Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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1 yr ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
1 yr ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
1 yr ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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"Ah, a pleasure to meet you as well, sir,"

With a smile, the Princess curtsied towards the other knight who had approached. Indeed, it was the entirety of the Iron Rose Knights she was enamored with. It was common knowledge among the nobility of Thaln that Princess Eliabelle had been raised on legendary stories of chivalry and heroism. She was well-versed in Thaln's history, especially in relation to the exploits of the knights across the ages. It was possible she was even more versed in the history of the knights then some of the modern knights were.

"Ah, Sir... Nicomede, was it? I... er, I apologize," Fanilly reached back scratching the back of her head in embarrassment. She wasn't entirely familiar with all the knights yet, even if she did recognize him after a moment. Ah, the fact that she had invited him made all of this even worse... How was it that she even took a moment to recognize one of the people she had personally invited to come with her to the ball? Aah, but she was in the presence of the Princess, she couldn't allow herself to falter like this...

"I am so very eager to hear more from you, Knight-Captain... ah, and you as well, Sir Nicomede! I should like to hear from all the knights, in fact!" declared Princess Eliabelle, excitedly, "But first, Knight-Captain, what is it like to be the Captain of the Iron Rose Knights?"

Fanilly hesitated for a moment, shifting uncertainly. How did she respond...? Of course, she was honored to have the opportunity, but... ah, she didn't know, she didn't think she had done a very good job... had she? And the Princess, the heir to the throne, was looking at her so expectantly...

"... Ah, Violette never ap-ah?"

The black-haired girl was slowly nodding in response to the knight's words, to the apparent awe of the two older girls. By context, it was easy to tell that the taciturn and sarcastic girl was likely not the type to usually consider apologizing to anyone. But perhaps it was the situation, or the fact that these knights had put their lives on the line for the safety of the people. Perhaps it was another matter entirely. Regardless of what the case may have been, the fact was that the black-haired young girl was averting her eyes and slowly nodding along to Gerard's words.

The two blonde girls still seemed rather awestruck as she slowly made her way in the direction that Sir Jarde had departed in, towards the outside and the gardens.

"..." for a few moments, Angenese stared blankly after the younger girl, then turned towards Gerard.

"... Sir Knight, are you certain you aren't a mage? Or some kind of Mayon-blessed Priest?" she asked, with only the slightest hint of irony in her tone.

"I've known Violette for most of my life, and I've never heard her apologize to anyone even once," added the drill-haired girl, just as awestruck as her friend, "Normally she dismisses anyone who takes issue with her words completely."

"Her bluntness is actually rather charming at times, but... well, I can see it isn't for everyone and she went too far today, certainly," elaborated Angenese, "... I... still feel as if I should apologize as well, Sir Knight, I'm certain you and your fellows are only trying to enjoy the party..."

She gave an apologetic laugh, clearly uncertain of what to next, and perhaps having realized her and her friends had been rather pushy in the first place.

The little girl's large green eyes shone brightly with excitement when Fleuri revealed he was indeed capable of showing her exactly where the sweets were. Still holding his sleeve, she followed along behind him, cheerfully humming a tune to herself as she did. After a few moments, it would be possible to recognize it as a piece popular among children, the 'Milk Bunny Song'.

It was perhaps somewhat strange when the Fleuri's plate suddenly tilted rather sharply as he made his way through the crowd, and yet he failed to lose even a single piece of food, but maybe it was just luck.

Indeed, it was not long before the reached the table with the most sweets. It was adorned with a variety of different pastries, from small puffy cream-filled treats to a rather impressive blue and white-frosted cake, towering above the rest of the items on the table.

"Uwaaah~ so many..." the little girl's eyes were sparkling as she leaned closer... "Thank you! Come here, Sir Knight! I need to tell you something important~"

She waved her hand to indicate for Fleuri to lean down closer...

@Sync@HereComesTheSnow@Asuras@jdh97@Animal@TheFake@Crimson Paladin@PaulHaynek@FlappyTheSpybot@Raineh Daze@ghastlyinc@Krayzikk
@Heartfillia: We're still accepting. Someone on the mage-y side might be nice!
Right so, be prepared for more adventures in lecturing young girls(though that's probably winding down) and mysterious loli snacktime in my next post, which should come either today or tomorrow!
Saber - Benienma

Unfortunately, it was clear that the other Sessyoin was adept at arts relating to the repelling of spirits. Benienma brought her sword down again and again, trying to find a weakness in the barrier, and each time it sent that awful burning sensation up through her arms. But she couldn't stop, she had to get through this barrier. The more she watched the evil Kiara's assult, the more she became disturbed, the more urgent it became.

She couldn't let her Master be harmed! Nor Jason, nor Sessyoin-san!

But on top of that, she was beginning to fully understand the evil Kiara's plot.

Nothing that could be done to stop her...

This other Kiara, her intent truly was...!

The red-headed Enma had to break through! She had to get through this barrier! But the edge of her katana wouldn't do, it couldn't break through like this! She had to get out, she had to disrupt the barrier somehow! She had to stop the evil Kiara before anyone was harmed...!

If attacking the barrier itself wouldn't work, then if Benienma could assault the monstrous woman's constitution at range... then maybe...!

The sparrow girl sheathed her blade, and took a deep breath. From within the sleeve of her kimono, she produced a small box, which enlarged to fill both of her hands almost immediately. This was her only option, as anything else simply could not wear down the barrier swiftly enough...!

If the barrier was anti-spirit, then her Master could pass through it without issue!

Wordlessly, Benienma shook the box towards her Master, then raised it in a throwing motion. If she spoke aloud, the Evil Kiara could understand just what she intended, but if her Master took the box and threw it towards her...!

Sessyoin Kiara gritted her teeth. The assault from her other self was unrelenting, putting the very limits of her devotion to the test. The mudras she was executing were holding for now, but with every blow she deflected she could feel herself weakening more. But she couldn't let her other self through. She couldn't fail. While she did not understand what her other self's true plan was, she knew in her heart that if she was taken, if she was consumed by the monstrous doppelganger, that the world would suffer for it.

But the sheer strain being placed on Kiara's body was overwhelming, a searing pain burning away in the core of her body. A shuddering cough ripped through her frame, and blood splattered across the grass. Ah... she'd coughed all that up...? Her hands were burning, too...

"I... won't allow you past!" she declared, in defiance, "Jason! Don't listen to her! Grieve for your friend, for the one you have lost, but do not let her words twist your mind to believe that you are useless!"

Even now, even desperately pushing back against her alternate self's onslaught with blood trickling from the corner of her mouth, Kiara couldn't allow someone to give up on themselves!

"The pain of losing a friend can be overwhelming. The frustration at feeling as if you can't help, as if you only make things worse, can be crushing!"

Sessyoin Kiara's body was trembling under the effort of maintaining her barrier, her hands flashing faster then the eye could follow even as her body was wracked with pain.

"But even after everything, you tried to help! You tried to stop the rogue Berserker, and you did all you could to assist with the investigation! Even if it didn't work out, that doesn't make it wrong!"

She faltered, catching herself as she nearly fell.

"Would Mary-san want you to give up, Jason? Don't think about what you failed to do in the past! Think about what you can do now!"


Mihama Nanako

That was good. Nanako didn't know what she would have done if her move had failed and Meltryllis had been critically injured, or even killed... Knowing that she was safe was good. A Servant could easily recover from the injuries that she'd sustained from the Shadow Archer.

The brunette took a deep, shuddering breath. Meltryllis... she was worried? Of course she was, she'd been looking out for her this whole time. She didn't want her to worry... and the amount of blood she lost was looking pretty bad. Leaving the bolt inside would stem it a little, but...

... Why was she taking it so casually?

A part of her brain concluded it had to be the shock.

"Y-you're right... I'm living for both of us, so it wouldn't just be bad for me..."

For both of their sakes, she had to get to the hospital quickly.

As Nanako began to roll over, to force herself up with one hand, the bolt that had been preventing her from bleeding even more started to fade away...


Saber - Arturia Pendragon

It was as she feared. The attack on the arena wasn't the end goal of the mysterious assailant: Rather, it had been intended to use to gather magical energy for another purpose entirely.

"Then we must follow it. If we do, we shall find the culprit behind this monstrous attack," Arturia declared, glancing towards Lancelot and the other knights. But before she could proceed away...

There was a terrible sound from outside of the arena. Without a moment's delay, the petite blonde knight sprinted towards the exit, and was shocked to see the CCF reinforcements fighting among one another! Seemingly, several of the Servants that had arrived turned on the others.

"What... what is going on?!"

One of the nearest CCF Masters, a young black-haired woman in a white and black CCF uniform, turned at the sound of the King of Knights' voice.

"We... some of the Servants just... suddenly started attacking the others! They're trying to stop themselves, but it's like a command seal was used on them!"

Her apparent Servant was an en-robed figure, floating above the battlefield and using a hail of laser beams to try and disrupt the fighting and make it easier to subdue the Servants who had been seemingly controlled.

Arturia hesitated. The path to the culprit was in their grasp, and yet... they couldn't just abandon a situation as dire as this. What could she do? What could-

"My King, I can block them!"

It was Sir Gareth. She'd run up alongside them, a look of determination on her face.

Arturia was silent for a moment longer. Yes... Her knights...

"Sir Tristan, Sir Gawain, Sir Bedivere, Sir Gareth, Sir Mordred!" called Arturia, "Subdue the CCF Servants who have been taken over! Sir Lancelot, with me! We must stop this madness!"

With that, she scooped her Master into her arms. The reason for this was twofold: She had to keep her Master away from danger, and she also had to ensure her Master could direct them to the culprit's location.

"I apologize, Master, but this seemed to be the quickest option!"

So it was to the south-west...

@RolePlayerRoxas@PKMNB0Y@Raineh Daze@ghastlyInc@Rune_Alchemist
@Sync: There's still plenty of time for people to post, since only a few people have done anything since my last update I'll give some more time before doing another. ^^;
@HereComesTheSnow: Teens. Violette is the youngest, likely about 13 tops.
@Krayzikk: You can easily insert yourself into the party.
@HereComesTheSnow: Ah, missed this.

Yes. Velt is a kind of fantasy Germany, Ithillin is inspired by France(with the regions the hundi come from leaning to Southern France or even Spain), and Velt is more British.
@Krayzikk: Accepted!
@Krayzikk: It's been about five years.
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