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I've been working on being more emotionally open, and despite knowing the shit I'll get for it, I'll try it anyway and this is a good way to start. So in no particular order...

My Valentine's Day Peeps

@POOHEAD189 - My bestie, my shoulder to cry on, my confidant. I love you so much, you make me feel like I can do anything and I'm eternally grateful for your support through my darkest times. Thank you. and I'm still upset about that Aladdin teaser

@Obscene Symphony - Maybe someday this sadistic, masochistic dance of ours will cease and we can move onto healthier things, but for now, we can relish in our misery together. also my poor boy HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG

@Inkarnate - ur okay i guess you're more than okay you put up with all of my shit, thank you for that

@Altered Tundra - Nearly ten years of friendship and two sites' worth of roleplaying, here's to many, many more! I want to say more but I'm getting pretty emotional typing this up I'm so sorry you know I love you

It's thanks to you guys that I'm still around.

Despite her better judgment Lilie's nerves got the best of her, with the white haired girl making a rather speedy exit. Either Mariette wasn't able to nab her or she let her go willingly; either way, Lilie knew she needed to be alone. She managed to control herself long enough to close the door properly behind her as opposed to slamming it, releasing a breath she wasn't aware she was holding as she stayed in place. It was rude, and she was more than certain she would get reprimanded for it later, but for the moment, she needed an escape.

Dragging her feet to the bed, she let herself fall on it, letting out a whine muffled by the sheets. Her vampire was crazy. All these Eve vampires were crazy. And the one vampire she thought would be alright ditched her within the hour. Were all vampires like this? Why did she have to get assigned to a noble? But what did she know? She was uneducated, powerless, and nothing more than something for her vampire to feed on. Part of her wanted to think there was more to it than she knew, but another part wondered if maybe she was the problem.

Her hand absentmindedly pulled out Ike's note as she turned her face, her eyes staring at his writing. At least he didn't leave an omnious warning like Arianna did. “Associate with the common crowd, dearest Lilie," She had said. Maybe it was just advice; she was clearly out of her element, constantly messing up her own introductions and calling people by the wrong titles and abandoning her 'charge.' But she had no idea what she was doing! Maybe sticking with her own kind was for the best, at least with other humans she wouldn't have to worry about angering anyone. So long as she kept her head down, she was certain she could get through this.

Letting out a sigh, she let herself doze off despite knowing she should have at least changed clothes. The universe seemed to agree as well: some time later, her phone chimed at her. Grasping it, she half-expected another pop up, though her eyes widened as she realized it was a text from Aaron.

> Hey, sorry, I just got home. Also, weird. Where is ‘here’?

He was just getting home now? What in the world was he up to? As she was about to inquire on it, she realized that her own assumptions were slightly out of bounds. Being out all night was probably normal around here; she was the odd one used to accomplishing things during the day. Eventually she was going to have to get used to that somehow. Today had been a whirlwind, and she managed just fine, but she was going to have to make sure she didn't go passing out during class.

For now, however, she was going to let Aaron know what had happened. He was the perfect distraction from this mess of a day.

As Lilie yawned, she realized that she should probably get ready for bed. Making sure her phone was on her nightstand, she forced herself to get up, her legs protesting as she went into the bathroom. Pulling her clothes off, she rubbed her eyes before jumping into the shower, the warmth of the water nearly making her fall asleep standing/ She managed to clean herself without incident, and once done she pulled on her nightgown, rolling her now aching shoulder. Right, she had nearly forgotten about that. She figured she could sleep it off and be right as raining in the morning--evening. Man, this backwards schedule-thing was going to be such a struggle.

Getting comfortable in bed, she pulled out her diary as she jotted down her many, many thoughts, constantly looking at her phone. Aaron hadn't responded yet, and as much as she wanted to wait, she was slowly losing the battle with her sleepiness, her handwriting getting bubblier as she wrote. Once she finished writing, she was about to put it back when she remembered that Mariette had found it. Pausing for a moment, she shook her head. Now that she had expressed she didn't like it, she was sure the vampire wouldn't read it again.

She went ahead and put it back, making herself comfortable in bed before checking her phone. Still no response from Aaron. As much as she liked writing down her private thoughts, it had done wonders to relieve her stress and tension to talk to someone about it. Fortunately she was so tired that even her more negative thinking was quelled. She really did appreciate him listening, a small smile on her face as she mentally thanked him. Tapping her phone to her chin, she decided to send him one last message before she would go ahead and pass out.

> If you ever wanna talk or anything just let me know, okay? I have to keep my first friend close! :D

I will summarize on what I had said before, as many others have noted the topic was discussed prior, but it bears repeating.

The needlessly detailed, overly complicated, excessively specified character sheets are not so much creative as they are busywork; boxes with checks to be filled. The information contained in such things are less applicable, generally speaking, with each section added beyond those absolutely essential to the game's being. Unless the information may be relevant, why include it as a requirement? Just for the sake of people better defining their characters? Why not simply ask them to specify and elaborate, creating more of an overview? Moreover, why not simply emphasize that in game? So on and on it goes, it becomes another hoop to leap through, one that may even be blazing if these are hard requirements; miss the mark, likely be unable to play in the game at all.

In contrast, the concept of no character sheet is spectacularly trusting of a thread's owner, and more or less denies players too, the ability to get an idea of who a character is. It eliminates fact checking and functions solely on trust. Conceptually, one should ask themselves this, would they allow any number of randomly chosen players on the forum to just participate? It has its function in say, topics where the players know one another or have reputations that precede them, but otherwise? There is no vetting, no review, no reassurance. It no less affords an issue of trust that might be naively optimistic. It might be sincerely more organic and natural but that is not always a positive force. So too might such an absence create voids in continuity or details that are unclear, both of which can be rectified, but acquiring players who are all have a similar understanding of what is desired? Even more difficult than it regularly is, which is to say, more than it already need be.

Ultimately, the best stance on a character sheet is one that is purposeful. It has only what is required, removes any superfluous additions, and keeps some amount of mystery to the character. No small amount gripe about "personality" sections of a profile and how it might "spoil" the character because someone should only learn it in game, but it should be information that is generally observable or typical to the character. Why? Set aside a moment for one's own thoughts and think how to summarize another actual person's personality in a paragraph. A set of generalities, is it not? Does it include those finer details? No, but it almost assuredly hits the key notes without spoiling any of the finessed attributes. Even that has a defined purpose in most cases. Thus, as noted before, only what matters should be present, as in if the game is about subtleties and intrigue, it might be wiser to exclude it. For most, in contrast? Almost assuredly better to have it.

As a further addendum, I stand by the notion that a character sheet is a list of information to be reviewed by the master of the topic, a contract of sorts if you would, and what a character and player will be held to. A character, or even a player if as much happens to be the case, should be excluded if they do not meet those standards. A throw of the metaphorical dice on hoping they will abide by nebulous expectations known only by the creator is more often than not a death sentence. Affording a template and concept of the angle deflects some of that threat.

You call that a summary?!

Also going simple and leaving it to the player to make the CS/Character interesting as opposed to vice versa is ideal.

Even when he was trying to stay out of trouble, he always found himself getting into it, huh?

Apparently Lucas' carelessness resulted in...actually, he didn't know what. He almost thought he had accidentally spilled something, but he was pretty damn sure he drank that cup dry. Right? Shit, was he really that far gone already? No, no, he was fine, shit was just getting good. He totally made sure the cup was empty. But man, mixing drinks was such a rookie mistake, what was wrong with him?

As he finally brought himself out of his thoughts, he realized Chanel was looking at him rather expectantly. Son of a fuck, he had no idea what she had said. Not a single word had stuck, resulting in the chestnut haired boy simply staring back at the gorgeous girl. For a moment, he tried to think of something, anything to say that wouldn't give away his ignorance.

Or he could just be honest? What was the harm in that? "Can you, uh...try that whole thing again?" He asked Chanel slowly, slightly pulling back as he braced himself for a response.

What a shitshow.

Victoire had always known Nadia was a little--no, she was one hundred percent ingenue, somehow always believing people to be decent. The moment she had found out she had, for God knew whatever reason, actually accepted a date from Kavi, Victoire had warned her things wouldn't end well. That asshole only had it out for himself, and lo and behold, she was right. She watched Nadia's confusion as Kavi spoke, though Vic had to admit that Kavi was just begging for someone to punch him in the face. Maybe that's why he was trained in martial arts, so at least people would think twice before actually doing it.

It was harsh, but everyone had to learn somehow. Just sucked she had to find out that way. Victoire rubbed her temples, letting out a sigh. "Fucking hell, I need an aspirin," She told Mara, shaking her head. "Leave the shithead alone, it's not even worth it."

Meanwhile, Nadia felt the tears prick at the corners of her eyes, and despite the anger bubbling, she felt like she didn't need to justify herself. Fine. If he didn't care, then she shouldn't have to, either. Obviously they hadn't been on the same page. She shook her head at him, clearly hurt and disappointed, and she turned towards a student walking past him. Grabbing his drink, she acted on pure impulse and threw it into Kavi's face, tossing the cup to the floor and stomping off.

Freindly suggestion.

You been active 3 weeks and not even got off the starting blocks.

Strike while iron is hot not needing reheating in the forge.

If your gonna do, do it.

And are you aware of all the planning happening behind the scenes? Have you been collaborating with other RPers in terms of plot and character development? When you are laying out the groundwork and want quality, it takes time, especially with something of this size. It isn't a single RP with one GM and maybe five plus players, you know.
If KH3 is a disappointment I'd hate to know what isn't. KH3 is pretty on par for the series and slots in at second over all.

Tbh, my gripe is mainly plot-related, and I guess that's sorta unfair especially since it's technically minor, but I really find it glaring and hard to forgive. Purely personal, it disappointed me but I'm another schmuck throwing money at it and whatever sequels come out anyway so it is what it is.

resident evil 2 is fucking NUTS

granted i'm not a big horror person but it's like... i was both scared and not scared? i'm about two hours into leon's campaign so i don't know what's in store, but so far i've had some pretty good scares.

gameplay is the most polished it's been in the entire series. the guns feel amazing, yet peashooty. the zombies are very menacing, don't even get me started on the dogs and lickers. you actually have to make a decision as to whether or not you wanna fight the zombies. the fact that zombies are NOT a one shot, two shot, three shot, four shot, or even five shot kill every time has you spending more time thinking about your fight or flight response. it doesn't really make sense that a shotgun blast to the face or three bullets to the brain won't take out a zombie but i guess that just makes things more tense?

graphics? gorgeous. fantastic. the gore is fan-fucking-tastic. i love watching the flesh be chipped away from the zombies as i try to kill them. optimization is great, too! i maxed the game out and i still got about 60-80 FPS and my rig isn't exactly the best rig out there.

i'll follow this up once i completely finish both leon and claire's campaigns.

Good to hear it's delivered (so far), I need something after KH3's disappointment.

Lilie decided that she was not going to be understanding Mariette anytime soon.

The countess spoke of trust--something the pair were sorely lacking. Lilie didn't know what to say or how to respond, feeling like her words contradicted what she said earlier. They didn't have to get along, but now she wanted them to? Which was it? Did she want them to get along or not? The uncertainty was starting to frustrate the white haired girl, albeit it was fueled by her dwindling energy. The comment on asking for a transfer was mighty tempting, though. No denying that. But she couldn't help but feel like that was yet another thinly-veiled threat.

Did what she say actually affect the vampire? Lilie was entirely confused, although there was little time to decipher Mariette's actions as she would approach Lilie with bloody, tear-stained cheeks. The image itself brought back her fear, unsettling Lilie greatly as she uncrossed her arms. Out of instinct she backed up, only to be reminded of the wall once again. Mariette seemed pleased? Or upset? Annoyed? Whatever she was, the sight of blood made Lilie nervous, losing some of her confidence as the vampire got close to her once again.

Who knew seeing blood from a blood-sucking creature was so disturbing?

"Don't--It's fine," Lilie outright lied, raising her hands to prevent Mariette from getting closer. "I'm sorry. If it's okay, I'm just going to bed."

Never in her life had she ever been so glad to be inside again. Letting out a sigh of relief, Lilie made sure to leave her shoes at the entrance, her exhaustion creeping up on her. Sleep. She needed sleep. Her body was yelling at her to go to bed, hands rubbing her eyes as she stifled a yawn. She felt stressed out, as if the evening's events were just slowly piling on. Seeing the princess and all the guards up close had shot her nerves, and she was just glad nothing went down.

Until Mariette came, that is.

Lilie wasn't quite expecting the vampire to reprimand her. Her words ended up affecting the girl a lot more than she wanted to admit. 'Subpar'--what was that supposed to mean? She didn't ask for any of this, she didn't ask to be paired up with a noble! How was she supposed to know what was right and wrong? The princess had said to leave. What, was Mariette actually planning on staying? Was she actually crazy? If Mariette wanted to get herself killed, then that was on her. Lilie didn't want to go out there in the first place! So what, she was supposed to follow her crazy vampire's orders from her insane family? No wonder Mariette didn't expect Lilie to like her, at least that much made sense.

The cherry on top of the entire experience was the single tear rolling down Mariette's cheek. At first, Lilie assumed she had finally snapped and was going crazy. It looked like blood, albeit the color seemed darker. But it was definitely blood, no water like how humans had, and a stark contrast to Mariette's porcelain skin. The sight probably shouldn't have come off as much, but it was rather jarring to see first hand, especially as the vampire didn't even flinch. Why would she? Vampires crying blood must have been something typical that Lilie didn't know about. It was creepy, a visual reminder of how different their races were.

Lilie took a step back away from Mariette, trying to compose herself once again until she unintentionally hit the wall. An overreaction, probably, but she was freaked out. "I'm sorry, I didn't know," She managed to mumble out an apology, forcing herself to say something, lest she get reprimanded for getting scared, too. "But I'm not exactly a full-fledged mage, either. I didn't have my weapon, I don't know any magic, and my affinity--" She cut herself off, visibly annoyed as she shook her head. Now that she was actually saying it out loud, she realized she had some traction, speaking with more confidence. "If you wanted a confrontation with royalty, it would have ended badly, anyway, unless you wanted to use me as a human shield."

Despite being dismissed, Lilie stayed put, crossing her arms as she stared at Mariette. "You wanted me to be honest with you, so there it is," She informed her.

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