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starting off 2022 with COVID LESSGOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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Whoever says "the customer is always right" has not worked with atual customers.


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>Battled out a cold and can finally breathe again
I regret everything

@NuttsnBolts or @POOHEAD189, can we shut this thing down?

You were brave enough to ask, sadly the thread proves precisely why we can't all be friends. Differences of opinions, egos, hiding behind a screen, anonymity...It could be one thing, it could be multiple things, but honestly, I almost feel like that's why cliques exist. If you find a nice group of people that you vibe with well, you avoid that stuff for the most part and you generally stick with them. I don't think it's too far fetched to think maybe someday people can put their petty differences aside. But right now? I just don't think this community is there just yet. I'm hopeful I can be proven wrong.
<Snipped quote by Hero>
I mean, did you expect everyone to get along? Especially on a topic about getting along?

In all fairness, I wasn't expecting it this quickly.
Here I was, preparing a response, and what happens? A bonafide example of why we all can't get along. Bravo, gentleman, bravo.

The nonsensical tone that rang from her phone didn't sound like her ringtone or her alarm. As she slowly opened her eyes, she could see that the screen was different, too. As she stifled a yawn, she grabbed her phone, blinking a few times in the brightness of it as her eyes adjusted. The screen showed that it was a Skype call, the picture of a scowling chestnut haired young man who seemed to be yelling at what appeared to be a bird on a windowsill pecking at some baked goods that had been there.

Eyes widening, Lilie picked up immediately, and after a second of the call connecting, she could see the young man in person, considerably less grumpy. He looked like he was driving, eyes focused on the road, though he threw her a glance.

“Good morning,” He greeted her. “Are you still in bed?”

Lilie could have cried right there and then, but her happiness took a hold of her first. “Good morning, Ren!” She returned his greeting enthusiastically, immediately sitting up. She couldn't believe she was actually getting to talk to her brother right now, her attempt at trying to get her sleep schedule in place having always just missed him whenever she had a chance. At his latter comment she stole a glance at the time, surprised it was only eleven in the morning. She felt like she had been asleep for much longer. “Yeah, I'm trying to get used to the reverse cycle sort of thing, I'm supposed to be staying up all night and sleeping during the day.”

He nodded in understanding, fingers tapping the steering wheel. “I meant to call you sooner, but I thought you'd still be figuring stuff out, I didn't want to add to that,” He said, hands turning the wheel.

“It's going to take me more than a couple of days to figure anything out,” She admitted as she leaned against the headboard, freely admitting her frustration. “I already got reprimanded.”

As she ended the call, Lilie let out a breath she wasn't aware she was holding. Everything she had been holding back seemed to sneak up on her all at once. Ren had seen right through her without her having to admit how alone she felt right now, how lost and confused she was. But she couldn't admit it to him, knowing he had his schooling and the family business to deal with. Any issues that would arise would have to be dealt with on her own.

Part of her felt trapped, knowing that this was going to be her life going forward. There was no going back to how things used to be, the only thing she had to look forward to was being with an eccentric vampire for the rest of her life. It was a suffocating thought, and one that caused her great distress anytime it came to mind. But she also felt alone with that sense of dread; seeing her future classmates and texting Aaron told her that all of this was normalcy with them, that this was to be expected. No one was freaking out or worrying like she was, everyone was taking things with stride, falling in line as they should be, as she needed to be. She just needed to get her head in that mindset, too, no matter how scared she was.

Looking at her phone, part of her had wished she had been able to speak to Aaron about some of her thoughts. But it was probably too personal to indulge so much to someone you had just met, right? He might think she was weird, and she was desperate for human friends. The very last thing she wanted was to alienate him, and he actually texted her back, so she wanted to think that he wanted to get along with her, too, so no use in ruining a good thing.

Making herself comfortable, she found herself thinking about what her brother said about making friends. Hopefully Salem wouldn't be too upset with her, she could find him tomorrow and apologize properly, and she could try to make friends with Cassandra, too. She still wasn't sure what she was going to do about any vampires, her experience from them soured already. Mariette was a complete mystery, she needed to decide how she was going to handle living with her.

"However, one day I will be taking you away from everything and everyone that you know, back to my manor. You'll be allowed to visit your family and friends, but you'll always have to come back to me."

That terrible dread threatened to creep up on her again, causing Lilie to huff as she shook her head. The countess was giving herself too much credit; Lilie had already been taken away from her old life, everything going forward didn't mean anything to her. Not yet, anyway. Taking in a deep breath, she made herself comfortable as she closed her eyes.If she was going to lose it on the third day, then she was just pathetic. Everything was just going to take some getting used to, that's all.

Despite going back to bed within the hour, Lilie ended up getting out of bed at around two in the afternoon. She genuinely tried to sleep more, but her body refused. It didn't seem like staying asleep was an option, and though she was aware Mariette would still be asleep, she found herself getting bored in her room. Quietly putting herself in the kitchen, her hungry stomach was telling her to make herself something to eat, though she was distracted by how nice the kitchen was. Everything about this place was so fancy, even the cookware was high quality.

She ended up cooking herself a late breakfast (or would it be lunch at this point?) with whatever she found in the fridge, cleaning everything shortly afterwards and putting everything back before realizing that she didn't know what to do with herself for the rest of the day. If yesterday was any indication, then classes wouldn't start until late evening.

Oh boy.

After doing everything she could possibly think of, Lilie ended up sitting outside, watching the forest move with the wind as the sun started to set on the horizon. It was a beautiful view and the sun felt nice; she had no idea why she felt like it had been forever since she had felt it on her skin. Despite knowing sitting on the wall was probably inappropriate, she figured as long as she wasn't seen, she would be fine. She had shot Aaron a quick text to see if he was awake, but being up during the day seemed to be out of the ordinary. It was so strange to see a place so empty during daylight, but she supposed she needed to get used to it.

Now was as good a time as ever to decide what she was going to do about Mariette. Ignoring her probably wasn't an option, but interacting with her seemed like it was going to be difficult. Maybe she could request a new partner. Placing her head on her hands, she let out a groan. Maybe she could just run away somewhere and go into hiding or something. Running her hands over her face, Lilie's mind was abuzz with trying to figure out how to handle the vampire. She needed some advice. Eyeing her phone, she wondered what Aaron and Salem would do in this situation. Maybe they got along better with their vampires better than she did. Or at least, they would have a better idea than she did.

Mara's words were music to Victoire's ears, all too happy to get the fuck out of here. The night was a complete disaster, no one was happy, the dating arrangements just served to piss everyone off, and of course, nothing of importance happened. Following the blonde's lead, she only looked to see Kavi go berserk on his way out, rolling her eyes. Yeah, she wasn't going to stick around to deal with that, the staff could go ahead and handle it. Either she'd just go home and go to bed or spend the rest of her night bashing her head against the wall in an effort to knock herself out until tomorrow.

As she trailed behind Mara and considered the third option of crashing at her place, she was stumbled into. As she fully prepared to unleash her misaimed wrath on the poor soul, she wasn't the least surprised to find her own brother had been the culprit. Before she could properly chew him out, she was hit with the scent of alcohol.

"Vic, take me home," He grumbled at her, and she noticed a rather bright, red spot on his cheek. Likely someone above him who had rightfully put him in his place.

"Oh no, no, no," Victoire immediately shut down the idea, shaking her finger before pointing it at him. "You're just going to hit on Mara the whole time and say dumb crap, and believe me, I am beyond my stupidity tolerance for the rest of the weekend."

Lucas threw his head back, exhaling a whine. "Come on, Vic, there's no way I'll make it home like this. What if I get into a crash and die? You want that on your conscience?"

"So you are shit faced," She didn't think it was possible for her to be even more disappointed, but there he was, proving her wrong. "So much for 'I know my limits'."

"You know, for once, I actually don't know how it happened," Lucas mumbled, shaking his head in an attempt to clear his head. "But um...please take me home."

"Nope. You got yourself into this mess, get yourself out of it. Goodbye and good night," She dismissed him, pushing past him as he grumbled something about his 'boy' and staggering off in another direction. Paying no mind to him, she instead caught up with Mara and sighed. Stupid dance.

Toxic behavior is ubiquitous; the difference between having it in a Discord server versus an OOC is the rate at which it happens.
I've been working on being more emotionally open, and despite knowing the shit I'll get for it, I'll try it anyway and this is a good way to start. So in no particular order...

My Valentine's Day Peeps

@POOHEAD189 - My bestie, my shoulder to cry on, my confidant. I love you so much, you make me feel like I can do anything and I'm eternally grateful for your support through my darkest times. Thank you. and I'm still upset about that Aladdin teaser

@Obscene Symphony - Maybe someday this sadistic, masochistic dance of ours will cease and we can move onto healthier things, but for now, we can relish in our misery together. also my poor boy HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG

@Inkarnate - ur okay i guess you're more than okay you put up with all of my shit, thank you for that

@Altered Tundra - Nearly ten years of friendship and two sites' worth of roleplaying, here's to many, many more! I want to say more but I'm getting pretty emotional typing this up I'm so sorry you know I love you

It's thanks to you guys that I'm still around.
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