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Count me in! Considering a Devil of Fanaticism, who is surprisingly, one of the most trustworthy devils due to his ethos of blind loyalty and devotion.
Haruishi Mari

Quirk: Born to Run (Thunder Road)

Interacting with: @AdmrlStalfos19 @Light Lord

Mentioned: @Animal @liferusher @Scribe of Thoth @tobiax @King Cosmos @Zelosse @Claw2k11 @SubjectVision @Metastability @baraquiel

Mari looked up as Umi drew her attention to the helicopter. Though Mari was surprised to see a teacher descend from the vehicle due to the dramatic nature of such an act, she was glad to see the teacher who had provided first aid to her after her exam-related injury. She was also glad to see that they did indeed have a rescue-focused teacher to balance out the combat-focused Tanifuji, and the school nurse and science teacher seemed the best fit for such a role. Mari was a bit annoyed that their first day seemed to be more activities than just getting oriented and settling in, and running through a forest was not Mari's forte.

But Mari's attention was drawn back to Hiroki, who suddenly declared that they were going to recruit others. The turbine-armed boy suddenly sped off to do just as he had declared, leaving Mari alone with Umi. They already head a team of three, ready to go, and Hiroki had to go and ruin the existing dynamic. Mari looked at Umi and realized that if she went off to find her own group, she would be leaving the shy girl to fend for herself. That would have been easier to do if they had been complete strangers, but now Mari felt like she had been saddled with the responsibility of watching over Umi. "Look, I'm not too keen on looking for two other people to make a group with, so how about let's just stick together? That way we only have to find one more person to join us," Mari offered. "I'm not great in a forest, to be honest, to many obstacles, not enough open ground. We'll either need to find someone who can find the targets or someone mobile. If there's a river in the forest, maybe we can claim that as our search area, since you need water, right?" Mari started walking around, looking for Shiki who had demonstrated the ability to map out areas, but she saw him with Shun and Elina. Assuming they would probably just settle into the group they were already in, Mari gave recruiting Shiki up as a lost cause. She then kept her eye out for the girl with echolocation, but noticed that Koumori was already in the process of forming a group with two others. Then she saw a group of four: Soga, Haruka, Seijin and Hiroaki, and figured that one of them would have to split off, but Hiroki ruined her plans by asking for one of them. Mari had wanted to recruit Soga for his aerial mobility. Her eyes scanned the field, but instead of falling on Haruto, who would have been the best choice, given Mari's familiarity with him, she instead noticed another student she didn't recognize standing a ways from the crowd. She motioned for Umi to follow as she approached Mori Kaito. "Excuse me, are you a student in Jigokuraku High's Hero Class 1-A?" she asked, wondering if he was a late arrival. Given the short notice she had received on her acceptance, she didn't exactly blame him for being late. Pushing ahead, her class representative instincts kicking in, she stated, "We're forming a group for the next exercise, figured it'd be as good a place for you to hop in as any and not stick out like a sore thumb."

Given that Mari injured her foot during the exam, can she have already met Uranishi-sensei, who likely gave her first aid?

I love the reference to the "rule of three".
Still here

"Sabotage? You mean espionage? Or maybe you meant subterfuge? Regardless, while I don't mind you taking a nap, the crew I've infiltrated won't be very keen to find you sleeping here. It could blow my cover and all that. I'm sure you understand. And I get that you're hands are tied, I'm not exactly expecting you to help me out with my mission or anything. Besides, I'm well aware that you've got a notorious pirate to catch." Handel said, but then Lt. Arafael said he didn't buy the story. Handel would stick to the story regardless, and hopefully plant the seed of doubt. She turned her bass to face Arafael, letting the metal-plated underside of the instrument act as a shield between herself and the wolf, while keeping her fingers on the chord and her bow against the strings, waiting to strike the dog-whistle note should he advance. "Hmm. Stubborn. You should know that my rank is commander," she said, partially as a threat, since power level often coincided with rank among the Marines, "If you intend to impede my mission on a misconception, I may be forced to let Cipher Pol know that you disobeyed a senior officer and engaged in dereliction of duty, since your crew is waiting for your aid against the other pirate crew here, are they not?" All the while Handel slowly walked towards the door leading into the interior of the ship, since in hallways, humans had an advantage over beasts. Though Handel thought she might be able to take Arafael in a fight, she didn't want to underestimate him, since he was a lieutenant knowingly picking a fight with someone who had achieved the rank of commander. But she was confident that with the entire crew here, they would be able to overwhelm him, so she essentially just had to stall for time.
Vivian & Sylvia Altissima

@PaulHaynek @Lmpkio

Vivian and Sylvia woke with a start from Morgan's urgent prodding. Without questioning it, the liliraune extended their vines and roots in an effort to shuffle as quickly as they could, but it wasn't very fast. Sylvia pondered on the situation. Did they faint and have their bodies smuggled to some strange location? But the existence of exploding bird heads suggested something else. Perhaps this a a bad, huwana-induced dream? Besides, there were no such thing as exploding bird head monsters, all monsters were humanoid, and almost definitely female. But if it was a dream, then was Morgan jsut a figment of their imagination? On that note, were the sisters figments of each other's imagination? Regardless, the sisters tried their best to follow Morgan, but at some point, Vivian had to speak up, "I don't know if we can get very far like this."
Level 3 - (4/30) EXP
Location - Peach's Castle: Interior, Throne Room
Word Count: 240

@Archmage MC

Din screamed as she witnessed Gaige get splattered on the floor of the throne room, and again when Zer0 was torn in half. She wasn't a hero nor even an adventurer. She was a dancer with a traveling performance troupe, and the most danger she had been in was being kidnapped for her Oracle powers. Though she could defend herself decently enough, she had never been exposed to the horrors of combat, and all their fighting up to this point had been against machines or comical enemies who 'poofed' upon death. The humanoid ones, more or less, had been rescued by Friend Hearts. Din was so shocked that she failed to dodge the shockwave from when Megadragonbowser punched the ground, the force knocking her violently to the ground. She had taken some damage, but she was able to stand, only to notice a sharp pain in her elbow. Being a dancer, and a bit of a gymnast, she knew she had a broken arm. Holding her arm, she quickly limped over to Blazermate, but instead of asking for herself, she said, "Please! C-can you heal the...girl with the machine, or... the man with the sword?" She knew her own dancing could heal light wounds, but what had happened to Gaige and Zer0 was far beyond her abilities. Din hoped that Blazermate, whose healing seemed much more potent, could do something. Din didn't even know their names, and now they were...
How OP reacted:

Eileen is waiting for something 'bigger' to happen, so might not get involved in the fire for now.
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