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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GamerXZ
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Mako Kurohiko, Exiled Warrior|Fairy Eatery

Mako nodded and remained silent until the pair was done and then spoke. "I did not intend to insult, but I've learned in my travels that sometimes being forward with what you have to say is better than sugar coating it. Many people have come to thank me for my upfrontness when a sugar coating could have had...unfortunate consequences. As for your father, Alan, give it time. It may not be until the day he lies on his death bed, but his scars will heal, just as yours will." He looked at a clock and realized the time with a sigh. "It seems I am going to need to go soon if I'm to catch Jamie before visiting Jack Goran of Dragon Fang. If you wish to stay and eat a while longer, feel free. I'll inform the cashier on my way out."

"Yeah, well, there's being forward and then there's being a jerk...just something to keep in mind so the people you try to help don't get the wrong impression..." Aura finally relented and sighed, "But at the same time, I can see where you're coming from too, I suppose..."

Alan, at hearing Mako's words, also took note of the time. He stood up from the table, "Well, thank you for the meal and the information, Mako. We'll make sure to put it to good use," Although his facial expressions didn't show it directly, his posture suggested he felt a bit less burdened now that someone else knew his story. He scooped up his knapsack, "If you're heading off to meet Jaime, we'll head in that direction too," He managed a small smile, "At least this way you'll have some company for a bit longer. You coming, Aura?"

"Yeah, yeah.." Aura grabbed the remaining pastries off her tray and climbed into his knapsack, "Some fuel for the road." She giggled, causing his smile to brighten a little.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

The small bear trotted off, pleased with itself for having found a comrade, it began to run, in a graceful manor that would seem odd on a cub. It made its way back to where Gabriel and the others were, pawing at the spot she had been summoned.

At once the spirit disappeared.


Watching Amelia leave, Jamie waited a few moments, before rising to follow. While she knew Amelia was more then safe with her spirits, Jamie wasn't going to lose either her or same because of her own carelessness, but it wouldn't do to undermine Amelia's strength. So she would simply not be seen, but she would still watch.

She followed behind carefully, giving Amelia room. Jamie was good at hiding, and that's just what she did as she satisfied herself that Amelia would be alright. A little relieved to see James, among others there, Jamie relaxed slightly.


Penny smiled at Jasmimes enthusiasm, finding herself lifted by the girls excitement, but frowned at the mention of seeing them at the hotel. "wait. Do you mean spirits? Magical beasts that are summoned by their masters? Because that's what it sounds like" and there had been spirits running wild, the other day. Penny hadn't been apart of it, but it seemed like this was what Jasmine bad been seeing.

Pausing for a moment, Penny allowed her fire magic to consume her, the shape more formed then normal, holding out a hand to Jasmine "the flames won't harm you, so don't be afraid"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 2 days ago

Manami Fuyu and Shiro Hime

@Raijinslayer@Zarkun@Joshua Tamashii@Roseletta
Manami frowned at Amelia's questions. Not because of the questions themselves, but because she simply couldn't answer them in a way which this little girl would understand.
"They stand between me and my goal. Simple as that." Manami answered now as she seemed uncomfortable now. She didn't have to fight this little girl right? No way in hell could she hurt such an adorable little creature....
She reminded her of little Angela, Emma, Amelia and Sophie. Manami's sweet little angels (well Emma less so). What she would do to be back at the guildhall right now with them. A soft smile was briefly seen on Manami's face at those thoughts but she quickly shook her head.
Now wasn't the time to be daydreaming, she had to wrap this up before the council arrived. Otherwise she wouldn't see the little ones again.
"Step aside little one, my fight isn't with you." Manami had ways of getting around Undine. Sure she could just overpower Undine's control of Manami's water, it was a summon of an 11 year old girl after all. However if Manami removed the holy element from her water, she could just fight with that as well.
The true threats were the armored duo. The two who just didn't know when to shut up.
"Try it Paladin. See if you can do it again." Manami brought her arm up now as golden water began to converge on her arm. Soon however it lost it's golden glow and turned back to ordinary water, which Manami now launched towards James. She took care to make sure it wouldn't hit Amelia as well, and the attack would make it rather obvious as well. Meanwhile a sphere of golden light was now forming in Manami's other hand.
Shiro however had stayed silent by Manami's side during this exchange. Her narrowed eyes just waiting for the first signs of movement towards Manami, she would cut down whoever tried to attack her. Regardless of who it was.

Jasmine Lockwood

Jasmine shrugged in response.
"I'm not too sure. I'm not overly familiar with such magic, or magic in general really." Jasmine replied with a nervous chuckle before watching with wide eyes as Penny suddenly caught fire. She was worried for a moment however it would seem that whatever had happened, it was part of Penny's magic. So now her worried turned into that of curiousity.
"Ok." Jasmine responded with a nervous grin as she took Penny's hand rather uncertainly. It wasn't that she didn't trust Penny, however one couldn't really blame her for being slightly nervous about grabbing a person who was currently on fire. But she trusted that Penny knew what she was doing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


The ladies left the hole beneath the old tree and came to notice the sky turning more weary every second. It was gonna storm soon, ideal for Thor so she could reload all her mana. Hopefully there wasn't too much rain coming with it though. They followed Harper without uttering a word since she definitly seemed to take the most initiative of the three. They were fast to go back but Harper seemed to act a little off, like she had seen a ghost or something. Thor frowned and paid a little bit more attention to the girl as they walked.

A gnarl from across the cliff they had to venture sounded. Thor instantly looked up at the sound and notice the woman in shabby clothes with unnatural looking skin. It was like some horror movie with the sky looking like this. Thor stopped with walking and took a stance to go at her any moment but first she wanted to see if it wasn't just a normal citizen of this town who was just a little crazy.

Soon it was clear that his woman wasn't normal, as soon as a blinding light erupted out of her eyes Thor knew this had to end. She wanted to take off and use her powers but decided not to be so rash. She didn't have much mana after all so flying could be a bit too much. Thor was about to sprint towards the woman but was struck with a blast of obnoxious gas. Thor immediately froze and made sure she wouldn't be emitting any electricity. Her arms immediately reached out to the ends of her scarf pulling on both sides to get is as tight to her mouth and nose as possible. Who knew what this gas could be, worst was that the gas wasn't only around Thor but her teammates too. She could blow them all up or electrocute the two of them if she wasn't carefull.

Lightly inhaling the stuff made it immediately clear that this wasn't normal gas. It was some sort of manipulation gas. She held a hand to her forehead as she started feeling faint. The feeling of darkness engulfed her mind. She felt cold, her body was freezing, goosebumps everywhere. She lightly trembled, it felt like a sort of panic attack. She wanted to die, that is how she felt like. She slowly looked at the other two to see how they felt.

From the looks of it Ash had snapped out of it and was getting the woman full on. She couldn't see if she really did hit the woman but she didn't really care at the moment. She wanted this gas off of her and Harper probably too. Ashlyn looked like she was busy at the moment beating the crap out of the source so she had to think up something herself so she could help Ash instead of waiting around till Ash did all the dirty work, but to be honest this wasn't the best time to be a electricity user. Thor covered her mouth more with her arm and began stumbling and coughing towards Harper to take her out of the cloud. With the minute she felt worse but she didn't give in to the brainwash just yet.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

James Hunt|Crocus City Park

James shook his head. For all her confidence, she held far too many flaws in her stance and he wasted no time, spinning around the water that was launched at him and blasting a disc shaped attack of holy energy from his shield and closing in on both the girls. He knew Amelia's ability to use her spirits was beyond anything their opponents would be expecting, so he knew they'd focus on him as the bigger threat. However, he'd been holding back because it was clear that Manami's conflict of conscience might turn her away from her path. Now, perhaps that hope was gone and he could no longer afford to hold back with Amelia involved.

Halfway across the way, James spun and unleashed another Blinding Radiance, keeping them from seeing where his shield would go. He then closed with Shiro first, who's vision returned in time to block his attack. There was no more attempts to appeal to anyone's moral side. The paladin was going to do his duty. His shield bounced several times before clipping Manami's leg, taking it out from under her and returning to James, who catches it and uses it to force Shiro back briefly. A brief clash ended in a shield bash to Shiro's head, exposing the weakness in her weapon of choice and it's reach. In that instant, James closed with Manami and grabbed her shirt front after sheathing his sword. "By the power of Him on High, it is time you were judged for your crimes and sins. Blood of the Lamb."

As he spoke, James' eyes took on a blue glow that grew brighter as he neared completion of his spell and if Manami looked up moments before she relived each sin in vivid detail, she would see the image of...something. The power it radiated, however, would leave no questions in her mind what it was. It was over in seconds and James stepped back. Those who had been in the guild hall the last time he used the spell would remember him being completely drained by it. In this case, that was not what happened as he drew his sword once more. "He has deemed you able to be redeemed. But persist, and I am to deliver you to him by the sword. And, I can promise, that is not how I want this to end."

Mako Kurohiko, Exiled Warrior|Crocus City

Mako nodded at the pair and lead the way out before stopping to ask a passerby if they'd seen Phoenix Wing's guild master. The pointed him in the direction of a park where there was some kind of training session going on. Mako frowned, considering it was a day of rest that many of the competeing wizards could use from what he'd heard from others. Still, he thanked the young lady and went in the direction indicated. "It's interesting that they're having a training session today. I've heard many of the competitors could use a break." He listened to Alan's response and open his to reply when he rounded a corner and saw Jamie. Wasting no time, he approached her, Alan in tow. "You're Master Jamie Beltran of Phoenix Wing, correct?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Frye | Crocus
Frye fell back as he felt Nolan’s power. Although he was excited at first, his expression soon became dispassionate as he frowned at Nolan’s final display. He gave a reluctant sigh as he got up and scratched his stubble. “Wow kid… I expected that old stick of a man to train powerful wizards. But to see them fail against someone as disappointing as you... it makes this entire thing that I built up to be exciting seem rather boring now.” Fyre gave a loud yawn, finally facing boredom again, but gave Nolan a quick grin. “We’re all human and makes mistakes, kid. I should have expected to be disappointed from the beginning instead of raising my expectations.”

When a woman who looked rather old appeared and demanded Frye leave, he couldn’t help chuckle on how she looked. “Oh, you’re part of the Magic Council, that’s priceless. I heard awhile back how the Council reputation plummeted with its corruption and defeat by a small group of wizards. It sounded hilarious how a big organization could fall to such a small guild. If this kid’s pathetic guild could beat you, why should I listen to you? Lucky for you, I’m already leaving this boring place so don’t bother with your demands from such a pointless title.”

“STOP!” From inside the crowd an elderly man, the same one Frye saw from before, rushed out with some guards behind him. “That’s him guards, Frye Gauss! The man with a bounty of 100,000,000 jewels! Now don’t just stand there, get him and hand me my reward!”

He took a quick glance at what the elderly man said, but shrugged it off as he looked backed to Nolan and Sayatachhi “It would be great if neither of you two bothered with what that old man said. Instead, ignore me. As I said before I’m bored of this place, don’t plan on sticking around any longer and not really in the mood for a fight. So what if we all just agree that me leaving would benefit everyone here.”With that said he turned around and took a few steps away from Crocus, hoping not to be stopped.

Wes Gusto| Crocus, Café
It was a new day and Wes spent most of it walking around Crocus, thinking about where and what Shutler’s other half could be doing. Growing tired and frustrated about these thoughts, he decided to stop by a café in hopes to refresh his mind. Once he got his order of tea he found a nice spot to sit down and relax with warm drink. It was after he poured tea in his cup was when he noticed an old but familiar face leave the restroom. He called her by her real name and waved “The Heavenly Archer, it’s been awhile since we last met.” When he noticed someone walk beside Samir, he assumed he was with her and gestured at the free seats at his table. “I don’t mind if you and you’re friend join me here at my table. Talking to an old and new face would probably help refresh my thoughts on something I’ve been thinking about recently. So, how are you two doing? I usually hear that you’re off on long missions, Samir.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sayatachhi Nijiko

As Sayatachi demanded for the drunkard to leave, the man couldn’t help chuckle on how she looked. “Oh, you’re part of the Magic Council, that’s priceless. I heard awhile back how the Council reputation plummeted with its corruption and defeat by a small group of wizards. It sounded hilarious how a big organization could fall to such a small guild. If this kid’s pathetic guild could beat you, why should I listen to you? Lucky for you, I’m already leaving this boring place so don’t bother with your demands from such a pointless title.”

As he boasted and tried to knock the council-woman's spirits down, all Saya did was continue to stand tall over him, almost as if she didn't hear what he was noting. Her eyes issued a venomous glare, as she did before, simply waiting for the drunkard to finish. But as he finished and attempted to walk away, an elderly shout can be heard from within the crowd.

“STOP!” From inside the crowd an elderly man rushed out with some guards behind him. “That’s him guards, Frye Gauss! The man with a bounty of 100,000,000 jewels! Now don’t just stand there, get him and hand me my reward!”

So it appears that this guy wasn't simply drunk... he also had a hefty bounty on his head. A criminal no doubt, she even faintly suspected something more odd with him. The man took a quick glance at what the elderly person said, but shrugged it off as he looked backed to Nolan and Sayatachi.

“It would be great if neither of you two bothered with what that old man said. Instead, ignore me. As I said before I’m bored of this place, don’t plan on sticking around any longer and not really in the mood for a fight. So what if we all just agree that me leaving would benefit everyone here.” And with that said, he turned around and took a few steps away from Crocus, as if he hoped to not be stopped.

But the council-woman would not let this ballsy drunkard be stopped. To dare defy to orders of this council member, wasn't only defying her personally, but also to defy the entire council itself... or according to her books thats what it meant. Still holding the blue needle in her ginger-looking fingers, she smiles somewhat ominously, almost creepily, as she stealthily and quickly throws the needle with surprising accuracy at the man. If it were to hit him, it will instantly inject an antihistamine that would cause him to be tranquilized and slowly fall asleep, with a side effect of perhaps causing some nightmarish visions in the process. Suggested that he is hit, Sayatachi quickly pulls him back to her, gripping her by the scruff of his shirt to the point where she barely holds him off the ground, with her venomous eyes still gazing into his soul.

"I think otherwise..." she hisses, as the injection beginning to take affect, slowly putting him to sleep.

As soon as he fell asleep, the council-woman looks at the elderly man, the one who claims that this person was worth a whopping 100,000,000 jewels. He looks at him for a second, then back at him.

"100,000,000 you say?" she remarks, scoffing slightly at that claim, "Well..."

Saya pauses as she puts the body on her shoulder.

"I say, rather the council declares, that this man is worthless." Rainbow Majesty replies with a disgusted look, "Whoever told you that he's worth that much is a fool. The Council will see to it that he receives his rightful punishment..."

And with that, Sayatachi makes her way out of the crowd, taking Frye with him as she heads to the Council's HQ at the arena.

Samir Saron

As soon as she left the restroom, Samir then happened to see a familiar face call out to her.

The Heavenly Archer, it’s been awhile since we last met.

She couldn't help but to smile at him, already recognizing his face.

"Ah, Wes!" she calls out with a wave of her own, "It's so good to see you again."

He then gestured at the free seats at his table. “I don’t mind if you and you’re friend join me here at my table. Talking to an old and new face would probably help refresh my thoughts on something I’ve been thinking about recently."

"Sure thing." she replies happily as he glances at Michael and gestures him to come over with her to Wes' table. As soon as they sat down, they begin to have a good conversation amongst each other.

"So, how are you two doing?" he asks curiously, while then turning to the Archer, "I usually hear that you’re off on long missions, Samir.”

"Indeed I have," she replies with a faint chuckle, "In fact, I just recently came back from one three days ago. Took me several months to actually complete it, but was able to come back to civilization in one piece. And what about you? I don't recall seeing you for some time before I went on my mission."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Infichi
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Infichi The Final Villain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Verick rubbed the back of his head feeling more than a little confused over exactly what it was he was supposed to do... But there really was no helping it he supposed, he'd gotten paired up with the kid and he'd probably have to make sure she was safe. "Aright well... I guess we're going that way?" He turned to look at Ethel, he wasn't sure how he would fare if this turned into real combat and he didn't want her to get hurt, that would mean he would end up with no monies and that was a bad thing. He needed money, it was like his life blood! But he nodded to her and smirked. "Alright then, You know what we're doing better than I do, lead the way kid and I will follow you."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 2 days ago

Manami Fuyu and Shiro Hime

@Raijinslayer@Zarkun@Joshua Tamashii@Roseletta@Infichi@Caits
Manami wasn't too sure what just happened there. James had avoided her attack, as she thought he would, however the next moment she found herself blinded. She hadn't expected it at all, which in hindsight was rather silly. All holy users had at least one blinding spell, so Manami should've been aware of it but she had neglected it. Now her eyesight was the price, at least temporarily.
Shiro on the other hand had been expecting it, just not then. She managed to shield her eyes from the majority of the light but all it meant now was that everything was a blur.
Managing to put her scythe up in time to block his attack, she took a couple of steps back from the force of his attack. A brief struggle ensued as Shiro's sight returned to normal quicker than Manami's, due to Shiro having been somewhat prepared for it, but only in time to see his shield centimetres from her face.
A loud *ding* now resounded as Shiro fell backwards, only just catching herself in time to stop herself from falling flat on her buttocks. Once again her vision swam slightly as the shield bash had dazed her.
Meanwhile the still half-blinded Manami found her leg being taken out from underneath her by something, obviously the shield but she can't see it, and falling backwards. She felt herself caught by the front of her shirt by someone and went to thank Shiro, but her vision returned only to find James with blue glowing eyes.

There was something about them...a powerful presence and image. She couldn't quite place it, but it didn't take her long to realise it before visions flooded her mind. Powerful visions filled with just as powerful unknown emotions.
Fear, pain, anger, hatred, frustration, happiness, regret. All sorts of emotions were carried within these visions as everyone she killed, willingly or not, flew through her mind.
Screaming in pain, she dropped to the ground holding her head in agony as conflicting emotions waged on in her head...the visions just wouldn't stop. They kept flashing from the various evil men she had killed, to the innocent civilians caught in the crosshairs (whether accidentally or indirectly were killed by her actions) back to the children who were sacrificed.
She didn't hear a single word James said as she appeared to be quite distressed and in a lot of pain. Not from James spell, however that had indirectly caused this pain. It was something of the more sinister nature.
"No...I...I didn't..." Manami mumbled before grimacing once more as another wave of pain washed over her.

A collab fight between Shiro Hime and James Hunt

Upon recovering from the shield bash, Shiro looked up to find Manami down on the ground clutching her head and seeing to be in agony.
Shiro acted quickly now as she appeared beside James, to his left to be precise, and now swung her scythe with menace, power and speed which only a master of the scythe could bring to the table.
However she also had kept about two metres between them, so as to stay out of reach of James weapon.

James saw the motion from the corner of his left eye and reacted, his shield coming up and deflecting the blade away. Using the now stuck blade against her, James closed with Shiro, bringing his sword up in a hip-to-shoulder slice from right to left. Following that, he would spin around and back hand her with his shield if she was still close enough or force her to dodge further back, allowing him to attack with a quick series of thrusts he dubbed the Holy Hand, as his magic was imbued into each one to make them strike faster.

Abandoning her scythe for now, Shiro activated her enhancement magic so that she could dodge the hip to shoulder slash before disappearing. This mean whatever James did now would simply hit thin air. Reappearing behind James almost immediately after she disappeared, she bent down and picked her scythe back up before aiming a low slash to sweep his feet out from underneath him, or cleave them off. That would work too.

For the first time in the entire fight, James did something that gave away the nature of his armor as he not only back-flipped over the scythe, but over Shiro as well, landing at a crouch and using his shield to sweep her legs out from under her followed by using his shield again to knock the wind out of her. If she dogged, then he'd instead use the wave of Holy energy again, which would ideally blast her off her feet and back several feet.

Shiro was taken by surprise by his leap, she would admit that. By the looks of the armor, it obviously wasn't normal armor. Really it should've been obvious from the outset since she was fighting a fellow mage, but she wasn't too sure what would've set it apart. However it seemed to be some form of weight enchantment?
Shiro cursed in her mind regardless. She couldn't stop her swing in time, meaning she couldn't teleport out of the way. However she quickly improvised by angling her scythe into the ground with her enhanced strength. Meaning that the impact lifted her off of the ground and tumbling away from James.
She recovered in time to block most of the Holy energy wave however the force from it still made her lose ground. She left drag marks in the ground before she finally managed to stop it a few feet from where she started. However her scythe had blocked her vision of James during the block.

When she lowered her scythe, she'd find James already within the ideal range for a sword, striking with a quick series of thrusts and slashes before blasting at her with a disc of holy energy. He'd follow it up with an upper cut pommel strike to try and knock her off balance and then use Holy Might, a spell that increased the size of his sword to ridiculous proportions, but also upped his durability briefly during it. He'd swing the sword downwards in a heavy vertical slash that would leave a shallow gash in the ground itself before the weapon returned to normal size and he'd bring his shield up to block the counter attack.

Shiro didn't have much time to react, however she did manage to enhance her own durability to the point where the barrage of slashes and thrusts which James unleashed upon her has done a lot less damage, leaving only minor cuts and scratches where more seriously injuries might've occurred. The disc slammed into her gut but she gritted her teeth and endured the lessened pain before feeling the pommel connect with her chin, making her tumble backwards and almost drop her scythe in the process.
But she managed to recover in time to disappeared just before the sword came crashing down on her. Whether James saw her disappear or not remained unclear, however with the dust cloud created by his strike Shiro decided to strike.
Appearing just above him, she drove the handle of her scythe down between his shield and his body before going to deliver a kick straight to the side of his head. Her plan was to kick him as far as possible and test his grip on his shield, if it was loose he would simply be sent flying and would lose the shield.
If it was as strong as she planned, then the whole idea here was to put as much strain on his shoulder as possible by jamming his shield in one place and sending him in another direction.
If it all went to plan, then Shiro would prepare for the counter attack she knew would follow.

"Wrong move, miss." James ducked down at the same time he let go of his shield, allowing it to drop down towards the ground as the kick swung over his head instead. Catching his shield, he does a sweep kick on the scythe, knocking it free of the ground and brings his swordless fist, which he'd sheathed as he ducked, into Shiro's gut and throws her back. "I wouldn't suggest kicking an armored helmet, that would hurt you far more than it would me."

Shiro felt her scythe being kicked out from underneath her and reacted quickly to the punch, grabbing his arm as it connected with her gut. The attack was actually rather painful since Shiro had taken a few blows to the area now, but with her enhance durability she easily withstood it as she hit the ground, still holding James arm.
Now she aimed to use her surprising amount of strength, which had been enhanced greatly by her magic the longer the fight had gone on, to try and slam/sling him into the ground beside her. With his shield in the other hand, she needn't worry about him drawing his sword.
Of course his shield could be a nuisance, but even if he hit her with it she still would've been through with her almost slinging action.
"Pains means little to me Paladin. You hurt Manami-sama, my only goal is to return the favor. By any means."

Shiro would be surprised to find that James had adjusted his stance when she hadn't let go of his fist and was now a lot more difficult to sling than she thought. "She suffers only because something is not right with her. It was not my intention." James then grabs one her wrists and throws his body around, putting the scythe wielder in an arm bar not easily escaped, even with her enhanced strength. And the more she struggled, the more strain she could feel in her elbow and shoulder. "Surrender. There is no need for this violence to continue." Depending on what she did, he would roll away and come up to his feet, drawing his sword in the same motion.

Shiro kicked out in a vain attempt to get him to let go of her wrist, but her kick harmlessly bounced off of his armor and she now found herself in a rather strong arm bar. She struggled for a few seconds but the strain on her shoulder and elbow made her quickly reconsider that pointless strategy as she simply went limp for a moment.
"Liar. All men of the cloth are." Was the only response James got from Shiro and it was only a soft mumble. Why should she believe a man who was her enemy? He stood between Manami and her goal, so it was Shiro's job to remove him.
She began to channel more strength into her locked arm as closed her eyes in concentration for a brief moment. Before James could realise what she had planned she wrenched her arm free of his grip and also rolled away, however she seemed to be in pain.
"Surrender is not an option. Capture is not an option. Death before being allowed to be captured. Georgie's orders." Shiro responded as she seemed to be holding her shoulder.

James remained tense. "Paladins are men of the Holy Steel. We all trust a clergyman about as far as we can throw them. And death is no release from a Paladin's justice. For the last time, surrender peacefully."

Mai Butcher, Jess Butcher and Ethel Storm

@Raijinslayer@Zarkun@Joshua Tamashii@Roseletta@Infichi@Caits
Before Shiro could respond to James, she quickly found herself back tracking from a beam of ice that left a path of frost behind of it. Having narrowly dodged it with only some of her clothes being frozen she only ended up backtracking into a wall before rolling away when electricity now slammed into where she was.
Mai clicked her tongue in annoyance as she aimed once more at Shiro.
"It's no use trying to talk with this one Mr...Paladin? She ain't one for bargaining." Mai and Jess had their respective guns pointed towards Shiro now as Shiro seemed rather...irritated by their presence.
Not afraid, not angry, but irritated. Obviously irritated.

Ethel meanwhile nodded towards Verrick as the other two went ahead to confront Shiro.
"Verrick just stay behind Ethel." Ethel responded before quickly making her way over to where Manami lay writhing in agony. If they captured Manami, then Shiro would surely back down....
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 40 min ago

Amelia watched the events unfold, her expression one of disapproval. She had wanted to talk things out, but James was too eager to take action and began attacking the duo in front of them. She knew interfering at that point was not a good idea and simply stayed where she was with Undine by her side and Phlegethon keeping a watch over the others. Once James was done, she made her way over to Manami, feeling pity for the older woman. She knelt down and placed a hand on Manami's shoulder.
"It's okay. It's over now." She said gently. She looked over as Shiro escaped only to be attacked by several newcomers. When one of them approached her and Manami, she stood up and stood between them, Undine at her side and looking ready for battle. "Who are you? What do you want with these two?"

She was not in the mood for more violence but if these four decided to pick a fight, they best bring their all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Infichi
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Infichi The Final Villain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Verick was feeling a bit confused about how the client was telling him to stay behind her… “Look I’m sure we can end this conflict without fighting can’t we. We wouldn’t want to hurt the kid here.” He pointed down at Ethel… Sadly this fight going on didn’t make him feel entirely confident in his own prowess or ability… “Alright… Maybe I should look for a way out of this.” He blinked a bit while thinking to himself. “Verick by the way. The names Verick, Magic supremacy is my game and I’m also a world renowned Chu salesman.” Sure no one knew who or what a Chu was but surely... This girl would probably find them super adorable right... "Ethel... Show her the Chu... Maybe she'll be distracted by it's cuteness."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 2 days ago

Ethel Storm, Jessica Albert and Manami Fuyu

@Joshua Tamashii@Infichi
Ethel frowned as Amelia stood in their path with Undine. Why was this little girl protecting the scary water lady? It's not like Ethel wanted to hurt her...just that if they had her, then they could convince her sister to back down.
Her frown deepened as Verrick mentioned bringing out the chu.
"Ethel doesn't have Chu. Jess does." Ethel pointed over to where the staredown was commencing, the Chu proudly sitting atop the young ice mage's head. It looked rather comfortable up there and seemed to be giving every pitiful looks.
"Ethel doesn't have to explain business with strangers. Capture scary lady water, then Ethel's sister will have no choice but to back down. She won't back down otherwise." Perhaps Sora would've been a better pick for the negotiations here as Ethel was quite blunt here, rude even. But with her sister right there, and a chance to finally pin her down she wasn't about to let Amelia stand in her way.
The mention of 'sister' would've probably grabbed Amelia's attention and if she looked closely enough she would find the similarities between her and Shiro. Different hair color, due to reasons relating to Shiro's past, and slightly different shades of red eyes but besides that very similar.
Now Ethel's skin seemed to have a metallic sheen to it as she took a stance, ready to fight Amelia if she had to. She didn't come this far looking for her family to give up on one so easily. If these people captured her sister, then they would most likely hand her over to the Rune Knights....and Ethel couldn't afford that.
"Ethel will take back sister. No one will stand in Ethel's w-." Ethel didn't finish before she took a concentrated stream of darkness straight to the gut. The impact sent the young mage flying backwards before tumbling along the ground, recovering in time to stop herself from smacking into a building.
"Lady Manami, I apologise for my lateness. However as Lady Shiro instructed, I have to come assist. The others will be here shortly. You and Lady Shiro get out of here." A young woman dressed in a pitch black dress now dropped in in front of Manami, levelling the sword in her hand towards Amelia and Verrick. The bright pink mark in the middle of her chest was identical to the dark blue one on Manami's thigh and the white one on Shiro's eye, along with the words she now said made it pretty obvious she was a member of the same guild as the two female mages and Nidhogg.
Manami was now slowly pushing herself off of the ground, one hand still clutching her head. Her healing magic wasn't putting a dent in this pain which kept coming, and she seemed quite disorientated now as she began half crawling, half dragging herself over to where Shiro was having her little stand off.
Jessica was right, she and Shiro had to get out of here....or else they faced Maxie's wrath if they were captured.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

James Hunt|Crocus City Park

James looked at the two girls and nodded. "I will leave you two to her then. I must check on her fr-" He turned in time to watch another new comer blast one of the three newly arrived girls in the gut and draw a sword. This was quickly becoming stupidly complicated. Still he wasted no time letting the darkness magic wielder know he was there, blasting her with a Holy Smite that hit her in the head with a hammer like projection before crossing swords with her. "You know, it's considered rude to interfere with family relations?" He pushed her back and cast a Divine Protection on all the people he had an idea he could trust and those he knew he could trust, namely Cody and Amelia. He also tried casting it on Amaya and Joshua underground, though he was uncertain if it worked. From there, he charged his sword with his magic and returned to keeping Jessica busy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ferrin Astra*

Ferrin glanced over at the sound of someone's voice to see an unassuming-looking brown haired man walking toward him.

Ferrin shook his head, and gestured with his arms as he spoke. "I almost wish it had. If they were here, maybe I would not have had to do that. But, alas, they seem as inefficient as always."

He kept a close watch on the building, just in case Nidhogg was ready for round two. "Call me Ferrin. What is your name?" He asked casually of the stranger.

@Zarkun@Joshua Tamashii@Lunarlors34@Raijinslayer@Roseletta

(Mentioned everyone, because I like to know everything that is going on, regardless if I'm directly involved.)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

The fire would feel warm, and slightly ticklish, but it would not burn. Penny pulled Jasmine close, almost into an embrace, and she waited a heart beat as her magic adjusted for the added weight, before shooting into the air. It was easier, smoothier, and there was more power in the flight, and Penny was reminded once more of the choice she must needs make.

Her thoughts drifted to Ariel for a few moments, hoping the girl was alright. She shouldn't have let her go off on her own, or rather without her.

She leveled off at a steady height, the city of crocus laid out below them. She shifted just slightly, ensuring she nad a good grib on Jasmine. It wouldn't do to drop the girl-it would give her a fright but Penny would catch her.

"are you okay?" she asked

Master Jamie

Jamie glanced up as someone approached her, studying them a moment, before letting ner eyes be drawn back to what was going on. "Thats right. My daughter is out there, I am just making sure she is safe" she said, although she couldn't see Amelia, the girls magic, like everyone elses, was quite distinctive. "I assume you have a reason for looking for me, so" Jamie looked back over, "you know my name, who are you?"

Michael followed Samir quitely to the table, sitting down , he etayed quite, studying both her, and Wes. He tilted his head thoughtfully, the two obviously had a good rapor, and Michael remembered the scandel of the magic council. They had, then, been guild mates.

He looked down at his drink, his hands wrapped around the cup, seeking the warmth. Finally though, he found himself speaking up. "I imagine t-t-that has s-s-something to do with t-the magic c-c-c-council attack, weren't you the r-r-reason why that c-c-came about?"

While Michael knew he shouldn't listen to rumors, there were facts floating around there, and he was curious.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago


"W-wait what are you...?" And there she went into the store. Hopeully the stink that lingered around her wasn't enough to attract the store owner. Meanwhile he had the opposite problem; people were completely avoiding him because he smelled like the sweaty pits of an obese man running around on a hots summer's day while eating a can of Surströmming, a horrible smelly fish that is borderline rotten and strong enough to be smelled from blocks away. "I swear, if I find those bastards I'll make sure to make them drink that fucking potion..."

The bell from the Magic Store's door rung as Jessie ran out with the charms and quickly pulled them over the wrists. The smell was instantly gone, thankfully. "Jess you're a life saver." Ferris took a deep breath of sweet, sweet fresh air and exhaled with pure joy on his face. "God, I really feel like I could use a shower from this." A playful smirked spread along his lips as he looked down at the short, strongwilled woman that was his girlfriend. "Perhaps we can have some fun back at the hotel and..." He placed his hands on her hips and was leaned in as an attempt to kiss her, but alas, this moment too was ruined.

High pitched squeels pierced through the air and nearly shattered his eardrums. Ferris turned and saw a group of three young women standing there, three very attractive women at that. They were the opposite of Jessie; while she was short, cute woman, these three looked like they belonged to a model agency. They had ran over to him and were definitely trying to get his attention even though he clearly had a date. "You're Ferris Roe right? Mage turned model? We became models just to meet you!"

"Uh, I guess I'm glad that I'm an inspiration for you three?" Ferris said with a chuckle. He always loved interacting with the fans though this wasn't exactly the best time for them to be interacting with him.

"Could we ask you to hang out with us and get some pointers from you? You're one of the best!" Another one of the three asked, obviously sucking up to him. They were just trying to get him to help them get better and perhaps help them land their big break.

Ferris glanced at Jessie and laughed sheepishly. He could feel the hate seething from her at this very moment. "I actually have an important engagement already."

The three women directed their attention to Jessie and back up to Ferris. "Oh, we're so sorry about this! We didn't know that you were taking your little sister out and about!"

"...She's my girlfriend." Ferris stared blankly at them and they stared blankly at Jessie in disbelief.


The oni rolled his eyes at Gabriel's excuse that he was physically weak due to his age."Bah, when I was your age my parents forced me to climb mountains with weights on my body. They said it would build character. This is what happens when mages just solely rely on just their magic! They become weak! When we get out of here I'm gonna talke to Zander about whipping your scrawny ass into shape!" Enma lectured the young Celestial Spirit mage and he was right about him needing to become stronger physically. There were times that mages can't use their magic to get out of certain situations.

He was ready to climb up this hellish cavern, but Mercury was ever so hesitant about actually climbing. The Second Wind mage seemed to have other plans though the really couldn't work. "I can't gurantee that this cave wouldn't fall apart. It's fine and all if we knew if this place was structurally sound, but we know nothing about it. One misplaced strike may mean our lives are forfeit."

Seeing as there was doubt with the two other mages, Enma shook his head at them. "We don't have many options. We either wait and hope that help arrives or we climb out, otherwise we're just stuck here."


...Is this old bastard serious? Weak, THAT WAS WEAK?! After all of that bull crap, the humiliation that this man had put Nolan through for his own entertainment and that was his fucking reaction?! Nolan stood there shaking, his fists balled up tighly as he felt every part of his body barely containn his rage, but that all went to hell at the man's last words. We’re all human and makes mistakes, kid. I should have expected to be disappointed from the beginning instead of raising my expectations.

And there goes Nolan's last inkling of selfcontrol. "I'LL MAKE YOU EAT THOSE WORDS!" The massive clouds of ashes that had blocked the sky had came to a halt and then started swirling around as a violent vortex formed in the sky, another influx of violently powerful magic erupted from him. He didn't even notice Sayatachi had made her presence known; his pride was wounded from such a public humiliation.

"Black Dharma: Silver-" He was about to unleash hell on Earthland just to obliterate Frye from existence though the man's body had drooped over and Sayatachi had picked the old drunk up. The tumult of ashes in the sky dispersed, leaving the sky to be clear again from the darkness the ashes had brought."Tch, old hag." Nolan grumbled, using whatever magic power he had left to summon a loud of ashes, which he used to ride back to Crocus.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

For a brief moment, Jessie felt like she had been slapped. little sister?! was that what people thought, when they looked at them? Or was that merely trash that came out of tnese girls mouths? She gave a smirk at them, as if she wasn't questioning herself, "Thats right" was that the first time Ferris had called her his girlfriend? For a moment, she seemed a little flustered. It wasn't like she didn't know as a model he had seen some exceptional looking women, but knowing and having it thrown in her face were two dkfferent things.

Still, she wasn't niave, nor was she foolish. Ferris was with her because he wanted to be. And that was all that mattered. "This is our day off, and we were going back to the hotel" she said sweetly, looking to Ferris with a mischievous grin, "I believe you were about to kiss me" she spun about, effectively putting herself between Ferris and the trio of girls, looking back over her shoulder at them, "but I'm sure if you ask real nicely, Ferris will help you after the magic games. But you know, we might be real busy after that too"

While she could say to Ferris to go and deal with them, she didn't particularly feel like giving up the day off with Ferris. She shot them another smirk, before pulling Ferris down to kiss him deeply. Was she being petty? Maybe, but would she forever be considered the little sister? Well she'd just have to show everyone while she might be little, sister was far from what she was.

"You also said something about a shower" the charms after all wouldn't last forever, and she hoped he understand that. She wrapped her arms around him, almost possessively. Perhaps she was more hurt by the comments and the disbelief then she thought.

Gabriel sighed heavily. "yeah well, I didn't have parents and the slavers were more concerned with my magical abilities then my physical ones" he said wearily, looking up just as the bear returned to him. Without a word of warning, he drew in a deep breath, and shouted out "Down here!" he figured that whoever was up there was a guild member, else wise his bear wouldn't have returned. Would his shout reach? He didn't know
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Mako Kurohiko, Exiled Warrior|Crocus City Park

Mako put his left fist into the palm of his right hand and bowed, standing straight again after a couple of seconds. "I am Mako Kurohiko, from the country of Isvan." He waits until Alan introduces himself and Aura before continuing. "Five years ago, I was charged with escorting a diplomat from my country to your own, a duty that should have been easy enough. However, ten miles past the border between our two countries, we were set upon by bandits in an incredibly coordinated ambush. It resulted in the deaths of both the diplomat and his honor guard and wounds to myself. The bandit I'm searching for is the leader, a man with a metal stump that bore a cutlass blade when I last saw him and an eye patch over his right eye. He also had a rather distinctive scar down his back, in the shape of a lion's paw and was large from the amount of muscle on his body. I am hoping that you might have information on this man and his location."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Infichi
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Infichi The Final Villain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Verick stood there for a moment as he watched Ethel get knocked down and luckily, for some reason, he was ignored… “Well then.” He rubbed the back of his head as he noticed the world sort of just.. fall to pieces around him. “Looks like i’m fairly safe...” His eyes wandered around the battlefield, there was a lot of combat going around and he still had been left alone… as though he didn’t even exist. “Perhaps it’s just my luck.” He rubbed his chin and walked over towards the kid.

“Hey Ethel.” He looked her over, she seemed… relatively alright nothing he could really help with anyway. “I don’t think we’re going to be doing anything too helpful if you keep acting all… blunt. You gotta have class and tact with these sort of things kid. You gotta tell her that she’s got a flat chest and stuff, you know, push her buttons! That’s how you keep her distracted. You can’t tell her the plan right off the bat.” He shook his head at the kid.

“Anyways… You seem ok, you ok?”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Trinity Stratos

"The best hands to be in are ones that care. You don't need her, c'mon, Karn." Trinity let her hand slide from Karns' shoulder and pluck his hand, before pulling them away. She led them to a door and through, to stairs down, going from a the hallway below the bridge to the cabin deck underneath that. The mess and kitchen were also on this level. "You wanted to look at an airship, right? You seemed interested. So let's go look at an airship." With a quick glance behind them to see if the woman was following them, Trinity would take them to the engine room on the bottom deck. And lock the door, just to be sure. The door had a two-bolt system with a large wheel in the center.

"Someone destroyed the stabilizers, but it seems like the propulsion might be intact?"

The propulsion system was magic-centric, but the stabilizers were once primarily mechanical. Each contained a the remains of a large gyroscope, seemingly independent of the (mostly broken) oars on the outside of the ship. Magic circles were inscribed on what were once gyroscope rings, as well as parts of the machine. Strange, dark lines were built into the floor, coming from a circle around each stabilizer, leading back to the propulsion system. The lines were continuous onto the propulsion system, which were two large cylindrical pods on the back wall, connected by a box which extends to become part of the floor. "I wonder if I could get this thing to turn on...?"
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