unknown to Jasmine the woman was also taller than her as well so she went face first straight into her breasts when she had bumped into her before falling flat on her buttocks.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@t2wave@Silvan Haven@HereComesTheSnow
Sayatachi Nijiko

"Ah, the guildless thing is a matter of choice. Jason and I both enjoy the freedom that traveling on our own allows us. We may join one in the future but for now we are both quite content. Thank you for the recomendation though."

Sayatachi simply nods with a pleasant smile. Then it seems Jason had finally come out of loning has walks towards them.

"And for the record, since I couldn't help but overhear," he said, looking the woman straight in the eye. "Everyone knows it doesn't take Light Magic to break out of simple syncope. Nor do they last longer than a few seconds without the person waking on their own."

Rainbow Majesty externally released an eyebrow of question. Internally though, she wasn't so hot about him. She knew what he was up to, and nor did she like it. Embarrassed she was not, but rather slightly annoyed. Wouldn't want to reveal herself as a philanderer right in front of these strangers. Yet she's going to keep things cool.

"So, what really happened? Why not tell us that?"

A small pause as Sayatachi makes a slight chuckle.

"I see you happen to question authority much." she replies staring right back at him, "Not that I would blame you. After all, the old council was riddled with corruption anyways. Thats exactly why a new one was resurrected, to kick the corrupted out and let in the new and pure come in."

A small pause.

"I must've accidentally pinched a pressure point as I was holding him." she continues replying to his question, "After all, he was panicking a bit too much, so even if it was on purpose it most certainly put him out for awhile. But it wasn't. Regardless it did its job. And like I said... he's gynophobic, so obviously he'd give a bad eye to any women he encounters."

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by HereComesTheSnow
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HereComesTheSnow dehydration expert

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

@Lmpkio@Silvan Haven@t2wave@hatakekuro

Jason Alexander


I really couldn't help it. It was what amounted to a conditioned response from me, whenever I was confronted of that caliber of sophistry.

Laughable. You had to be kidding me, woman! My little sister could run rings around this kind of talk, let alone myself. I can't speak for Harken, but do I honestly look so stupid to you?

Hell, now I'm insulted. And unlike a certain Light Maker, I'm gonna act upon it.

"Impressive. You're so quick at covering your bases, I didn't even ask why he was giving you the stink eye yet and you've already answered me." I continued, unperturbed and even allowing myself a smile. People always say it's an ugly one, but I couldn't help showing a bit of smugness. This was what a cat must have felt like while playing with it's food. "But that's not even your biggest mistake. Anyone with a cursory knowledge of the human body knows there's no pressure point you can 'accidentally' press to knock someone unconscious for minutes at a time."

I straightened my back some, rising up an inch or two in height as if responding to my own momentum. "You don't 'accidentally' produce that kind of force or technique, nobody does. Who do you think you're fooling? Am I expected to believe someone elected onto the Magic Council can't even control their own power?"

At this point, I was all but laughing openly as I spoke.

I'm a reader by nature. I've come across plenty books regarding medicine, anatomy, and martial arts. You do the math.

"So, unless you're saying you effectively choked him out, stop lying. It's in poor taste after that 'purity' garbage you just spewed. I mean, if you feel like that's the safer story to go with on the other hand, then..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Online

Damian Gerard|City of Crocus

Damian allowed Leixia to do her work with the bandages, and locked eyes with Hyun before she could leave. "The woman I'd met in the Arena on the first day of the games was a woman who's determination came from having already had her dream placed just far enough out of reach to be unsure if she could reach it. When we meet again later in the Games, I hope to see you at full strength." Turning, he helped Marlene out of the area and back towards the hotel.

After they were far enough away, he sighed. "Was yesterday's episode not enough for you? Trying to exact revenge over a stupid prank needed to be added to the list?" He shook his head. "If two mages can't settle things peacefully, then how can the public trust us? I promise you, Frenzy Plant will make the kid pay for what he did, but I can't let you off for your share in the damage back there. We'll talk to Jamie once you've healed up some."

James Hunt|Phoenix Wing Hotel

After getting Adamine back to the stadium, James had returned to the hotel to find Cody and see how the day had been for him. After the dark paladin, it was all he really wanted was to rest. It had taken some searching, but he heard voices coming from the courtyard and saw Mayt, Cody and another fellow all sitting there. Walking up, he pats his guild mates on the back. "I see we all made it, although I did get held up."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@t2wave@Silvan Haven@HereComesTheSnow
Sayatachi Nijiko

Now this boy is getting quite annoying. He was indeed quite the rebel. And how dare he talk back to a Council authority. Though she has to admit he has some nerve to talk back as well. Then again, its only been a day or so since she was appointed so respect shouldn't come so quickly. She knew better then not to give into his little "game", or make herself look more vulnerable. After looking at him for just a few seconds after he finished, she pulls her attention towards Lux.

"Your friend is quite the rebel." she says to him in a low voice, enough so that Jason wouldn't hear, "I would train him to watch his mouth if I were you. There are other officials that aren't as forgiving as I am."

And with that Sayatachi turns and walks away, her hair gleaming in the sunlight. She is already dragging in too much unwanted attention. Perhaps trying to seduce Nolan in such an open place was too ballsy after all. But she had no regrets...

Absolutely none...

Marlene Evangeline

"Was yesterday's episode not enough for you? Trying to exact revenge over a stupid prank needed to be added to the list?" Damian says as he shakes his head.

All Marlene did was sigh weakly.

"At least..." she croaks, "At least it wasn't AS stupid... as yesterday. I promised... myself that I would get him back whenever I could. I... I wasn't expecting him... to have friends... nearby..."

"If two mages can't settle things peacefully, then how can the public trust us? I promise you, Frenzy Plant will make the kid pay for what he did, but I can't let you off for your share in the damage back there. We'll talk to Jamie once you've healed up some."

"Please..." Marlene begs weakly, "Don't do this. I promise... that this will be the last time such an event will happen. I-If I do it again... then by all means take me to her. I swear by my own life that this... will never happen again. N-No more grudges... do I hold f-for anyone..."

She was tearing up a little bit, but alas she didn't make herself sound like she was, other then a few croaks. She knew that she shouldn't have gone in like that and try to fight him. Then again, she can count herself lucky as to avoid being a hostage towards Frenzy Plant. Almost too lucky that is...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Malice Hardt

She had recovered from yesterdays bout with Indigo fairly well. Still a bit sore everywhere but thats too be expected when someone engulfs you in an attack of pretty colors of death. So she had been capable of seeing her team lose the even for the next day which made her cringe. If this was any indication, she was going to hate seeing the fight. Yet every fight thus far went well. And it wasn't until the Frenzy Plant's fight that the arena turned freaking pink. She looked around at the gross color and just stood up. "Nope fuck this, I'm out. See you all tomorrow." Malice said heading on out of the arena just at Frenzy Plant took the win.

Yet as she passed this potted plant, she noticed out of the corner of her eye a tiny young girl who looked like they were crying. Malice would crouch down next to her and would stare at her before poking her head. "Great place to cry kid. I feel you though, this color for the arena is just so tacky. That I want to cry myself! Yet you know what makes me feel better? A nice day of shopping!" Malice said with a smile before she lifted Ayame up and proceeded to drag her along. "Wow you are kind of tiny aren't you? I bet you would just look adorable in dresses." Malice said before heading out onto the streets not really giving Ayame a choice in the matter.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 30 min ago

Joshua Tamashii and Amaya van Isis

Collab between Joshua Tamashii and Amaya Yashia

Joshua raised an eyebrow at Amaya's outburst but said nothing as she walked away. If anything else, he had gotten a hint from her. Apparently something had happened on this day. Something that, in her own words, changed her 'from a simple shrine maiden to a dragon slayer'. Sighing, he followed her but stopped outside the bar. He doubted she would last very long. Amaya had never had a drink before, as much as he knew. And besides that, she was underage, though that might not stop the bar. He would simply have to step in when she got in trouble or passed out and take her back to the inn. He was praying it was the latter, as that would make things easier.

Amaya always normally hate random bars cause God knows you have so many random people that are totally not themselves. Drunks are very random. Some gets handy and some get mean, some just pass out and some calls you friend even if they don't know you.

Amaya Sat down at the bar ordering a very simple drink. She took off her scarf and hood allowing her guild mark to show. Amaya yawned rubbing her temples hoping to receive her drink soon so she could drown this headache. It took a few minutes before Amaya got her drink. She examined it for a few seconds before she let out a deep sigh before downing the drink in one go. Normally, she wouldn't even drink or she would take a few hours to finish a glass of water but she had a headache and a ton of things that needed to be drowned and what better way then to get drunk and not be in the right state of mind to really care for a small while.

"Mother would murder me if she saw me drinking, so would everyone back home...I hate this time of year...every year it seems." She spoke to herself in a whisper as she messed with her glass waiting for the effects of the drink to kick in. She did not pay attention to the small crowd of eyes looking her way from some of the others in the tavern. She closed her eyes to try and focus on making her headache go away before she heard a male voice that snapped her out of her train of thought

"Heya little lady, you seem lost." said the male as Amaya opened one of her ice blue eyes to see the towering figure looking down on her. she wouldn't have mind talking to him or ignore him but the simple fact that his rough hand was on her shoulder, was something she couldn't stand. She lifted a hand pushing his hand off. "I am not lost and just because I am shorter, thinner and a girl, doesn't mean I will become the lost heroine that needs some drunken overgrown gorilla to smooth talk me, now please go back to the hole you climbed out of...your making my headache worse from the very stench of your breath." She replied opening both eyes when she received a bellowing laugh from the male and some of the others in the tavern.

"You sure got some cold claws missy. I am sure I can melt that cold heart of yours." He commented as he leaned down with his face inches from hers before she once again sighed before picking up her scarf and hood, putting them back on their respected places before she smirked "No you can't but I can freeze your heart if you don't get a breath mint." She replied getting up. she left her money in her glass and turned to leave when she felt him once again grab ahold as she shoved off his hand before his smirk grew "aw, come on now...Be nice." He commented

"You asked for it...Roar of the Ice Dragon." She said moving her hands towards her mouth before she took a deep breath before allowing her attack to release at point blank, taking the drunk by surprise as it smacked point blank against his torso sending him soaring through a window into the muddy street. She put her hands down before seeing that she had really stirred up some trouble with the guy's companions that had stayed clear of her and him till their leader got sent flying through a window "Great." She whispered seeing the poor drunk slowly getting back up.

"610, 611, 612, 613." Joshua counted before someone got sent flying through one of the bars windows, accompanied by a blast of ice and cold wind. Sighing, Joshua pushed himself off the wall and entered the bar to find Amaya surrounded by several men. Shaking his head, he walked over and got between Amaya and the men, handing her his sword. "Now, now fellas. Why you don't you back away before you all get hurt? You don't want to end up like your friend out there, do you?"

Amaya sighed folding her arms trying to calm herself down before she opened her eyes smelling Joshua's scent. "Great my stalker is here...I can handle myself Joshua and it seems a girl can't get a drink to simply drown the past. "She said feeling the effects as she accepted the sword watching him once again protect her from the trouble she caused.

"A dragon slayer? probably one of those with the lacrima...there are no true dragons left alive? Tell us, how did you get the ability?" asked one of the fellows in a joking manner

That was the straw that broke the camel's back "How dare you even speak the name of my magic and compare it to a scientific form! I was raised by a living dragon...the only Living Ice dragon Herself...you filth have no right to speak ill of us Dragon Slayers."yelled Amaya was she was ticked off now and it was showing as the drinks around her began to freeze as the air grew colder by the second.

"Why you little...Your going to regret calling me filth." Yelled one of the guys in anger

"Yeah... no. Sorry Amaya, you need a nap." Joshua said before hitting Amaya on the back of neck hard enough to knock her out but soft enough to avoid leaving a mark. He would catch her as she fell over and set her in a nearby seat. He then took his sword back before turning to the others, his face one of controlled rage as he pushed the blade out of it's sheathe just slightly. "You all have five seconds before you wind up flat on floor."

Amaya was too angry at the previous comment about the dragon slayers and dragons to block the knock out tap as she fell like a ton of bricks. she out like a light.

"Oh looky boys, he did half the work for us, what are you going to do, cut us with that sword...so scary swordsman..."Commented the male as he and his friends laughed before they lounged forward

Joshua frowned before seemingly vanishing and reappearing behind the men.
"Yes, yes I think I will. You insulted a dear friend of mine while she was in a bad mood. I do not take that lightly." He said, putting his sword back in it's sheathe before the men behind him collapsed in a heap. "Sadly, much as I would love to draw your blood, I don't think the barkeep would be happy, so I settle for breaking your ribcages instead. Sleep well."

Moving back over to Amaya, he placed some money on the bar for the window before lifting her up and carrying her out of the bar and back to the hotel, taking her to his room and setting her on the bed.

it was about half an hour before amaya stirred waking up from her nap. She sat up rubbing her neck. "Ouch..."She commented looking around. "Why am I back at the hotel...I think, I was at the tavern...,maybe the outside...my head hurts." She said laying back

"Please tell me you aren't drunk off of one beer." Joshua said quietly, sitting in a nearby chair.

"I'm not sure, never been good at holding down my drink...So I would be considered a light weight right? I think that is the right term...ah my head hurts more before I started thanks to you...I think...ow thinking hurts." she said rubbing her temples

"I think ultra-lightweight is more accurate. And while my blow might hurt you neck, your head is entirely your fault. Maybe some tea would help you. Would you like some?" Joshua said

"No...my original headache started because of your motherly worry but sure I guess. I never heard ultralight weight"she said

"Because I just made it up to be more accurate." Joshua said, still speaking softly. He got up and moved around the room, grabbing a kettle, some tea leaves, and water, soon having the tea brewing on the stove. He moved over to Amaya's side and placed the back of his hand on her forehead to see if her temperature was still higher then usual.

Amaya watched him blankly folding her arms over her chest watching him annoyed as he felt her head "God you are such a mother hen...its...weird to see something so familiar with such an odd lonely person such as yourself"She commented as she was a little hotter then normal for her cold feeling skin

Joshua sighed before forcing her to lay down again. He walked over to the sink and grabbed a washcloth, getting it cold and damp before placing it on her forehead.
"I worry about those who are close to me. You're the only people I have here. You're like the family I don't have." He said.

"But the guild...is suppose to be like family as well...I know a lot of the members don't seem to know or notice me but...a lot of them remind me of the friends and family I had back home."She said gently laying back down letting him tend to her as she was sure he wasn't going to leave her alone until he did.

"You never talk of your home... though I suppose I'm one to talk. As for the guild being family... you and Angelo are the only ones I've really interacted with. I talked to Sasha and Lazarus briefly but not at all since then." Joshua said. "So I guess I aint really close to anyone but you."

"What is there to talk about... My own true parents never wanted me...they gave me to the temple, as a gift to the deity...I was just a baby no more then a month... then came the raiders years later.....they all died and all I could do was watch as they got cut down one by one...only thing I could bring myself to do was Run to the sanctuary of our temple to mother...and I prayed...and when they came to take my life...mother came and killed them but I was saved...after all the cries and prayers...why was I spared...what right do I have to speak about those, I ran from instead of staying to die with them..."She said, "and when I was raised by Aurora...She never wanted to truly take me in...or teach me my magic...but an a small eight year old girl could never survive on her own when deep winter was around the corner... She only taught me so I could defend myself if the time came...but she too left me alone... I have no home...just torn memories...I am but a dragon slayer raised by a dragon...Nothing more or less...my normal self died with her people and that is where she and my past should stay...dead. all records of the incident speaks of no survivors were found...just marked ice graves of those who were slaughtered, villager and raider alike...ruins of the village and temple still stand...probably buried somewhat." She said just letting it all spill as she sighed turning on her side turning away from him as she told her tale

Joshua listened to Amaya calmly and didn't say anything as the tea was finished and he went to pour her a cup. When he returned, he put the drink on the table beside the bed while holding his own cup. Letting the silence stretch a bit so he could take a sip after the drink had cooled enough, he thought over what she said.
"You know something? You were very lucky to be so loved by everyone, especially your mother." he said

"I was always the one everyone could come to...I never caused trouble...I was just quite and stay sweet doing what I could to make other's lives easier...that was my duty...my mission in that village...we were peaceful...never fought anyone...our passive approach was our undoing." she said gently. "But learning my magic...it was hard to be assertive to be like the dragon powerful, a leader, wise...our magic encases what I dragon is...it is hard allowing the two sides to co exist...I can't function like Zero and Zenoram can."She said gently

"I don't know of the two you speak of but you know... maybe you should focus a bit less on the draconic aspects of your magic. Where I spent half my life, dragons are evil creatures, only seeking the end of the world and to enslave humans. This might very well be true. But I like where I lived the other half of my life. Dragons are an embodiment of an element, in a body of flesh and blood, and are wise and gentle creatures. Tell me a bit more about this dragon that adopted you." Joshua said calmly.

"Aurora never wanted to hurt humans...I know centuries ago she was raised in a lab with Hermolock and other dragons...she told me when they escaped only she and him survived...they hid in the icy mountain of Hakobe...taking different sides. she spoke of being part of the dragon human war and wanted co existence of humans and dragons till the slayers started to turn on their dragons... I don't remember much of what else she said...uh...oh yeah... the gem that I have in my room was a item she created for my village for them to contact her if she was ever needed...I think she was in a frozen slumber not being needed in forever or something but some how...my prayer got through to her." she said sitting up.

"Mother was kind and tended to whatever I needed but stern in teaching me to move towards the future...to not hate those who tore away my past..."she said "She never wanted to teach me her magic but she knew someday, she wouldn't be there to protect me...she knew some day, I would have to return to my own kind to continue life when hers happens to end...so she taught me against her own wishes... she was stern but caring." She said going silent trying to think if she missed anything important

"You said earlier that Aurora never truly wanted to take you in. I would say the opposite is true actually, from the way you just described her." Joshua said.

"She only took me in cause I couldn't survive at the young age I was." She said

"She had no obligation to do so though. And not only that, she could've easily have just dropped you off somewhere in the middle of the night. She didn't though. She cared." Joshua said

"That is true...she did mourn for my village with me...she was their guardian...the one we prayed to... I always knew deep down she blamed herself for not hearing our cries sooner...she would never admit it but I could feel her grief for it...maybe raising me was her way to make up for not being there." She said gently with a sigh

"You have to stop thinking no one cares about you. Your adoptive mother did. She cared about you enough to keep you safe and give you a way to defend yourself even if she didn't want to." Joshua said. He was happy that she was a bit more compliant now, though he had to wonder if that was the beer. He would seriously have to stop her from drinking if she chose to do so in the future."How about you turn over and have some tea while it's still hot. We can still talk."

"Its not that I feel no one cares about me...a lady I met on my travels spoke of survivors guilt and abandonment. everyone and everything I love has left me suddenly. My village being completely erased from the world leaving me alone then my own adopted mother just suddenly vanished without a trace...for all I know someday phoenix wing wont be here...I pray it wont happen and I pray I keep those I care for around like you and team Power Keg and the other friends I have made."She said sighing. She listened to him as she sat up. "I am not in the mood for hot tea." She commented hugging her knees

Joshua sighed, setting his tea aside, before he reached out and gently put a hand on Amaya's shoulder.
"No one is going to leave you. And even if Phoenix Wing where to vanish or disband, I will not leave you and we will join another guild together." He said, giving her a small smile. "Trust me when I say I know what it's like to be abandoned by those you thought cared about you. I will never let you feel that pain if I can help it. I'll make sure you're never alone again."

"You can't guarantee that..."She commented blankly as she looked at him before suddenly wrapping her arms around him in a hug "Either way, thank-you for making me feel a bit better about all this." She said gently resting her chin on his shoulder

"True I can't but I will try to keep that promise." Joshua said, hugging her back after recovering from the sudden hug. "Feeling a bit better?"

"I feel a bit better still have a headache...cant believe I cant even handle one drink." She replied rubbing her forehead.

"The tea should help with that but it's probably cold by now. Not that that's ever bothered you before." Joshua said.

Amaya turned to the tea as she took it down in one go letting out a light burp "I only like my meat hot." She said

Joshua could only shake his head and smile at Amaya'a antics.
"Well, you seem closer to normal now. Did talking about it help?" He said.

"A little I will still hear and see things from the past for a day or so don't mind me if I freak out about a fire that isn't happening or anything." She said

"Then rest. You might not feel well when you wake up though." Joshua said

"yeah I haven't felt well for a few days because of the anniversary." she said laying down as she yawned. "I hope I can stay asleep this time."

"Well, I'll be here the entire time unless I get called away for the games. So hopefully that'll help you be at ease." Joshua said, turning a nearby vision lacrima to the games.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Angelo groaned as he looked around the room and he saw how he was bandaged up already. When he finally felt the effects of his Mach 2 armor wear off he was able to walk again. So Angelo sat up drinking some water nearby and left to go to the stands. While Angelo did get them a tie He still wish he could help. Sides that girl was pretty cute even if she was trying to kill him. Now Angelo was starting to think about taking Damien's advice about planning ahead more seriously. Soon Angelo found the stands again noticing he was nearby the dragon Fang stands. Didn't matter much to him honestly after all he did his fight he was done for now...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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@Lunarlors34 @Lugubrious @Shikaru

“Excuse me, mister genie, but your services would not be required right now. We want to watch the show… without any shenanigans going on if possible.” Janna replied to the man as Anya seemed to get caught into the trap of him showing his powers for her… and then the arena turned pink...” Holy cheese sandwich...” Janna muttered to herself, realizing that someone turning the arena pink would cause… attention.

“Ahh indeed, Angela! That was incredible fight!” Janna agreed with the child smiling before turning back to the ‘genie’.

“Listen there, Naru, Baru, Nero or whatever your name was… Turn the stadium back to it’s previous state before the guards start searching for the culprit!” Janna warned him with a frown. Sure enough it was ages since her last offense, but she still preferred on to get into their radars."As fun as it is, it's considered vandalism over public property and I don't want to have to spend the night in prison because of the shenanigans of other people... again!"

“Also Anya, don’t get caught into the schemes of people offering wishes…” Janna said to the girl warningly.” It never leads to anything good… as for you…” She shot a look at Nero again, yes she had learned his name already… she was just playing around frankly.” If ya want friends, there is no need to cause this commotion!”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

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Karin Reese

Location: Park near the Domus Flau -> Karin's Lab

He didn't need to think any longer. "I'll do it." He shivered. "I want to live my life with my conscious clear." Lazarus gazed into the distance, down the street when saying this. "So what happens now?" He looked over his shoulder at her.

"First, I thank you for my accepting the offer." she shook his hand and gently pulled him in the direction of her lab. "Now, I'll bring you to the lab. As I stated earlier, the treatment doesn't take too long. All you need to do is relax. If you maintain a calm mind, the process should go smoothly."

It didn't take too long, but they finally arrived in front of Karin's lab. Once inside, Karin started to prepare the treatment and showed him where to wait for the treatment to begin. Where Lazarus waited in was a man sized capsule that was angled diagonally so he could easily lean his back over. Connected to the capsule was a machine that Karin was tinkering with for a bit. "Okay. Lazarus, remember when you came inside. There is a machine connected to the capsule that you're currently in. With this machine, it will help us make sure everything goes as plan by extracting all the bad and ill thoughts and memories inside you. Just remember, relax and stay calm.

"By the way. If you can talk after the treatment, it could help check to see how feel after the treatment work." Once Lazarus said he was ready, Karin simply flicked the switch, starting the treatment and waiting for his response once he was done.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

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Ike Tsugi

At Enma's shock at Ike, he gave a confused look before hearing him looking like a twig. "Well thats awfully rude. I spent who knows how long inside a painting and thats the first thing you say too me? No wonder you never get far with women, I apologize in advance miss if Enma tried to seduce you." Ike said nodding at the woman before looking at Enma. "As for my build shrinking. I may look weaker, yet trust me when I say that I far exceed what I was before. The damage the old Ike could do was pathetic compared to now. Who knows, when I attempt to become S class, you may just feel that new found power.... Several other already have..." Ike said mumbling the last bit as he looked at the ground before gazing up. "As for the hair its a lovely thing called stress. Apparently if you have enough of it, your hair can fall out and grow in white." And then the Doma Flau turned pink. Which caused Ike to stare at the color before rubbing his head. Most likely in annoyance at this stupid prank, mostly when his guild just won their fight.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Anya simply stared in shock with her mouth hung open as the Domus Flau changed color, he was a REAL GENIE, or at-least some nerd with cool powers calling himself a genie. She looked to Arthur with a pout, Buzzkil.., she thought. Even worse Janna was agreeing with them! But she had a point, and Anya didn't feel like being arrested. "Fine..change it back." She finally mumbled, crossing her arms. She was a bit mad, but still agreed with Janna.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

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Angela Arthur James Jessica
Angela finally noticed that the arena had changed colour, much to Arthur's chagrin. This was about to get annoying.
"Woh! Pretty! Who did that?!" Angela exclaimed with much a happy grin on her face as she looked around the stadium, noticing that it would seem that someone transformed the entire stadium pink.
"The genie." James told her in a nonchalant way while pointing towards Nero. Despite his seemingly emotionless face, Arthur could see the beginnings of an evil grin on his face. That bastard! He knew what was about to happen.....
Angela's face lit up with delight at the word 'genie' and turned towards Nero with excitement and expectation written all over her face. Arthur sighed deeply now and rubbed his temples in annoyance.
"No Angela, wishes like this always come with a cost." Arthur told her strictly. Angela pouted before shaking her head and crossing her arms across her chest angrily.
"Meanie." Angela sat back down and begun to sulk. One could hear her obviously muttering the words 'idiot' and 'meanie', among others, under her breath.

Cody turned to face James as he approached before giving him a slight bow.
"It would seem so." He commented as he turned back to Jayce.
"James Hunt, Jayce." Cody introduced the two wizards to each other before he turned back to James and looked at him like he was about to ask a question but refrained from asking it. It would seem rude.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silvan Haven
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Silvan Haven Interstellar Paladin

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@HereComesTheSnow @Lmpkio

Lux Harken

Lux just watched the rainbow haired woman go with an impassive look on his face. Council member or not she had way to big an opinion of herself and way too little moral fiber.

Right then. Another thing on the To Do List. Political change in the upper ranks of the Fioran government.

All he said outwardly though was a simple. "I'm surprised they still allow the press to operate if she is any indication of the new Councillors."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by YamiNoNeko2341
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YamiNoNeko2341 Ace Trainer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Nice to meet you" Jayce pulled his hand from his pocket and extended it towards James in greeting. His bright eyes, sought out every detail about the wizard before locking respectfully on his eyes.
Smoke continued to waft upwards in lazy spirals as Jayce waited to see if James would accept the handshake.
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