Latest 100 Statuses

Cybersentry 11 min ago
Watching Deadpool, replies later

Vampiretwilight 43 min ago
I'm debating about bringing back an old arranged marriage rp idea, where a princess had to marry a king/prince that had beaten them in a war. but i am not sure yet.

Vampiretwilight 2 hrs ago

Archazen 3 hrs ago
Sat here waiting for replies on several things and just.. AGH, I want more RP!
1 like: shylarah
Gareth 4 hrs ago
Everyone who is at a bump in the road just know we're all here to support you and there's always good things just around the corner.
3 likes: The Raven Calls, RoadkilBanana, Archazen
Crimson Flame 6 hrs ago
And I’m an unemployed person again. 😔
1 like: Gareth
Flamefeather 9 hrs ago
Watching YT. Feel free to chat with me!

wheels 16 hrs ago
In the hospital will reply when I can
1 like: Gareth
Donut Look Now 18 hrs ago
🎶Someday I’m gonna be dead, So dead, Time to get out of my head, And worry just a little bit less 🎶

SporkoBug 19 hrs ago
Life has decided to be an ass again, please give me time.
5 likes: RBYDark, Gareth, Loksfjoer, AngelBites15, Lexisheeps
Flamefeather 20 hrs ago
I'm probably still watching YT, but I'm logging off for the night. Sweet dreams, darlings!
1 like: Gareth
GalaxiesWaiting 21 hrs ago
Heading to bed yet again, Good Night my friends :)

GubGar 21 hrs ago
deeply upset that I am now imagining Peter Griffin's hypothetical moveset
4 likes: Psyker Landshark, Wayward, rabidbacon, RoadkilBanana
RoadkilBanana 21 hrs ago
Wow, this is better than the time I entered the World Warrior Tournament! *insert peter griffin fighting a street fighter character*
1 like: GubGar
Flamefeather 22 hrs ago
I'm watching YT

RoadkilBanana 22 hrs ago
Just don't drink too much and have a good weekend ;D

Cleveraptor 1 day ago
It's been one of those days at work where I had to bite my tongue to keep from saying something that would get me written up. I need a fucking drink.
4 likes: Guardian Angel Haruki, Kalas, RoadkilBanana, RevekaRed
Zoie Hart 1 day ago
Another circle around the sun. Time for the beach.
1 like: Vixere
Urizen 1 day ago
New GM Approach, share the ability to review OC apps with your members, saves time if neither you or Co-GMs are around, for that to work, either me or a Co-GM can do the review with said member.
1 like: Wayward
Lildear18 1 day ago
Replies should be more normal now.
2 likes: deegee, Ojiro Mashirao
Ojiro Mashirao 1 day ago
It's a character from Mha Bud ^^;

RickyG85 1 day ago
what's a kaminari?
1 like: Ojiro Mashirao
SammyMcWhammy 1 day ago
I leant a woman my umbrella earlier, so the amount of women I've made wet this year is -1
6 likes: Shin Ghost Note, Gareth, Kalas, POOHEAD189, RickyG85, Ojiro Mashirao
Ojiro Mashirao 1 day ago
Are there any Kaminari's here?

imia 1 day ago…
1 like: Ojiro Mashirao
RoadkilBanana 1 day ago
Because people jump to conclusions most of the time
3 likes: SammyMcWhammy, Lexisheeps, Ojiro Mashirao
SammyMcWhammy 1 day ago
why the fuck do people assume softboys means you can feminise them
2 likes: Lexisheeps, Ojiro Mashirao
BunniesOfDoom 1 day ago
I think if we get one more person invested, I'll get the ball rolling.…

rabidbacon 1 day ago
Sorely tempted to pitch ideas.
3 likes: Yankee, Lexisheeps, Ojiro Mashirao
Ojiro Mashirao 1 day ago
"Name a Yellow fruit"

RoadkilBanana 1 day ago
Or the alternate route "You will marry me."
1 like: Ojiro Mashirao
RoadkilBanana 1 day ago
What about "Marry me, will you?"
2 likes: Lexisheeps, Ojiro Mashirao
Lexisheeps 1 day ago
"Will you marry me?" marriage proposal "Will, You, Mary, Me." foursome proposal "Will, you marry me." Doctor Who "Will you, Mary me." a cavewoman and Will has amnesia
5 likes: rabidbacon, Talvinter, RoadkilBanana, imia, Ojiro Mashirao
AwesomeZero5 1 day ago
Lately been having a growing interest in a MMO Isekai roleplay. Although, don't particularly want to set stuff up alone. Feel free to poke about it, or pitch something ye may have in mind!
3 likes: Kalas, Ojiro Mashirao, Archazen
Talvinter 1 day ago
I’m setting up my first ever interest check, this is gonna be awful.
6 likes: SammyMcWhammy, Vixere, Lexisheeps, RoadkilBanana, Ojiro Mashirao, Archazen
Cleveraptor 1 day ago
I have a distinct need to listen to excessively 80's rock/metal music right now.
6 likes: Zoie Hart, SammyMcWhammy, Lexisheeps, RoadkilBanana, Ojiro Mashirao, Archazen
SammyMcWhammy 1 day ago
I kinda want to do a soft, fluffy soft boy x ??? romance. Like my sweet boys wanna be loved and share love.
3 likes: Vixere, Lexisheeps, Ojiro Mashirao
Ojiro Mashirao 1 day ago
after drowning myself in a hot bath (not literally) I think things are going better ^^
2 likes: GalaxiesWaiting, Archazen
Archazen 1 day ago
In the heart of the Blackwood Forest, he stands sentinel. The moon, a silver scythe, carves arcs across the battlefield strewn with the fallen. Their memories echo—a symphony of valour and sacrifice.
2 likes: Lexisheeps, Ojiro Mashirao
Lighthouse 2 days ago
BEHOLD, for I said behold! That's the point of the word behold, so you behold at the demand of the behold. So... behold!
6 likes: Wayward, Three Steps Far, Lexisheeps, BunniesOfDoom, RevekaRed, Ojiro Mashirao
Sadie 2 days ago
Looking to do some one on ones. Message me on here or discord with any ideas!
3 likes: AwesomeZero5, SammyMcWhammy, Ojiro Mashirao
Sadie 2 days ago
Looking to do some one on ones. Message me on here or discord with any ideas!

GalaxiesWaiting 2 days ago
Heading to bed for the night, I have pretty much the whole day tomorrow so I hope to get lots done!
1 like: Ojiro Mashirao
Ojiro Mashirao 2 days ago
I need help.. like someone to talk to... I can't take it anymore, the memories are hurting so much and I don't know what to do..

RoadkilBanana 2 days ago
Have you ever played a character in a fighting game that you wish you didn't like?
1 like: imia
Lildear18 2 days ago
Replies will be a little slower/off schedule tomorrow. Therapy days and a busy morning!

Cleveraptor 2 days ago
>be me >change username on another site >post status letting people know who I am >only comment is "lol ur name sucks" 😐
3 likes: Gareth, Star Cat, Lexisheeps
RoadkilBanana 2 days ago
Financial decisions sure are fun! (i spent 34 dollars on street fighter 4)
3 likes: Crimson Flame, Gareth, Ojiro Mashirao
Ojiro Mashirao 2 days ago
Nah, just chillin... *devious grin* Totally not spying, hehe (jk)

Gareth 2 days ago
You don't persay owe me money. But if you have money to spare I won't say no. ;)
1 like: Ojiro Mashirao
Gareth 2 days ago
Please like if you hate heatwaves.
5 likes: Vixere, Star Cat, GalaxiesWaiting, RoadkilBanana, Ojiro Mashirao
Ojiro Mashirao 2 days ago
bruh- I'm chatting with a bot... and it says "Nope! No Bots here!".... what the heck...

Vixere 2 days ago
The name "rabidbacon" honestly made my afternoon.
6 likes: Gareth, The Savant, Cleveraptor, RoadkilBanana, RevekaRed, Ojiro Mashirao
Ojiro Mashirao 2 days ago
HAHA!! Open to Character x Y/n and Character x Character One-shots now! Short stories in business!! (as long as I know the character or fandom)

BunniesOfDoom 2 days ago
Not the website. The town I live in...
1 like: Ojiro Mashirao
RoadkilBanana 2 days ago
This isn't a town, it's more of an asylum.
2 likes: shylarah, SammyMcWhammy
BunniesOfDoom 2 days ago
I'm done with this town. So very much done with it all
1 like: SammyMcWhammy
Vampiretwilight 2 days ago…
1 like: Ojiro Mashirao
Ojiro Mashirao 2 days ago
hey uh.. sorry if I was spamming. Something mental i'm working on. um. how is everyone?
4 likes: Kalas, Yankee, Lexisheeps, RoadkilBanana
Cleveraptor 2 days ago
Dear journal: today I learned that a power metal band actually did a cover of Spaceballs.…
2 likes: Lexisheeps, Ojiro Mashirao
rabidbacon 2 days ago
It's been a while, hasn't it?
2 likes: Gareth, Ojiro Mashirao
RoadkilBanana 2 days ago
Hey, at least it's not over the top annoying spam. I think they're also new here and don't really know...
1 like: Ojiro Mashirao
Star Cat 2 days ago
Who's letting all these summerkids on here
6 likes: MurderVictim, Psyker Landshark, Gareth, Zeroth, SammyMcWhammy, blindwoofer
Vampiretwilight 2 days ago
1 like: SammyMcWhammy
SammyMcWhammy 2 days ago
You can draw a "Not post 30 statuses in a row" sketch.
10 likes: Lord Wraith, Psyker Landshark, vietmyke, Kalas, Zeroth, Vixere, Qia, Star Cat, Lexisheeps, RevekaRed
Lexisheeps 2 days ago
It's okay to want attention sometimes, but spam is gross.
7 likes: Psyker Landshark, Kalas, Zeroth, SammyMcWhammy, Vixere, Qia, Star Cat
Ojiro Mashirao 2 days ago
Does anyone have any Ideas on what to draw??? Preferable a type of animal or dinosaur, but idk. I'm typically better at feathered, fluffy things though.. idk, i'm bored as hell...

Archazen 2 days ago
Beneath the moon’s veiled gaze, I stride—a blade forged in the crucible of forgotten wars. My armor bears the weight of oaths sworn on blood-soaked altars, and his eyes pierce the darkness.
3 likes: evi, Lexisheeps, Ojiro Mashirao
Qia 2 days ago
Stop spamming you spammy spammer!! >:|
8 likes: Lord Wraith, Psyker Landshark, Kalas, Zeroth, The Savant, PrinceAlexus, Lexisheeps, Ojiro Mashirao
Ojiro Mashirao 2 days ago

SammyMcWhammy 3 days ago
I need coffee.
2 likes: The Raven Calls, Ojiro Mashirao
Ojiro Mashirao 3 days ago
How the heck do you make character bio's on this thing!?... being new sucks...
1 like: Archazen
Ojiro Mashirao 3 days ago
Hi TwT anyone up for some Mha? I use oc and a character you select so yeah
1 like: Archazen
The Raven Calls 3 days ago
I have lived without regrets and will continue to do so. Life is far too short to hold onto hate, losing my dad and birthday buddy before he could turn 43 showed me that. I miss you Dad
7 likes: Gareth, Expllo, Kalas, POOHEAD189, IAmAugustReign, RoadkilBanana, Ojiro Mashirao
The Raven Calls 3 days ago
I miss those I have cherished, even if only for a short time, mourn connections lost too soon, and ultimately will choose forgiveness every time. On the edge of turning 25 I look back on my life...
4 likes: POOHEAD189, IAmAugustReign, RoadkilBanana, Ojiro Mashirao
The Raven Calls 3 days ago
Sometimes I look back on my life and wonder how so much can happen in so little time. It's always late at night I revisit old memories, old friends, old loss and it's aftermath.
4 likes: POOHEAD189, IAmAugustReign, RoadkilBanana, Ojiro Mashirao
GalaxiesWaiting 3 days ago
Excited to actually start fully rping again! Wish me luck :)
3 likes: IAmAugustReign, Cybersentry, Ojiro Mashirao
RisingRobin 3 days ago
Back after a brief Sabbatical. Testing a new idea here:…

Vampiretwilight 3 days ago
1 like: Ojiro Mashirao
SporkoBug 3 days ago
I have ideas. I need to make 550 money quickly. Furry art may be the only way...
3 likes: RBYDark, RestlessBlue, Lexisheeps
RoadkilBanana 3 days ago
Updated my bio with some semi-important information, if anyone cares. :P

Terry 3 days ago
Becoming better day by day

The Grey Dust 3 days ago
Yes, it's a male elf, I know he looks like a feminine girl with svelte curves and beauty. Yes that's a female dwarf, I know she looks like a boy with the full braided beard and bulging muscles.
10 likes: RBYDark, shylarah, Majoraa, BrokenPromise, Vixere, Lexisheeps, Cleveraptor, Donut Look Now, RoadkilBanana, RevekaRed
Cleveraptor 3 days ago
Idea for a forbidden romance fantasy story: an elf and a dwarf adventuring together fall in love. Except it's handled better than that crappy subplot in The Hobbit trilogy.
3 likes: POOHEAD189, RevekaRed, Cybersentry
Cao the Exiled 3 days ago

Xaltwind 3 days ago
Wish someone would tell me to just hut up and take THEIR money... Y'know, instead of them telling me to shut up and taking MY money...
1 like: SammyMcWhammy
Cybersentry 3 days ago
Got a new headset for my podcast and I am in love with the sound quality
1 like: IAmAugustReign
Star Cat 3 days ago
Praise be to Cappy.

Three Steps Far 3 days ago
Apologies to everyone I'm writing with! My job is making it very hard to find as much free time as I'd like. I'll post when I can!
3 likes: Guardian Angel Haruki, shylarah, Vertigo
Anime_Freak 3 days ago
I may return to roleplaying one day. My life has been in shambles for the past maybe 3 years, and my creative bone has withered away... I miss all of you that I really loved to write with 😔
5 likes: Kalas, SammyMcWhammy, Vixere, Vertigo, RoadkilBanana
RoadkilBanana 4 days ago… dig on this

SammyMcWhammy 4 days ago
if life gives you melons, you're dyslexic.
5 likes: Crimson Flame, Kalas, Three Steps Far, The Grey Dust, shylarah
Tyler Night 4 days ago
I really should try setting up another Digimon group RP again. Been a long time.
3 likes: Crimson Flame, Shin Ghost Note, SammyMcWhammy
Letter Bee 4 days ago
My Shin Megami Tensei/Pokemon/Digimon Crossover RP is still seeking new Co-GMs and Players.

Lighthouse 4 days ago
Gummy sharks are peak gummy evolution. Proven fact.

wheels 4 days ago
tired and annoyed. that one person want me to act mature and adult one way but won't treat me like adult another way and use my disablity to their advantage #motherwarden
7 likes: Crimson Flame, Shin Ghost Note, Mole, Cleveraptor, Donut Look Now, RoadkilBanana, FunnierPrez
RoadkilBanana 4 days ago
Cleaning bathrooms isn't too bad, just annoying at most times.
1 like: Mole
Donut Look Now 4 days ago
I tried that with my roommate - stopped using and cleaning the bathroom he does. Three months later and I finally gave up and swept all the trash on the floor up myself. 🙃

Cleveraptor 4 days ago
My level of passive-aggressiveness: I got tired of my housemates not replacing the toilet paper rolls in the bathroom, so I left the whole bag of TP sitting on the toilet lid to send a message.
6 likes: Kalas, nachonacho, GubGar, SammyMcWhammy, Lexisheeps, Donut Look Now
Lighthouse 4 days ago
If you want me to hit you less, die sooner. - Trundle
4 likes: Kalas, SammyMcWhammy, Lexisheeps, BunniesOfDoom
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