• Last Seen: 7 days ago
  • Old Guild Username: Jett Ryu
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 4318 ( / day)
  • VMs: 33


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
And I'm supposed to care because…?
4 yrs ago
Well, that's illegal in the civilized world, so I hope someone doesn't own you. Unless you both consent and have a safe word.
4 yrs ago
@Inkarnate— The symptoms are most evident in long-term Tumblr, Twitter, and Reddit users.
4 yrs ago
Being (insert oppression olympics qualifications here) isn't a personality either, and yet I see that all the time.
1 like
4 yrs ago
Oh, I thought wiccans were witches, but more emo and into goth stuff.



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Visitor Messages

Tortoise 4 yrs ago
Creeped on profile. Left visitor message, as requested.

These things have been new and under construction for like 5 years.
Shin Ghost Note 4 yrs ago
Idea 4 yrs ago
Not quite tiddies but..

LadyAnnaLee 4 yrs ago
"Wire" you getting so upset?
Higanbana 4 yrs ago

Who dares to question my daring.. his.. dare? Jerk!
Bondye 4 yrs ago
I'm sorry to hear about your dog. I hope he gets better.
RickyG85 4 yrs ago
just a heads up: I mused about doing some kind of dinosaur rp, you posted yours, and it inspired me. So, if you see me post a "post apocalyptic" dinosaur rp, know that you merely gave me a good idea for how to handle and establish the setting, and I'm not trying to outshine you or undermine your rp.
RickyG85 4 yrs ago
Compliments of Tumblr:

"When I die, I want my remains to be scattered over Disney Land. Also, I do not wish to be cremated."
Sanguine Rose 4 yrs ago
Just dropping this off. Packaged with hope your day goes okay.
AlternateMan 4 yrs ago
does this count
1Charak2 4 yrs ago
Your days will eventually get better! hang in there!
Blueflame 4 yrs ago
stone 5 yrs ago
Darumadira 5 yrs ago
Lol you gotta show the king some respect lol a simple shoryuken wouldnt be enough ryu is gonna have to dig deep. SHIN...SHORYU...KENNN!!! LOL
Phantomlink959 5 yrs ago
I'm a big fan of the MHI series; book 7 just came out last week and it's pretty solid. I haven't been able to find much reading time, though.
Phantomlink959 5 yrs ago
I'm a big fan of the MHI series; book 7 just came out last week and it's pretty solid. I haven't been able to find much reading time, though.
Phantomlink959 5 yrs ago
If I feel confident enough in my work, I might put up a thread with pictures of the parts I've modified.
amorphical 5 yrs ago
"I'm looking for Sarah Connor." T-1000
SubjectVision 5 yrs ago
I hereby claim this territory for the Great Confederacy of Profile Creepers. Submít your tributes or be stalked.
Vampiretwilight 5 yrs ago
Vampiretwilight 5 yrs ago
Bea 5 yrs ago
My favorite kind of cookie <3

Fabricant451 5 yrs ago
Lord Wraith 5 yrs ago

Why have cookies when you can have tree stars?
POOHEAD189 5 yrs ago
What if you don't see me yet I still VM?
AlteredTundra 5 yrs ago
But do they VM you?
AlternateMan 5 yrs ago
The lurking continues.
MissCapnCrunch 5 yrs ago
This is so true. I didn't do buffet this time.
But they were doing the PRICE IS RIGHT this weekend, so I had to get in on it.
Howilng Zinogre 5 yrs ago
Dig the avatar
BlackDragonSol 6 yrs ago
hey you, check my status. :v
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